Week 4/08-4/14

43 4 2

Writer: RainbowDashLoyalty
        This morning, the three of us met up before school started. We put our things away and found a quiet table in the corner of the library to practice our powers. So far, it has been confirmed that Rachael has a heat power and I have aqumelidkinesis (changing color and flavor of water)!

        After going to our first classes, we attempted to use our powers outside of the classroom by envisioning each other's water bottles or those of our unsuspecting classmates. Chrissy focused on a girl in her class, and the water turned a pale purple while the bottle started shaking. The girl was too busy on her phone to notice, but we all got a good laugh out of that. It is undetermined whether the water or the bottle itself was shaking, so we will have to keep an eye on that. The end of class was rather ironic, since everyone stood up to wait for the bell (I don't know why the teachers allow that). I was just sitting at my desk and staring at my water bottle to the point of where I barely even heard the bell ring! The teacher kinda stared at me.... oh well. Chrissy also broke an exit light somehow when a kid was being stupid, like usual. Hopefully the mechanics can fix it? (Update as of 180412... they still haven't.)

        As for side effects... we've all been craving salty foods and water. Rachael wants cooked fish. We also feel an urge to swim, even though it's super cold here right now (about 30°F, though it's been colder the last few days).

        We met up again after school, which was a total blast! We went back to the library and snuck in some goldfish. Hiding it from the teachers was pretty funny since Chrissy smacked a bag off of the table and it kinda flew several feet away... they didn't notice. We also kept bursting out laughing every five seconds, annoying a group next to us, but eh. They could've moved and we were trying to be quiet, it just didn't really happen. After the library closed, we spent some time hanging out in the art hallway and attempted practicing our powers. Occasionally someone would walk by and we would snap back from the water bottle like nothing was going on. They just looked at us like we were weird, but that's probably accurate.

        Today was SAT testing at our school district. While I was glad that you weren't allowed to drink water (no worry of spills)... there was no water. I was dying of thirst like a fish on the beach and I couldn't do anything about it! Since there was also a rule against eating, I was craving salt. It also astounded me just how many kids stayed seated for the entire break time, don't you get sore after a while? Rachael and I met up before it started where she reminded me to bring an ID... which I had left at home. Oops. Luckily, Chrissy brought it on her way to school, so that saved me. We've gotta have each others' backs!

        Once the school day was over, we walked over to Dunkin' Donuts, then across the street to a little church and sat in the grass. It was a cold day, but we were there for about 2-3 hours. For some reason, whenever we would try to stand up it was like we were drunk or something. Hahaha, I'm pretty sure some people nearby thought that! We just couldn't walk properly since our legs were mostly asleep and ended up stumbling around, though I have no idea why... it was hilarious either way! Eventually, we walked to Subway and got a three-pack of cookies since it was getting too cold out, and then had to leave about twenty minutes later.

Rachael and I met up before school and headed to the library, where one of her friends joined us. While that did mean no power practice, Rachael was able to work on a friendship bracelet for a long-known friend.... as I am typing this, one of my classmates is repetitively banging his shoes on the ground and it is rather annoying. The teacher isn't saying much :/

I had an odd experience in the bathroom today, though I'm not sure if it means anything. When I was drying my hands, I noticed that there was very little air pressure and it burned a cut that I have on my finger. When the dryer turned off and back on, it was different. There was much stronger air pressure (my hands dried in a matter of seconds!) and the air was no longer too hot. I have no idea whether that was my doing or not, but it was nice to get out of there quicker.

The three of us did not get together after school because Chrissy and I had vocal auditions for some fine arts programs at our school. Come to think of it, we didn't talk much at all other than discussing possible sleepover opportunities, which sadly failed. The idea, situation would be to have one at the end of this month (April 29th) because there is a full moon. Unfortunately, that also happens to be a school night and, while we are within walking distance, I doubt our parents will let us. If anything works out, more info will be in other updates!

        These two days have been super busy, we haven't been able to meet up as a group at all! Later today (4/13) it is supposed to storm here. Unfortunately, that's also when Chrissy and I are walking home from school after a CNA review. Hopefully the rain can hold off a little bit longer? Ahhh... it's been a long week though, I'm glad it's Friday.

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