Chapter 6-It all comes crashing down

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Chapter 6- It all comes crashing down

“Cerulean or cobalt?” I nervously asked Kim and Rachel, practically shoving the two dresses in her face. I had been trying to find the perfect dress to go with the occasion- the occasion being my mother’s birthday; the same occasion also being the day I introduce Alex to my parents.

I waited expectantly for some sort of acceptance of one of the dresses from my friends, completely disregarding the dry looks they both had on their faces. “You guys, come on, I really need your help here,” I pleaded

“You need our help on which shade of blue to go with? Seriously?” Rachel responded looking bored

“Uh, Yes?” I replied skeptically.

“Well,” Kim dragged on, “You want my opinion?” she asked, standing up and placing her hands on her hips.

“Obviously! Yes!” I was frustrated at this point.

“Well then, I think you shouldn’t introduce him to your parents.” Kim shrugged

I gave her a dry look before turning to Rachel. “The options were cobalt or cerulean Kim,” I chuckled. “Alright then. Rachel?” I suggestively shook the two dresses in front of her with a wide grin on my face.

“Honestly Em, I’m with Kim on this one.” She looked at me apologetically.

I dumped the two dresses on my bed and stormed out of my room. I was beyond furious. All I asked for was support; I really just wanted them to be happy for me. I wanted them to want happiness for me-happiness like they had- but instead all they had done was criticize my choices and make me feel pathetic.

I walked straight to the window in the guest room-the view was simply amazing. I could feel my body relaxing as I stared at the city lights. I marveled at how the streets seemed to gradually fall asleep as the throng of people in the mornings had turned to a random person or two here and there.

I turned around as soon as my friends walked in the room. I couldn’t hide behind my mask of professionalism because these were my best friends; they knew me; so they knew how much they had just disappointed me.

“Honey,” Kim spoke first, “You know we love you-“

“And want you to be happy,” Rachel interjected, nodding her head vigorously. “Carry on,” she nodded at Kim.

Kim looked at her worriedly before continuing, “-And we want you to be happy”

“Exactly! Uh huh, go on.” Rachel cut in again.

“Uh, yes. Look Em, we just feel that all this is a bit rushed.” Kim went on

“Definitely rushed,” Rachel shook her head with a look of sympathy

I noticed that Kim had begun to get annoyed with Rachel’s interjections; she huffed and looked back at me, “And we don’t want you to get hurt. I mean, think about it, you barely know this guy. You don’t know where he lives-“

“That’s right girlfriend,” Rachel snapped her fingers dramatically

“You don’t know what he does for money,” Kim said

Rachel was nodded profusely, “Tell it like it is sister!”

Kim turned to Rachel irritated, “Oh for the love of all things that won’t keep me up at night like my son does, shut the hell up! I’m trying to make her see sense here; she needs to know where he gets his money from; well, the little he gets.”

I was taken aback by their sudden change in heart from “If he makes you happy” to “He’s not good enough”. I took a deep breath, “He delivers pizzas,” I said through gritted teeth.

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