16. Luck

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this took so long to write...
ALSO X or MULTIPLY IS OUT TODAY!!!!!!!! i'm getting my copy later (: 

also since my cousin's coming today for a week, updates are debatable. it depends if we go anywhere or what not.


Harry's POV: 

After they notice the growing darkness outside, mum and Gemma decide to leave, seeing as the apartment could not possibly provide room for two more guests to stay the night. I walk them out the building, hugging them before they depart from me, making promises to visit them sometime soon. The minute they leave, I pull out my phone, texting Selena repeatedly where she is but there seems to be no reply. 

Sighing, I jump into my sleek black Range Rover, starting the engine and pulling out to head towards the three possible places she can be: the cemetery, the hospital, or her house. Louis helped by calling Eleanor and learning that she is nowhere near her or Danielle, so I know there are less places to check. 

After an hour of circling around, I grow frustrated and slightly worried. Where the fuck is she? Her home is completely dark, the hospital empty, and the cemetery as eerily silent as usual. I have never felt so overwhelmed with a combination of unexplainable emotion and this day is honestly too much. First, I had to deal with my pissed sister, a stubborn Selena, emotionally wrecked mother, and now myself feeling twisted and empty. There hasn't been a single moment of peace or euphoria today, just confusion, stress, guilt, and pang of loneliness. She's infiltrating my mind in the worst way possible and nearly driving me insane. Deciding to push her out, I realize that if I want a grip on myself, I need to return to old habits. 

That's why I didn't stop myself when I found my hands steering the wheel into a familiar spot, the smell of smoke, alcohol, and sex pungent in the night air. 

Selena's POV: 

The insistent sound of my phone going off finally pulls me awake. I sit up groggily, my hair a mess and my vision still a bit blurry. After rubbing my eyes and stretching, I smile looking down at Tyler still asleep before finally turning my attention to the screen below me, dying to be noticed. Messages and signs of missed calls fill my vision and I find a majority to be from Harry and by the looks of it, they are not happy. 

Not wanting to be scolded at so early, I scroll down more and notice a message from someone other than him.

From: Louis
"Where are you???"  

I mess with my hair a bit before replying.

To: Louis
"At Tyler's. Why? x"

It is one thing for Harry or maybe Liam to care, but Louis?

From: Louis
"Harry's been looking for you. As usual."

I roll my eyes.

To: Louis
"Tell me something I don't know. Okay, I'll call him. Everything's okay with their family? x"

It seems necessary to ask considering I just assumed in my sleepy state of mind that Gemma's response meant all was well. I bite my lip nervously waiting for his reply and hopeful confirmation; I wanted the best to happen between them. 

From: Louis
"Well, as okay as it can be. Yes. Be safe and ready to explain. xx"

Great. Following me setting my phone down in my lap and sighing, I jump a little. Tyler sneaks up on me giving me a minor heart attack before I explain everything on how I should get going.

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now