27. Give What I Got

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I wish I didn't feel so hypnotized,
But When I look at you baby it's justified,
So I take what I want,
And give what I got

but i'm starting school again so cry 
also don't hate me


Selena's POV: 

"So, what does Harry need or want?" I stand in the middle of the local mall with Louis, the both of us searching for gifts. Harry said he had business to take care of and Ed picked him up this morning, probably for some celebration. After the fight, they never got to bathe in glory over his win, which Harry arrogantly already predicted he would win. The season was over and Harry wouldn't have to fight for a while; Sterling also must be under physical therapy to heal himself. The picture incident startled me, because I have no idea how someone captured a photo of me and Nick and then sent it to him. It scared me that I'm being watched somehow and it does make me feel a bit paranoid if I'm being followed. 

But, that was a month ago. Harry hasn't been yelling or angry, so I assume the incident was something of the past, a one-time thing. I gradually grew more relaxed as time passed. For the entirety of January, Harry never allowed me to be by myself. On New Years Eve, he insisted on following me everywhere and keeping his eyes on my every location. He even resulted in standing outside the bathroom door whenever I had to touch up. 

The month is now nearing and I can tell his strict hold on me is slightly loosening. Since Feburary is around the corner, I decided to start planning Harry's nineteenth birthday with the help of the boy who seems closest to him--Louis. The bright-eyed boy was more than excited to join me as we both rode his black Escapade to go shopping. He had filled me in on the past and how they don't really do much except overwhelm Harry with drinks so he can get drunker than usual. I frown at their idea of celebrating a birthday but I can't do anything but change the future.

"I don't know about you, but I was just going to go through your photos and make him a collage of you so he has something to get off of whenever he's frustrated, if you know what I mean," the devious Tomlinson smirks.

"Too much information," I scrunch my face in disgust.

"Sorry," he chuckles, running a hand through his gelled hair. I was thinking of throwing a small get-together with just his family and friends, knowing how he hates big parties. 

"Did you call his mum?" Louis's unique voice interrupts me as he looks at me, curious. His hands are tucked in his pockets, wearing a denim jacket on top of his black knitted sweater. 

"Yeah, I did. She said she would make a cake and all the food she used to make for him when he was younger," a smile creeps onto both of our faces at the thought of a happier, more innocent Harry. 

"That's good. We need some good cooking too," he jokes as I roll my eyes, though the thought of a well-prepared meal seems appealing. 

"You know, I think Harry needs some more boxers," I glance at Louis strangely once we entered yet another store for mens' clothing.


"Do you know how many he has soiled because of you?" 

"That's disgusting. Too much information, Lou," I nearly shove him this time because that wasn't something I needed to be aware of.

"All jokes aside though, Sel, he needs them," he nods seriously as I sigh. 

"Can you pick them out and buy them? I'll give you the money," my cheeks flush. This is really embarrassing.

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now