20. Enough

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writer's block sucks. i hate how after i finish a chapter, i'm lost for the next. i also lost my notes where i wrote about what i wanted to happen so i took the time to make them on wattpad already. i put little notes for what i want in each chapter and hopefully this will help me update a lot faster (: so based on what i did, there will be 43 chapters total, so we're kinda half way there...43 will be the epilogue and unlike score, it'll just be one bc i want to end this one differently...

also i love matty healy ♥ 

Selena's POV: 

"You are so wonderful in every way," I stroke his hand, running my shaky fingers over his pale ones. "Do you think it's wrong to hide something huge from someone you care about?" 

I suddenly jump up, at the touch of a single jolt where I last ran my finger over. The room provides warmth but the simple movement just now brings a rush of heat to my heart and body.

"Holy shit," I mutter before rushing towards the front office, in search of the doctor but the waiting room is filled with many people, and none of them the important medical professional I seek. 

"Where's the doctor?" I question the kind lady perched behind the white counter, drooping bags under her eyes noticeable. Her cheeks look sallowed and it's without a doubt that she's probably tired as hell; a minute of sympathy for the poor most likely overworked lady passes through me before I'm reminded of what urgently prompted me in front of her in the first place.

"He's busy tending someone. He should be available shortly after," her voice strained and exhausted. The thought of her doing this all day helps refrain myself from pestering and insisting for immediate attention. I turn around on the pivot of my foot and return down the halls where I see a passing nurse.

"Excuse me, do you know what room the doctor is in?" I ask anxiously and she looks a bit startled at my request but nonetheless points me toward the room, just a few doors down from me. It doesn't seem like she had the authority to disclose that type of information but her young face and bright eyes indicates that she hasn't been here around long enough. 

"Thank you," I mutter before quickly pacing towards the door. It would be beyond rude of me if I were to barge in and demand him when there are clearly more hurt people in the world so I decide to sit outside and wait, only to freeze at the sight of Laura leaning against the wall, earphones plugged in. Without another second, I slide down the familiar white wall, reeking of anesthetics and disinfectant. The petite girl besides me pulls out one earbud and turns to me, surprise written on her face when she recognizes me.

"Selena?" I smile meekly in response and she questions my appearance in the hospital before I shortly summarize what happened when I first moved here. When the question is exchanged vice versa, she points towards the door and before she can properly answer me, the doctor steps out followed by Ross and Demi. 

"Selena," they all seem to address me at the same time, none of them expecting me. I send the two short greetings before turning to the doctor.

"My dad...he moved. Does that mean he's waking up anytime soon?" I clutch onto his coat before realizing how ridiculous I looked and letting go with a nervous and embarrassed laugh, mumbling an apology. He just chuckles at my behavior, pausing slightly and I notice the shift in his attitude, how the happiness doesn't reach his eyes and his serious tone.

"It's just a spasm, dear. It sure is a better sign than no movement but it doesn't really mean too much yet. It's happened before," he pats my shoulder as the excitement in me dies down. 

"Though, if it makes you feel better, I feel like your father's mind is always awake. It seems like he is listening all the time." With that, the man with salt and pepper hair retreats to another room, leaving me saddened with the presence of three other watching. Laura seems to have filled in Ross and Demi as their confused looks vanish from their faces, now replaced with sympathy. Looking at the time, the three tell me that they need to be home, so now I am the only one, standing in the hall of flickering lights and lingering deaths. 

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now