Flanking Maneuver

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Numerous patrols were spotted in the dim evening light as Tanaya walked toward the command tent. Corporal Delgado fell in beside her. Torches had been set every so often, providing a gentle glow to the area.

"Sleep well, Gaspar?" she asked.

"Quite, Tanaya," he replied. "I haven't dreamt of the red witch since Dunston Greave. My dreams have been peaceful. You?"

"Same," she smiled in remembrance of her latest dream. "Did you need something?"

"Yes'm," he answered, pointing to an area off to the left. "Those yonks in officer's dining pitched a fit when we showed up. It seems that enlisted can't eat there without an officer present in the group."

"We'll see about that. Get some people together and round up every single Royal Guard. If they're immobile, have them carried on a stretcher. Formation in one hour in front of the command tent. Casual dress, no armor."

"Aye, Commander," he grinned, sensing her motives. He tossed off a mock salute and jogged away to carry out the orders.

As she approached the command tent, she spied the one-armed Collin Mankerevski at attention outside. Torches had been set low around Alderus' speared head to give it a menacing appearance.

The sides of the tent had been rolled up in the heat of the day and were still up. Rance looked up, finger to his lips. He pointed to Collin at the front door. Tanaya took the hint; even though his mind was all but gone, he needed to feel useful.

"Sergeant!" she greeted in her regimental voice. "I wish to speak with the lieutenant commander if you please."

"Of course, Highness!" he shot back. "Please allow me to ensure that the loitnant-commandah is receiving visitahs, Madame!"

"In your own time, Sergeant," she replied smoothly.

He turned smartly to the left, took a step forward, and turned again to face the tent.

"Sah!" said in his most official manner, "Her Highness, Queen Consort Tanaya Newlander wishes to confer with you on matters of utmost import! Sah!"

"Send her in, Sergeant Mankerevski," Rance smiled.

"Right away, sah!" He performed a perfect about-face. "Highness! The loitnant-commandah will see Your Ladyship now!" He turned smartly right, took a step, and turned left to once again face away from the tent.

"Thank you, Sergeant. Carry on." She entered the tent, fit to bust a gut, but not daring to laugh as the man was deadly serious in his "duties." His guard duty was merely makework, but at least he felt useful again.

She had to bend slightly inside the tent, as the ceiling was barely above her six feet, six-inch height. Shaking Rance's hand, she sat in a folding chair which creaked under her weight. Rance hiked a thumb toward the walls of the city.

"Hello, Tanaya. It's good to see you're still in one piece. Very sorry to hear about Siari. She will be missed greatly."

"I'm very fortunate to have such a terrific squad. Thanks in large part to you. You helped train most of them if I'm not mistaken." She poured a glass of water, draining it in seconds. She hadn't realized how thirsty she was. She poured another, draining it too.

"General Registon, up on the hill, wants to talk to you," Rance said, changing the subject. No one in the Guard liked to brag about their abilities. "He ordered me to wake you up when they pulled in this afternoon. I politely told him to get stuffed."

"No doubt he wants to know every move we made in killing Alderus. I'll deal with him tomorrow. For tonight, the Royal Guard can stand down. I do have one small favor to ask. It'll really piss off the Regular Military." Tanaya snickered.

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