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I asked my friends on Twitter and Facebook for awards to be earned by the warriors in this story. 

Thank you so much for the responses! You are helping me to build a world!

In alphabetical order (by award) they are:

Blood Cross -(Mitch Hart. We raided planets together in a Star Trek knockoff on Facebook.)

Eagle Talon - (Pat Haggard. I think I'm the only person on earth who calls him Patrick.)

Flame Flash - (Charleen Wilson. Charleen is also the inspiration for Captain Withburn in this story, and Captain Wilkerson in "Tales of the Pink Mist")

Gilded Battle Shield - (@Sycotroll. He's the inspiration behind the character of Lieutenant Commander Rance MacNaulty)

Gilded Crest - (@IvyVine009. One of my avid followers on Twitter.)

Golden Crest - (@Sycotroll)

Hallowed Ivory Crescent - (@Sycotroll)

Platinum/Gold/Silver/Iron Lion for Valor - (Josh Hayes. Josh inspired the high Dracoform, Eshua Ironhand, in the chapter "Deena." Unfortunately, I had to change the name to Keldryn due to copyright problems [I got an email from a lawyer telling me to knock it off].)

Oathkeeper's Trappings - (Oathkeeper's Glass Sword of Defense, Oathkeeper's Grand Staff of Defense, Oathkeeper's Black Dagger of Defense, Oathkeeper's Shield) - (@PiousIgnatious. One of my followers on Facebook. Quiet, but very helpful)

Volunteer Medal - (@Sycotroll)

This list may be amended from time to time as more awards are suggested.

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