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When I arrived at the studio I saw Nick with his back faced towards me and headphones on. Since it was obvious he was not aware of my presence I slowly walk toward him and yanked the headphones off yelling “ FIREEEE!!!!”. Freaked out Nick quickly rose to his feet. Realizing it was me relief wash over his face as he took me in his arms. “Geez you scared me.” Letting me go he began to speak again.

“How’ve you been Dems” he said with the brightest smile on his face.

“Good. I just left Selena’s house not too long ago” I responded taking off my jacket.

“Oh really! How is she?” he said with curiosity gracing his face.

“You know you could just talk to her. She’s not mad at you anymore” I said staring him in the eyes.

“Oh really? I guess her going ballistic over that photo with Justin Beiber was just her showing me how much she doesn’t hate me.” He said sitting down.

“Come on, it caught her by surprise. Anyway enough about her..” I said as I sat on his lap. “and more about you. How are you taking the breakup?” I asked with a serious look on my face. Nick wrapped his arms around my waist as I sat on his lap with a look of hurt appearing on his face.

“I’m doing better. Still hurt…..but better. I just wish she would have told me she didn’t want to be with me anymore at a better time.” He said to me with a hitch in his throat. I pulled his head closer to my chest and laid my head on his while he still held on to me. “I’m so sorry Nick. I know she meant a lot to you.” I whispered. “She waited until the night I proposed to her. She said she had been thinking about it for months and that she just didn’t know how to tell me.” He whispered. I could feel a tear on my skin. “Well Jick Nonas you win some and you lose some. Just remember that every heart break just leaves an open door for the right one to come along. Now, how about you put your big boy pants on and we write a song with the best people we know.” I said lightening the mood.

“Miley Cyrus is here?” he said pretending to be clueless before plastering a smile on his face. I playfully hit him on his arm and got off his lap so we could begin writing.


Here I am laying down with the girl of my dreams, Pierre Edwards. I watched as her chest would raise and fall, her skin would glow in the sunlight, and hair would get messier and messier as she would turn in her sleep. She so beautiful with a big blue eyes, stunning smile, and playful personality. How did I get so lucky? “Zayn?” I heard her say.

“You’re awake” I whispered.

“And you’ve been watching me” she said giggling slowly.

“You can’t prove anything” I said with a smile on my face staring down at her. She quickly rolled over, forced herself on top of me, and leaned down kissing me softly on the lips. “I could have something arranged for you torture until you confess” she said laughing.

“Oh really?” I replied as I rolled on top her and that’s she began tickling me. After minutes of laughter and tickles we fell back into bed and cuddled each other until we fell asleep again.


I love spending time with Nick. Sometimes I feel like we could be twins that were separated at birth. As soon as I got home decided to video call Niall on skype. When his camera finally came up it was not him staring into the camera it was Zayn. “Zayn? Zayn….How you doing?” I asked him.

“I’m fine. I just got back from Pierre’s hotel room.” He said with a look of love on his face. At that moment I felt a very small pang of jealously but I shrugged it off as me being jealous because Pierre has a man who loves her very much. When I realized I still hadn’t said anything I started to speak.

“Awww so Cute…so…..where’s Niall?” I asked him with a smile on my face.

“I’m not sure but I do know he went out with Harry for a little bit” he replied.

“Oh” I said with the sound of disappointed dripping from my mouth.

“Don’t sound so down he should be back in a little while. So did everything go alright at the studio?” he asked trying to start a conversation.

“Yea, Nick and I were writing a new song and talking about some personal things. The song is actually starting to sound like a hit. It’s a bit more vulnerable than we expected but we never know what we are going to end up writing about when we get together.” I said smiling. My mind drifted back to my lunch date with Niall earlier today. “So what was up with you and the guys showing up at our date?” I asked him.

“That was us just messing around with him. He is like a brother to us so we love embarrassing him. The guys did the same thing to me when Pierre and I went on our date after x factor.” He told me.

“BWHAHAHA……I’m sure they did something hilarious but painfully embarrassing” I said laughing.

“Yes they did. They had gotten a few of my nude baby pictures and showed them to her.” He told me as I starting laughing again. “Harry said ‘Aw he had such a little penis and now….well… he’s taller’. The worst part of it all was that it was in a restaurant.” He said embarrassed

“Don’t worry Zayn I’m sure your packing a lot more than you were when you were a kid.” I covered my face and started apologizing as soon I realized what I said.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I just said that. I’m so sorry I’m so used to talking that way in front of my friends. Sor-“I said before he cut me off.

“It’s fine. Weird but fine. Besides I’d like to think we’re friends so it’s best if we get to know each other” he said to me. I felt so relieved that hadn’t offended. “Eh…Pierre’s leaving early tomorrow and I kind of want to go to the mall and hang out. So do you want to come hang out with me tomorrow?” he asked me.

“Oh my god, is the great almighty Zayn Malik asking me to hang out with him. YES! YES! YES!” I said pretending to be a fangirl.

“ha…..ha Lovato. Very funny. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon after I drop Pierre off at the airport” he said with a huge smile on his face

“I’ll be waiting see ya” I said waving goodbye.

“Good night Lovato” he said as the screen went black. That’s when I realized I didn’t get to talk to Niall so I texted him.

Where r u? I sent him. I waited half an hour before I realized he was probably asleep so I turned my phone off and drifted off to sleep as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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