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Y/n P.O.V
It's graduation day finally. I get to leave this hell whole alive. I walked to my locker where it was decorated by my friends. It was pictures of all of us together. I looked around but no one was their. I smiled as I saw one of me and Kevin. I'm so excited to leave... but I'll miss these little butt heads. I felt two hands lift me.
Joey! I yelled as he placed me upon his shoulder.
Y/n! My friend group yelled.
I looked to see Matt, Amanda, Bryan, Sarah, Kevin, Marvin, Billy, and Bobby. I smiled as Joey put me down.
I'm gonna miss you guys. I said as I hugged them each.
Once Kevin put out his arms I jumped into his arms and we hugged for almost a straight 5 minutes. We have been friends since kindergarten. I looked at him with delicate blue eyes and kissed his cheek. I smiled as I gathered the pictures and put them in my bag. We then split off into our groups of graduates. I would be graduating with Marvin, Bryan, and Bobby in sports. We all went and put on our white caps and gowns. I put on a camo cap that the school customized for me. As we all walked to our seats I looked across the room to see Bryans and Matt's Family. They were basically my family. My parents had me on an army base that was soon bombed after they had me. I was sent to my grandmas after 3 months. I only found out when I was six they died when I was about 5 months. When I was 16 my grandma died. I didn't know what to do. Bryan's family and Matt's family were always there for me though. I smiled as they waved to me.
*an hour later*
To our scholar who is our star Forward on our soccer team and who is going to be serving our country in 2 days Y/n! Our principal said followed by clapping.
I smiled as I shook his hand and waved to Bryan and Matt's Families. I then went to sit down.
*after everyone's called*
The principle said a closing speech that  left everyone speechless. My friends and I made our way towards the special apple tree where we meet. We all sat and had our pictures taken. I had to go pack for the Military though.
I-I'll see you around. I said holding back my tears as I hugged them all.
When will you be back? Asked Bobby.
When we win. I said as I went home.
I stepped into the empty apartment and grabbed my duffle. I placed in the pictures from my locker. I saw when I forgot was hanging in my locker. It was Kevin... and I... halfway to a kiss. I shook my head as I placed it into the duffle. I smiled as I looked through the ones of Amanda, Sarah, and I. Joey and I had quite a few to. Marvin, Bryan, and I had a bunc( of them. Kevin and I had so many. I smiled as I placed the final picture in and zipped the duffle.
I looked over at my phone to see a text from Amanda.
I put my phone down and sprinted down the hall way with my keys and left to my car. My car wouldn't start so I sprinted to Amanda's. I knocked about a million times. I eventually I kicked the door in to see My friends standing there. I gasped for a breathe as Kevin stepped forward.
Y/n. He said as he rocked from heel to toe.
Hey Kevin. As I looked around to see Amanda totally fine.
I watched as Kevin backed up a little bit as if he was nervous.
I'm gonna miss you. He said as he pulled me into a hug.
I hugged back as everyone joined to make it a group hug. I cried a little as tomorrow I would be getting on a plane to go to my new life.
Don't cry. Matt said as he handed me a tissue.
I'm going to miss you guys more than anything. I said as the tears started to come a little faster.
Amanda and Sarah then hugged me which made me feel 20000000x better. I smiled as I wiped the tears away. We stayed at Matt's place so long it was midnight when I tried to leave.
I have an extra bedroom for the boys you can come sleep in my room with Sarah and I. Amanda offered.
I looked at my watch than back at Amanda.
Sure. I said as they both smiled.
We ran upstairs to Amanda's room and the boys went down the hall. Once I touched the beanbag it was lights out.
I was shaken awake by Amanda and Sarah. I looked at the time which read 9:00 I had about 12 hours before I got on the plane. I smiled as they were whispering a plan to wake up the boys. We snuck down the hall to none of them were awake. I walked in and played a dog whistle Then ran out. But on my way out Joey. Caught my foot then dragged me back in.
Go on without me! I yelled to Amanda and Sarah.
They ran to their room as Matt and Bryan chased them. The door closed as I was pulled into a hug by Joey, Marvin, and Kevin.
Oh no. I said a seeped down like the wicked of the West.
I heard the door open as Bryan and Matt came in with Sarah and Amanda. They hopped on the bed next to where I was Then we realized our plan was overheard. I was slowly falling back to sleep as well as Amanda.
*hour later*
I woke up next to Amanda. We looked around to see the boys were gone but so was Amanda. We both got up and ran to the door. We opened it to where there stood a Kevin and Matt. We looked at each other then kissed both of their cheeks. We then ran down the hallway to where the stairs were and ran down them. Marvin and Bryan stood at the bottom. I skipped a step and fell down into Marvin.
Thanks. I said with a smile.
No problem. he said putting me back on my feet.
I ran to the couch where everyone then came and sat. I checked the time. 10 hours and 30 minutes.
Let's go to Skyzone guys. I said getting up.
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as we threw on some shorts and T-shirt's. As we all started to walk Kevin and I stood next to each other and talked.
Y/n/n. He said as he stopped us and looked into my eyes.
I looked into his eyes and nodded for him to continue.
I like you. He said as he locked our hands.
I smiled and blushed as I looked down.
Same here... but I'm gonna be leaving... it won't work out. I said as I unlocked our hands.
We started to walk until he stopped us again.
I don't care how long your gone.. or if your leaving... My feelings will still be here. He said placing my hand over his heart.
I looked into his eyes desperate for me to say we can try. But he would have found someone I want him to be happy.
I want you to be happy. I said as I put his hand over his heart.
We eventually got to skyzone where we grabbed socks and paid. We had two hours of jump time. I went into dodgeball where Kevin followed. We were against each other. He threw a ball at me which I dodged but when I threw one at him he got hit right in the head.
Are you okay. I said as I hopped over to see if he was okay.
He took my hand and got up.
I'll be okay if you accept my love. He said as we hopped off the court.
Okay. I said as I hugged him and he hugged back.
After we joined the others on the big Trampoline area and started doing flips and other tricks. I laughed as Kevin and Bryan started to chase each other. As our time winded down at Skyzone each of us one by one got off the trampoline. Once we were all off we threw on our shoes. I checked the time 8 hours and 30minutes till I leave. We all walked home next to each other and pranced and danced to Amanda's. Kevin and I did the tango for a minute on the way their. When we got to Amanda's I checked the time once more... 8 hours. I looked over at Kevin and hugged him close.
You have to promise me something. I said as I hugged Kevin.
He nodded his head.
Promise me no matter what you will be happy wether I'm here or not. I said as I looked into his eyes.
He shook his head no. I looked down.
I'm only ever really happy when you are here you know that. He said as he kissed my cheek.
Ditto. I said as I placed my lips on his and quickly pulled away.
We then walked into the living room where everyone was sitting and watching Scream. We basically binge watched that till about 5:30. 3 hours a 30minutes.
Guys I gotta go home and pack up the rest of my things. I said as I got up.
They all decided they wanted to come with me and grab my things. I loaded up my car with the help of everyone. Within minutes everyone was piled into the car taking me to the airport. Sarah Amanda and I sat 3 across the front because my car had that. While the guys sat 4 across the back. We sang to our favorite artists the whole way their.
*2 hours later*
We pulled up into the base camp airport. I let a tear go down my face as I got out of the car with everyone. Sarah and I went and grabbed my suit case and duffle. I looked at Kevin who's face was straight. We all walked up to the check in.
Name. The woman said.
Y/n  Y/l/n. I said sternly.
She reached back and grabbed a pair of boots along with a uniform.
Change into this then say your goodbyes. She said smacking her lips.
I nodded my head making my way to the bathroom and swiftly changing. As I threw on my second boot I realized what if Kevin waits. And I don't come back home... ever. I shook the thought from my head and tied the boot. I put on my cap shoving my clothes into the duffle. I still had my Skyzone socks on though. I walked out to where my friends stood. I let a few tears out as I wrapped my arms around Amanda and Sarah.
Don't forget to write. I said in a hushed voice.
Never. They said as they hugged tighter. I then hugged Bryan, Joey, and Marvin.
You guys are always gonna be my bros. I said as I stood on my tippy toes.
Your always gonna be our little brother. They said as Bryan gave me a noogie.
I was then released to where I stood face to face with Kevin. He pulled me in close and I hugged tight.
Don't move on without writing.. Kevin said in a heart broken voice.
Stay happy. I said giving him a kiss.
I'll be waiting. He said as I released the hug.
Just then my flight was boarding.
Bye! I said as I ran to the entrance.
I then looked back where Kevin stood with tears in his eyes... along with the others.
*5 years later*
I ran out of the plane entrance with my duffle. I can't wait to see them. I ran outside where my Uber had been waiting.
Hi where can I take you? The driver asked politely.
Hi5 studios? I asked.
The driver located it then nodded his head. I leaned back in the seat and slowly fell asleep.
*1 hour later*
The driver was shaking me awake that we were in front of the studio. I gave him  the cash and sprinted out with my duffle. I walked into the office where their stood Matt and Amanda, Bryan and Sarah, and Kevin. I ran up to Amanda and hugged her then felt Sarah come and hug. I then hugged Matt and Bryan. Then Kevin.
I missed you. I said as I squeezed him close.
I missed you most. He said kissing my cheek.
Then Billy, Bobby, Marvin, and Joey walked in.
Oh my god. I said as we all got into a group hug.
I missed you all so much. I said with a smile.
We missed you to. Kevin said while taking my hand.
He got down on one knee.
It was worth the wait. He said pulling out a ring.
Will you Marry me? He questioned.
I covered my mouth in amazement.
Yes Yes 100 times yes! I said as he placed the ring on my finger.
Love is beautiful.

Hiiiii it's been a while. Sorry the ending wasn't very unique but I personally liked it. Have a good day!

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