OUAT Chapter 10

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One year later

Lily's POV

I got up at 6am, and I do as usually is that I go to kitchen and make myself hot chocolate with cinnamon. Few months ago Emma texted me said that she and Henry are in Canada. So here I am with them in Canada. They told me that New York is suck because, of traffic. I let them stay in with me. Anyway, I bring my hot chocolate to my room and sit there do nothing expect write on my journal. I still have my old memory of Storybrooke but Emma and Henry got their new memories of what would have felt like if she don't give him up. I write on my journal, most about Killian and my parents. Until one morning, knock on the door. I was scared cause Emma go on her idiot date and Henry's at school. I grab tv remote and slowly walk toward the door and open it. It revealed Killian Jones. He said "don't close the door on my face." in sign language. I gasped and said "Killian?" in sign language. He told me that storybrooke is in trouble again. As you might don't know that regina let me kept my old memories of storybrooke. I told what is it, and he told me that everyone doesn't remember what happened during one year ago in Enchanted Forest. I told him is that like Missing Year? He said "yeah". I told him do you have two memories in special cup for Emma and Henry? He said yeah. I told him come in and he did. I give him hot chocolate with cinnamon. I told him where are your hook? He told me that he still have it but he dont want to freak both emma and henry. I told him that Emna's see someone named Walsh or something like that. Henry liked him, but I don't like him cause there was something very off about him, and I think that Walsh is worst than Neal. Turned that Walsh is some stupid bitch monkey with wings. It was night, and Emma and Henry got on car, and they got their memories back. I ride motorcycle with Killian sit behind me. We come across the sign that said "Welcome to Storybrooke". I got off my motorcycle and go to the apartment and knock. My dad answer and I told him "don't close the door." in sign language. He let me in and he told me that his memory of one year is gone. My mom come down and I was surprised that she is pregnant with baby. She told me that "much things happened during that year is just gone." in sign language.

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