'11' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}

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Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}


She frowned as she watched him pack his things, not sparing a glance towards her as he did. How it had come to this she didn't know, but she didn't like it. She'd done everything in her power to keep him from that bitch he calls his daughter and yet it hadn't worked. No, it only forced him away, almost like it had with the bitch's mother. But she wouldn't think about that now, she couldn't. If she admitted defeat now she'd never get him back, she wouldn't allow that. She'd done what was necessary to get rid of this girl's mother and now its come back to bite her in the ass.

She walked to where he was stuffing things into a suitcase and placed her hand on his arm. "Richard, please can't we talk about this?" He jerked his arm from her grasp turning to face her, his face filled with hatred.

"You killed her. Why, what did her death have to do with my campaign?" He asked, his voice slightly hysterical as he regarded her with a deadly gaze.

"She was distracting you, why do you think I wrote that letter to you?" Her eyes widened when she realized what she said, backing up several steps when his gaze hardened, if that was possible.

"You were the one that sent that letter?" He whispered, his voice breaking several times. She'd expected him to yell, to even hit her, but she never expected him to break down, especially not over something so unimportant. So she'd broken them up and had her killed? It was for the best, his career never would have taken off if he'd stayed with her, not to mention that she got something out of it as well. She'd done her good deed and she intended to be happy with the man she loves, if only she could convince Richard of this.

"Richard it was for the best, just like its for the best if you stay away from your daughter," She said the word angrily, hating that it was true. "I've already had to pay off several paparazzi who had pictures of you with her."

"No, you kept me away from her for most of her life I won't let you do it anymore. I can't believe you! You threatened to kill them, for what!? What did you get from this, Kathryn?" He yelled at her, not bothering to care when she flinched. Tears welled in her eyes when she saw how heartbroken he was by the truth, but she couldn't understand why. Why were these two woman so important to him? She had been his publicist since his career started, she'd given him everything she possibly could and he was just going to throw it all away? No, she won't let that happen, it won't happen as long as she has something to say about it. She wouldn't let him screw up his life for this girl, she couldn't.


"I like your sister, she reminds me of Kyle when he's drunk." I said, brushing Casey's hair from his face as Dominic showed me to the room he had in his sister's house. It was amazing to me how close they were, even if they argued over just about everything. Kyle and I are close but we don't have that brother/sister bond that Dominic and Jamie have.

"Yea, that doesn't sound have as scary as Jamie when she's drunk. But I'm glad you like her, she seems to like you too." He smiled at me, watching as I put Casey in the bed that was obviously his. I couldn't understand the look in his eyes but it made me blush, much to his amusement.

"What?" I asked him, hands on my hips, my eyes narrowed at his very smug looking smile.

"Just imagining what you'd look like pregnant with my baby." My eyes widened, that was not what I'd expected him to say. The thought of having kids scared me to a level I didn't know was possible, but he didn't need to know that yet. I've always been good with kids but that didn't mean I wanted any of my own just yet, I'm only 21 for crying out loud.

"Dominic..." What was I supposed to say? I don't want to have your kids, because that's a total lie. I love the idea, but it scares me shitless to imagine it. The look on his face didn't help anything either, just made me want it that much more. Casey isn't even mine but I love the little shit regardless. How am I supposed to tell Dominic that I don't want to have kids yet, when I'm not sure myself?

Hey, Mr. President Series (Book One & Book Two) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now