'3' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}

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Put your story text here...Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}

My cousins may be coming up from Virginia for the 4th so I don't know when or if I'll have time to write. They'll probably only be here for a couple of days so its not that long, but I don't really know.

Also, Dominic fans may not like this chap.


"I hate you! Let me go, damn it Kyle!" Have I ever told you how much I hate Kyle and Matt? Well, not so much them just they're ideas. Like how they now have Zane holding me down so they can dye my hair green. I mean who does that? Does everyone know someone who like to randomly pick on you? Or is it just me? I'd really like to know

"Kat, sweetheart you do realize that your front door is unlocked right?" My dad asked walking in holding hands with his new husband. "Oh, my-care to explain to me why you're holding my daughter down?"

"We wanna dye her hair green and she won't let us." Matt told him as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

My dad chuckled and Kyle's dad just looked scared. Its kinda funny that they ended up together because they're total opposites. My dad is fun and crazy and Kyle's reminds me of a scared little kitty. But I guess that isn't the problem right now.

"Daddy! Please help me. Dominic's taking me out tonight and I can't look like Kermit the frog's groupie!" Everyone but Zane laughed, he was tense beside me his face a mask of no emotion.

"What do you suggest I do?" He asked smiling. "Do you want me to threaten to cut off their balls? I don't think that would work pumpkin."

Here's a little thing about my dad, he only calls me pumpkin unless he wants something, now I just have to figure out what that something is.

"What do you want now?"

"I think its time I had a little one on one talk with Dominic. Especially if he's going to be my son in law." Zane tensed even further before he stalked off out of the house.

"Shit, dad why did you have to bring that up?" I snapped at him running out the door after Zane bringing back memories I had thought I buried. "Zane, stop."

"Look I'll find another place to stay, alright. You don't have to pretend to care just so you won't hurt my feelings." He snapped at me, where the hell did that come from? Why would he say that? I never once acted like I didn't care, hell I broke down bawling both times he showed up at my door and he thinks I'm acting like I care.

"Fine, be an asshole. Leave its what your best at. But don't come back, I don't want to have to ruin a vase if you do."

I turned and started walking back into the house when he caught my arm, pulling me around to face him.

"That's what you're gonna say? Your just gonna tell me to leave?" I scoffed at the hurt in his voice.

"Why not? It isn't like I matter enough to make you stay, so you can just go on with your happy little life and forget I even exist." I had expected him to yell at me, tell me I had lost my mind but it didn't happen. What did happen though shocked the shit out of me.

My cheek stung, probably burning a bright red, and I stared at him shocked. His face filled with regret and he let go of me.

"You just slapped me." I whispered feeling angry, never once had he ever raised his hand at me. Even in our most heated arguments, no he'd just kiss me to make me forget what we were arguing about in the first place. But now, this Zane, was different and I didn't know whether to fear him or try and help him.

"I'm so sorry, Kat. But you don't know what you're talking about. You matter, hell you matter more to me than my own family." His voice was soft as he ran his hand over the mark that was most likely forming on my face.

"If I did you would have done something to make sure I was yours." He looked away and I regretted my words instantly. Its not fair for me to blame him for wanting to help his country, but I feel like he chose someone else over me and it hurts.

"We were so young, still are. Kat I didn't want you to be committed to me unless you were absolutely certain you wanted me for the rest of your life. I didn't want to put that on you, to make you feel like if you found someone else that you had to choose me. I want you to be happy, even if it isn't with me."

Don't ask me where I got the nerve, because I don't know. But before he could say anything else I kissed him. He was shocked at first before slowly reacting, holding me tightly to him while his tongue explored my mouth for the first time in too long.

At that moment nothing else mattered, but Zane. No one else in the world existed but us two. And of course that moment had to be rudely interrupted by Richard.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think your neighbors are enjoying the free show." He said chuckling to himself. His sun glasses hid most of his face so no one would know who he is unless you knew who you were looking for.

I blushed and pulled away from Zane who was smiling like a little kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


"Come on, Casey. We have to go see grandma and grandpa." I said pulling th t-shirt over his head, trying to get him dressed. Thing is, I've been trying to get him dressed for the past 2 hours.

"Nu-uh! I don't wanna!" He pouted out his bottom lip at me, tears filling his eyes. I swear the kid is gonna grow up to be an actor.

"Why not? You wanted to go yesterday." I sighed running a hand through my hair, again. I'd have to brush it before we left, unless I wanted my step-mother grilling me on my latest girlfriend.

Speaking of which, I need to find a babysitter for Casey tonight.

"I wanna see Kat!" He cried running into the living room hiding under the sofa. Did I mention he's only in his underwear? Yea, evidently batman is popular with toddlers.

"You can see her tomorrow, today we're gonna go visit grandma and grandpa." I grabbed his foot and tugged, causing him to squeal.

"No! I wanna see Kat now!!" He pulled his foot from my grip and crawled into the kitchen.

"Casey, come on. I don't have time for this, daddy has to go to work." I frowned when I saw he was nowhere in the kitchen. Grumbling to myself I started to walk out when I heard his giggles from under the sink. "Casey, where did you go?"

He giggled even more, screaming when I opened the cupboard door.


"Ewww! Stop sucking face!" I yelled at my dad and John, who were totally oblivious to their very unwilling audience. They broke apart blushing madly and smiling sheepishly at us.

"Richard, its nice to see you again." My dad said shaking hands with him, while Kyle's dad sat on the couch hiding his face in his hands. Sometimes I wonder if Kyle is really his son, because they are so damn different.

"You, too. I see you and your husband are very happy." They both laughed and John buried his face deeper into his hands groaning.

I smiled. "So, not that I'm not happy to see you, but why are you here. I thought we were having lunch tomorrow."

"I can't make lunch, tomorrow so I figured we could spend today together before you go out." He said, oblivious to Zane's tense form behind me. I should probably mention that they have not officially met, yet.

"Um, sure. Zane are you staying or going back to your hotel room?" He turned to me and smiled slightly.

"Ill stay here, if that's not too much trouble." I smiled, and Richard frowned.

"And you would be?"

"I would be Zane, sir." And here I thought I was past the awkward introductions.

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How many like Casey? Cause I think he's just adorable. So, far most of you are all for Dominic, but that may change with the next few chapters.

Hey, Mr. President Series (Book One & Book Two) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now