'11' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}

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Hey, Mr. President I Think You're My Daddy

I wrote this in a hurry so there may be mistakes.


"NO!" I pouted batting my eyelashes at him until he gave in. "Fine! But if I start crying I'm not gonna talk to you again got it?"

"Uh huh sure, now put the movie in!" Dominic started grumbling under his breath but otherwise did as I said.

"Do we really have to watch this?" He whined jutting his lower lip out and the resemblance between him and Casey was scary.

"Yes. Its my favorite movie ever!" He just sighed and pulled me into his lap.

"Making me watch the goddamn Notebook." He kept grumbling so I turned so I was straddling him and kissed him, shocking him. After a couple of seconds he reacted as his arms wrapped around my waist holding me tightly to his torso. His mouth worked hungrily over mine for what felt like forever before working done my neck to my collarbone.

"EWWWW! Yucky!" We jumped apart and I landed on my ass on the floor. Casey stood in front of the TV with a disgusted look on his face, until I fell and then he started giggling at me. I looked at Dominic and saw he was trying to hold back his laughter and I scowled.

"Oh, just laugh!" He shot an me apologetic look before he started laughing hysterically. I sat on the floor and watched them both as they laughed at me and just rolled my eyes. Its wasn't that funny was it? All I did was fall on my ass.

"Ok, I'm sorry it wasn't funny." He chuckled and I glared. "Sorry. Casey that wasn't nice say your sorry." Casey pouted.

"Sorry." He gave me the most innocent look and if it wasn't for that fact that I could see the humor in his eyes and hear it in his voice I might have believed him.

"Case, like you mean it." Again Casey just pouted. "I'll take away your toys."

His eyes went wide. "I'm sorry." He muttered looking at me with wide pleading eyes.

"Don't worry about it. Just next time give me a warning, kay?" He nodded smiling jumping up and down.


" I don't understand, sir." He frowned and stared at his secretary before looking back at the picture in his hands. "If she's your daughter shouldn't you want to find her?"

"No, its better for my image if she doesn't figure it out. Can I trust you to do this for me?" He asked trying to hold in the tears as he gazed down at his daughter and her now dead mother. It was better this way. If anyone ever found out about her his reputation would be ruined. He didn't need the added drama.

"Yes sir." His secretary left very confused. She didn't know why he wouldn't want to find his daughter, especially if she wanted to find him. Any other person would have been happy about finding their long lost child, but not him. He'd never said a word to anyone about having a daughter but apparently he'd been keeping tabs on her. Watching her grow into the young woman she was now. He was proud of her, you could see it in his eyes when he looked at her, she thought. But he didn't want her to know who he was? It made no sense to her but then again her boss had never really made sense to anyone.

"Cage, you know what you are to do, correct?" The older looking man nodded. Cage was in his mid 50s and would never pass as he father, she thought sourly to herself. Of course she would never voice her opinions about this situation to anyone, she need the job to much.

"Its not like its rocket science. All I have to do is pay off a god damn doctor to fix the paternity test." He glared. Cage didn't like this situation any more than she did but if he didn't do as the boss said he'd end up black listed.

She nodded and kissed her husband on the cheek. Watching as he left the building she cursed herself for ever applying for this job. It wouldn't have been so bad if the man she worked for wasn't a corrupt asshole. But you can't always get what you want can you?



What the hell? Where am I? Oh wait, now I remember. Damn it where is that noise coming from?

Groaning I removed Dominic's arm from around my waist and sat up. I looked around his bedroom trying to find the source of the noise that had woken me up. He groaned and rolled over clutching a pillow tightly to him.

We'd fallen asleep watching movies last night, after he finally got Casey to got to sleep. And of course he talked me into telling my dad about the phone calls. He'd even said that if need be I could come live here with him and Casey, I'm not so sure about that one though. I mean how much did we really know about each other? Just yesterday I found out he had a son, that no one knows about. What else don't I know?

Of course he may be thinking the same thing. But I have no major secrets, unless of course they are things that I don't even know about. Which I highly doubt.

The sound started again, bringing me out of my thoughts and I recognized it as my phone. Getting out of the bed slowly and quietly I walked to the dresser and puled my phone from my bag and answered it.

"Kat! Where the hell are you?" Kyle yelled into my ear.

"Dominic's, why?"

"You will never believe this." He seemed to be talking more to himself than to me.

"What Kyle?"

"There's this guy here and he says he's your dad. But the thing is that he doesn't look anything like the guy in the picture and I asked him, of course, and he said he was in a car accident and that he had to have plastic surgery. He also told me that your mother had said that you didn't want anything to do with him so he figured he'd wait until you got older and then try and find you." I frowned into the phone. What the hell?

"Alright, um, I'll be home in a little bit, bye." I didn't wait for his reply I just hung up. I should be happy right? I mean I found my dad? Why do I feel like this is all going to end badly?

"Ugh, who would call at 5 in the morning?"

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I don't know when the next chap will be up.

Hey, Mr. President Series (Book One & Book Two) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now