Is it coming????

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(Colleens pov)
the father is ERIK Chris and Jessica looked shocked um "Erik"said Chris and jess yeah what's wrong with that I replied back nothing at least it's him and not any other of your boyfriends whispered chris and jess eriks the best one to be a dad that could ever walk on the earth the kids were still cheering okay kids go play in the pool I shouted 5 hours later byeeee kids bye Chris and Jess shouted Colleen "ERIKKKKK" "yeah baby"Erik replied "guess what I got in the fridge what"Erik excitedly said we got wine I said I was so excited okay then Erik mumbled LETS PARTYYYY!!! I said I poured the apple juice into the glass and after about 3 hours we were still partying so was Erik Kory came he didn't talk we just grabbed some orange juice "hey Kory you wanna join"I said very loudly "no I'm fine" Kory said after about 20 minutes Kory had gone to bed and we were still so so happy so I went over to the tv and turned it up when I was waking back to the counter Erik pushed me against wall and started to kiss me it lasted for about 2mins so after it ended we both went back over the counter oh my god baby my water just broke baby i have to go hospital so Erik carried me to the taxi and belted me up and drove to the hospital so he carried me out of the taxi and carried me in the hospital we need a doctor now "Erik" said sorry there's no more doctors at the moment Erik put me down gently "sorry baby I need to do something"Erik mumbled "LOOK IVE GOT MY GIRLFRIEND HERE AND SHE MIGHT HAVE A BABY YOU GET US A ROOM NOWWWWW"Erik Shouted he picked me up again "wow baby you shouted"I said surprisingly "yeah well u no baby I love you I'm not letting you stay out here" love you to baby i replied after about 5 minuets we went into the hospital room we got our own one we had to say here for about 2days "BABY" we've got the bus tour tommorow "never mind about that you might have the baby" Erik said softly "but I've never missed shows before and if I don't get on the bus I'll miss all of the shows" look baby I'll call Susan Tommorow okay erik replied" "okay baby" "baby hold my hand" "I think it's baby's"..........

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