~4~ Cameras and Beli hunting

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"Why do I have to wear this stuff?!" He pulled at his collar slightly, uncomfortable.

"We gotta blend in, heard that this guy's stacked and he's having a huge party!" She exclaimed, "We gotta sneak in and get it, because he's got money and I'm the burglar, Get it? Though it's not like you'll be blending in too great when you refuse to take off that straw hat..." she mumbled.

"I think you look beautiful, Nami~" he flirted, hovering, as usual, over the orange haired lady.

"Nami-chan!" she whined, "I don't like this dress! I want my other one!" She started to take it off, untying the colorful ribbons on the small dress.

"I'll help you Amelia-chan~" The cook pranced over.

A swordsman jutted out his foot at the blondes stomach, with big impact, "Not on my watch, curly brow."

"You want a match, Marimo?"

They began to argue.

"NOT IN THE CLOTHES." She shouted, her eyes demonic.

"Where did we even get these clothes...." The Captain looked confused.

"Let me help you, Amelia." The dark haired woman bent down, fixing the little girls dress.

On the deck, a few of the strawhats had dressed up formally, making them seem out of place on the ship.

Nami wore a light yellow dress that was cut a little above her knees, the sleeves of the dress was short and she had white gloves nearly covering her arms. Cream colored ribbon flowed freely at the ends of the dress, with white heels matching nicely. She ran around, yelling.

Luffy wore a red shirt with a black jacket over it, he also had a grey tie already tied to his neck. He wore black pants with some very nice shoes. He pouted as he sat on the ground with his arms folded, "This is dumb." he huffed.

"You think yours is dumb, what the heck am I wearing?" Zoro argued, he tched as he leaned against the ships wall, he wore a tux over a white shirt, and a dark green tie, with black pants and brown shoes, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the horizon, trying to forget what he was wearing.

Sanji wore a black bow tie with a white shirt and a black jacket on top of it, making him appear like a waiter. He grinned, his cigarette placed in his mouth, "It's not so bad."

Robin wore a long, black dress. The skirt of it went all the way to her black high heels with the side of the skirt cut nearly to her left hip, she smiled, "Isn't this's bit too much for beli, Nami?"

"U-um...." Amelia stuttered as she blushed, she clutched the sides of her dress as she looked down. She had a white dress that covered her feet, the skirt was puffed and had a floral pattern, the small flowers ranging in color. She had a pink bow lined with lace on the left side of her head, and a red ribbon around her waist, the top part of the dress was a plain white, and the sleeves were puffed and made from a see through fabric, that had a slightly shiny gleam to it. Though hidden by her dress, she wore small black flats. The crystals continued to hover behind her back.

They decided (Nami Decided) they would attend a large ball hosted by a rather wealthy man by the name of Periden Noble. He had quite the few bucks that caught the navigators eye.

"We'll be getting a lot of money after we're through there." Nami grinned, her eyes practically showing treasure.

Amelia pouted, "I don't like it."


The camera flashed, Usopp held a camera in his hands, "That'll be a good picture."

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