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A/N: I have not touched this story in about two years, and looking over this, I am CRINGING to say the least. Lord, what the hell was my writing 



A week had passed and you were less stressed all of a sudden. You had finished your finals, and thank the Lord's you're graduating. Now you have a full three weeks left to deal with the hell.

You were walking down your schools hall's, humming to yourself. It was a peaceful day at school, until...

"Yah, Y/N!"

You turned around to see a few boys, taller and a bit buff looking heading your way. You tilted your head. Since when do they know your name?

"Uhm, yeah?" You waited for them to reach you.

"Who knew a silent girl like you would date a K-pop idol? That's really risky, yknow..." one of them said, wrapping his arms around your shoulder.

You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head. "No, I'm not dating any K-pop idol. I think you've got the wrong person-"

"No, you date Vernon from Seventeen... We've got the right person, sweetheart." Another decided to bud in.

"I don't date him. We're just friends..."

"Right... Because friends get caught kissing each other."

"Aish, we never kissed!"

"You never kissed him, regarding the picture?"

"Never! Never once! Our lips didn't touch one bit!"

"Yeah, right. You're a bad liar, yknow."

You groaned and began to walk away. "I don't have time for this..." you grumbled.

"Woah, woah. Where ya going? We weren't finished talking..."

And that's when you were yanked back by you're hair. Your things dropped out of your hands, and you were pushed into a locker. All you could do was stand there in pain, reaching to rub your head that was now hurting.

"Mind telling us why you're fucking around with someone famous? Is it because you want a reputation, or...?"

"Leave her alone, would you?" A voice stepped in.

You looked over to the voice and surprinslgy there stood Sofia. Did she just come to your rescue?

"She's not dating my brother, and they never kissed. I was there, and saw the whole thing. Nothing happened between them." Sofia said, stepping in. "Now just leave Y/N be... Even if she was dating him, whatever you're trying to accomplish isn't going to work."

"Oh, so they're not dating?" A smirk arose from the boys face. "Guessing she just sits on his face then... Whore."

"Whore?! Now hold on a second! I am not a whore!" you hissed. "I don't do any of that...stuff with him. I haven't even known him for that long!"

"Just let it go and walk away, Y/N..." Sofia whispers, trying to pull you away by your arm.

Yanking your arm away, you shook your head. "Look, I don't know why you came to bother me, but just leave me the fuck alone!"

And that's when a crowd started to form. Everyone began to stop in their steps and circle around the scene, which made things even more hectic on you.

"Why would I leave you alone? I'm not doing anything wrong..."

"Y/N..." Sofia tried tugging you away once again, but you didn't budge.

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