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A/N: heres a lovely update, btw I have a surprise for y'all coming soon 😎



"Alright, guys. Remember, if you haven't turned in your end of the year essay already, the due date is tomorrow. That means bring it in, Heechul."

The whole class was filled with giggles after the brief moment of calling out a student. You were currently grabbing your things to head out of the current class before other kids came rushing in. As you walked into the hallway, you seen Eunjin. Shortly after, you went to catch up to her.

"So, I heard that they're planning to have a dance here for the seniors?" You ask, glancing at Eunjin as you two walked side-by-side.

"Yeah, it's something our school committee decided on doing for the seniors every year." She replied. "They have us plan the whole thing. They get the stuff and we decorate. They do it as a way to say 'you've done enough hard work. It's time you take a break' basically."

"Do they not usually do dances here?"

"School dances are seen as a waste of time here in Korea, so it's hard to find a school where they actually have them going on." She shrugged. "That's why there's only one school dance here, and it's for us Seniors after graduation."

"That's kind of weird." You reply, but you quickly shrugged it off.

"How's your day going so far?" Eunjin asked, changing the subject.

"Pretty much smooth. I've finished all of my projects and homework, so it hasn't really been too much." You respond. "How about yours?"

"I got asked to the dance, but of course I turned the guy down," Eunjin said, glancing at you. "I felt bad. He looked so hurt. But other than that, it's kind of been the same as yours."

You nod. Now there was a stop in conversation between the two of you until you reached your homeroom, which you had gone to at the end of each day. Minhee stopped and looked inside the classroom for a moment before nudging you to go inside.

"I'll see you in a few. Try not to die because Minsung is in there,"

You groan and your cousin walks away. That's when you had entered the room to get some of your stuff you had continuously left in there. As you had organized everything, you turned around with the feeling of two different stares on you. One from who you're taking was Minsung, and well, the second person. Hell if you were to know who it was. You didn't even want to know, but you being very unaware of where the pair of eyes where coming from looked around. First, of course you spotted Minsung. That definitely wasn't a surprise. But what did come to a slight surprise is when you found the second pair of eyes.

Mr. Lee.

You sighed, realizing that as smooth as the end of this year is turning out to be, in the end it'll probably be a living hell. Casually, you had tried walking out, but as you idiotically walked passed his desk, Mr. Lee took the opportunity to stop you.

"Uh, Y/N. Before you leave, may I ask you something?"

Either you can keep walking out or let him ask whatever he was going to ask.


"What is it, Mr. Lee?" You reply, looking at the tall man who stood straight at his desk.

"Minsung. Has he been bothering you? I don't know if you guys actually talked but, I've noticed you've been...avoiding him." Mr. Lee commented sounding a bit concerned.

"It's nothing. I just don't really want to talk to him, that's all." You reply with a quick shake of the head. Than you began walking out again, but you felt a stare on you. And why should it not be from the creep himself?

After a good five minutes of walking the halls, you made your way outside to find your cousin sitting on a bench talking with some of her friends. You waited on the side until her conversation was over before bothering her. As her friends walked away, you walked up to Eunjin with a faint smile resting on your face.

"When's graduation again?" You ask.

"Next week, why?"

"Good, I'm starting to get really bad feelings about being here." You reply simply.

Eunjin took a moment to take in what you said before nodding, and replying with a broken "okay". The both of you began walking to her car seconds later. Except, once you reached the car, you didn't know you'd regret getting in it to go back to the house you were currently staying in. Because when you got out of the car and walked inside the house, you saw your dad, mom, and aunt all sitting on the couch talking. And then their attention drew over to you.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I wanted to come say hi, and tell you that...I got a job in New York, and we can move back to the States!" Your dad replied, happily.

But you yourself weren't happy. Something you expected, but on the same line, something you didn't want to hear.

wassup this was short but hey im continuing. also like i said at the beginning, ima have a surprise out for y'all soon because bitch why tf not yall have been so supportive you deserve it 😎

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