Act 1, Chapter 14

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With Max in a never-ending fight with himself, I was the exact opposite. I was loving life; the kiss Max had bestowed upon my lips was delicious, and I couldn't wait until we were alone again. If he kissed me like that again or even kissed my neck as passionately, I would've submitted myself right then and there to him. He could've done whatever he wanted to me. The very idea of my lust filled me with joy as I could feel myself still somewhat turned on by the fact. Max and I had never discussed it, but I was still a virgin. I had been thinking about it for a while and considered giving myself to Max on our graduation night. My heart was pounding as I lost focus on the class lecture while my thighs rubbed together as if it would somehow settle me down.

I only got so far until the bell rang, and my growing lust left me on the edge of no return. I thought about trying to find Max and have lunch with him, but when I walked into the cafeteria, Max was already walking away with another boy down a hallway across the room. I had seen the two of them hang out with each other before, so it was nothing new; then, I found out the boy was Max's closest friend. It would be a challenge for me to break them up at this point, and instead, I sat at a table with some of my choir friends.

There were four of us that sat around the table. Two boys and one other girl. Kora, the girl at the table, was like me but more outgoing, usually leading chats at the table or carrying a conversation. She was still a first-year student at the school, but our group adopted her into our social circle because of her lively personality. She was of average height, had sandy brown hair, and had quite a conservative wardrobe. What stood out about her was her accent, which everyone seemed to fall in love with.

Moving across the table to the two boys. One of them was Cole. His hair was in a side swoop style, leaving his forehead completely free of any hair. He was in the same grade as me and may have been potential boyfriend material. Although, I didn't fit his qualifications since Cole didn't like to flirt with the women. Last but not least, there was a red-haired boy known as Simon.

His hair was short and curly, and his face was riddled with freckles. He had square-shaped glasses with sleek edges on them, making it hard to look away from his eyes. Simon was taller than me but shorter than Max and a year younger. Unlike the other two, though, Simon was the only one that had made a move on me. Unaware at the time that I had a crush on Max. However, unlike Morgan and Max, none of the group had been welcomed into my inner circle, and had no idea what I was capable of or what my dark secrets were. They were on a need-to-know basis, and I preferred to keep it that way. Like every lunch hour, Kora led the group through festivities and games while I pulled out a bag of chips and a litre of pop. My everyday lunch.

"Alright, so what do you guys want to play today?" Kora asked.

"How about we play look at boys for half an hour?" Cole suggested.

"C'mon, something fun. How about truth or dare?" Kora suggested.

"Really? We can't do kissing dares at school." Cole fired back while laughing to himself.

He seemed to be humoured by thinking of how his comment would be taken. Yet, the three of us knew that only one individual at the table could satisfy Cole's tastes. Simon shivered at the thought, making him almost feel dirty sitting beside the boy.

"Fine then, how about we just sit quietly and ignore each other, Cole?" Kora commented.

"Sounds good to me," Simon said, following her lead.

"You guys are impossible, you know that, right?" Cole commented.

Cole lifted his eyebrows as he fired his words at the rest of us then returned to his hunt for cute boys. Kora pulled out her phone and sat back against the seat of her chair. Leaving only Simon and me, who were directly across from each other, to pick what we wanted to do. Simon made the first move. His foot met mine, and we started playing footsies with each other. Meanwhile, I continued stuffing my face with the chemical sludge that could only be considered food at a local convenience store.

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