Chapter 2

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 Isabelle had found the three boys entertaining as they excitedly planned their big prank. How come she had never talked to them before? They were in the same house.

"They seem nice." Isabelle said as her and Noelle walked a couple paces behind the boys. Isabelle was upset because she didn't get free candy but once she saw the dessert on the table it was all forgotten. Isabelle took her usual seat at the Gryffindor table next to Lily Evans who had a book opened in front of her.

"Already studying?" Isabelle asked with a laugh as she grabbed a cup of pudding. It was their sixth year at Hogwarts and all Isabelle could look forward to was herbology class. She always had a fascination with flowers and plants.

"I will be behind if I don't start now. Anyway, how is your foster parents?" Lily asked closing her book her pony tail swayed as she turned to Isabelle. Isabelle groaned at the mention of her foster parents. At a young age her parents gave her up for some unknown reason, she was later sent to a couple who only used her. They never really cared about her. Isabelle usually fended for herself ever since she moved in with them at age 10. Both of her foster parents were muggles and they never asked where she went as long as they knew she would return.

"Crappy. I was in charge of cleaning the house all summer. I managed to keep the garden nice and neat though." Isabelle said with a smile. "I finally got to talk to the famous Potter." Isabelle teased. Lily rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"He still won't leave me alone." Lily said glancing over at the group of boys who were laughing. Isabelle was surprised Noelle was friends with them. Noelle was so shy, they were well.. Not.

"I can try to talk to him. He seems nice enough." Isabelle replied looking at the boys. "Or you could just give in."

"Give in? He drives me insane!" Lily practically yelled causing Isabelle to laugh at the statement. It was an ongoing thing of James Potter trying to get Lily's attention, and Isabelle found it very humorous. Although,Isabelle had her fair share of boys there wasn't any she actually liked.

"Oh, you could've told me which one Sirius Black was." Isabelle said with a small sigh.

"Please tell me you didn't flirt with him? And how in the world do you not know who he is?" Lily asked with a laugh. Isabelle groaned and put her head on the table. She had heard how Sirius was popular with the girls, but Isabelle never really found out who he was.

"I wanted free candy! I didn't know I was going to get in a flirting battle. I can deal with never talking to him again." Isabelle laughed.

Noelle looked over at Isabelle as she put her head on the table, no doubt about flirting with Sirius. Noelle knew her best friend inside and out, and she would have never flirted with Sirius had she known the consequences.

"I think i'm gonna go for her next." Sirius whispered as they both looked over at Isabelle, Noelle turned her head quickly and glared at him "What? She's got a nice ass."

"I know she does but she's off limits Sirius! No fucking way you're going anywhere near her or i'll hex your balls off. Got it?" Noelle, in short, was very protective of her best friend. There was no way Sirius was going to break her heart.

"Ok I won't. Just don't hex my balls off I need these." Sirius raised his hands in the air in defense, smirking at his joke.

"Oh my Merlin Sirius." Noelle groaned, facepalming at the pervert she called her friend. She heard a snort from beside her and glared at Remus.

"Remus! You're supposed to be on my side! C'mon!" She whined as she watched Remus crumble into a laughing mess.

"Ugh. You men are useless. You and your dick jokes."


"Hey I made Quidditch captain this year!" James shouted as he entered the door to the common room the next day "McGonagall just told me not to screw it up and i'd be good!" James danced around the common room before jumping onto the couch where sat his 4 friends, making them all grunt at the impact.

"What the hell dude why was that necessary?" Sirius groaned.

"James why?" Peter cried out, trying to pry James' elbow from his gut.

"Celebrate with me guys! I have some firewhiskey let's party tonight." James whispered, making sure not to let everyone know.

"James we shouldn't-" Noelle was cut off by Sirius.

"C'mon little christmas live a little! I promise to keep watch on you if you get too much out of hand." Sirius winked at her before sending her puppy dog eyes. She groaned as she tried to look away from the adorable boy in front of her.

"This isn't fair you know I can't say no to those damn puppy eyes."

"Yay! Let's party!"


"Ok we're gonna play never have I ever." James said as he handed each one of them a shot glass "For each thing you've done you have to take a shot." Isabelle chose to attend at the begging of Noelle, who didn't want to be the only girl in the group. "I'll go first. Never have I ever.... Given a hickey." James smirked at Sirius, who he was aiming that at but was surprised when both Isabelle and Noelle also took a shot, as well as Sirius and Remus.

"There's a super cute guy that's my neighbor. We have a summer thing going on." Isabelle explained, shrugging.

"I'm a sexual drunk." Was all Noelle said as they continued the game.

Peter went next, who said "Never have I ever...been on a date." Sirius, Isabelle, Remus, and James all took a shot. Next went Sirius.

"Never have I ever... hm this is hard i've done a lot of things.... Made out in a teacher's classroom."

"Fuck off. I'm totally losing this." Isabelle laughed as she took another shot.

"I told you to stop being such a slut Belle." Noelle laughed as Isabelle glared at her before shrugging, overall agreeing with her statement. "Ok my turn. Never have I ever.... Sucked a dick." Isabelle once again took a shot, glaring at Noelle. Isabelle cleared her throat as she prepared her comeback to Noelle.

"Never have I ever seduced someone to get more alcohol." Noelle took a shot, flipping off Isabelle afterwards. Isabelle laughed satisfied with her comeback. Remus was next.

"Um. Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex." Isabelle gave a sigh of relief as she watched Noelle and Sirius take a shot. The effects of her shots were slowly getting to her as her head started to feel lighter.

"Okay! Never have I ever went skinny dipping." James smirked. Remus, Isabelle, Sirius and Noelle took a shot.

"Really James? You haven't done that?!" Isabelle asked with a giggle.

"And I thought you were innocent little christmas." Sirius patted Noelle on the head.

"Fuck off I never said that." Noelle jokingly yelled back, laughing uncontrollably due to the alcohol. 

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