True enemy, false friend

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Becoming a teenager is a rebellious experience.
We are narcissistic, arrogant and full of opinions. We feel the world does not matter, only we do. It's a phase which will pass but it can  teach a great deal of lessons.

The first day of highschool was one of the best days of my life. I was excited, happy and apprehensive. I had a friend, Joshua, he was tall but skinny, wore round spectacles and a ring with 'Batman's' symbol on it. He had freckles and pimples and acne. Joshua was a typical nerd but most importantly he was my best friend, until that day.

Alexander, one of the most popular guy in my grade, sat next next to me in the homeroom that day. We hit it off and became friends. Now one of the perks of befriending the brother of the captain of the varsity football team is - instant popularity.

What I did wrong was in my infatuation with fame I made friends with a bully and before I could realise it I had made more new, popular friends  and left Joshua behind. He used to approach me like old times but then I had to leave his company lest Alex should bully him and crumble the little self esteem he had. I started spending more and more time with Alex, playing football and going to his parties. Joshua was still loyal to me, I was that poor kid's only real friend and I was ignoring him, spending less and less time with him. I guess I was too busy pushing him away.

Alexander and his gang, which was now my gang were not only bullies but also big pranksters and they had a lot of money. They used to bully nerds and play pranks on them but I never joined into that so easily, and that irked them.

As time passed my grades started falling. Joshua kept me from failing. Alexander was still mad at me for not joining in his shenanigans, so he stuck a note on Rory ( A very ill-tempered boy from grade ten ) . He was bulky and always full of rage but the worst part was the note was signed under my name and I could smell death the moment I found out about it.

When Rory found me he charged at me like a bull. Nobody did anything while he slapped me, kicked me. Alexander was enjoying it while, Baxter ( his side kick) was making a video of Rory beating the shit out of me. Soon the teachers came in and the principal suspended Rory and gave me a week in detention.

                         *   *   *

When I was in Sophomore year I tried my best to keep my distance  from Alex but being on the same team did not help. I had to fake my friendship with him and I was trying to find an excuse to get of that toxic relationship. That was also the year when Joshua came out as gay and that was like a target on his back.

Now technically Melissa found his diary and because she was heartbroken she announced it in the cafeteria. I literally choked on my sandwhich. I looked for Joshua everywhere but couldn't find him until the end of the day. He was crying in an alley behind the dumpster. I comforted him and tried to calm him down but like a bad omen Alexander showed up, "So there's Cole with the latest fag"

"Hey mind your own business ," I demanded.

"Ooh look at how angry cole is . . Are you his boyfriend or something "

"Didn't I tell you to get lost ?" I shot back.

"I know you are straight but baxter does not believe it, do you ?" He said his lips turned into an evil smirk while Baxter shook his head."Now Cole you have to choose, do you want to make out with your fag and stay downtrodden or do you want to remain friends with the elite and stay on the football ?"

"I don't want to choose and I'll repeat get the fuck out of here" I said standing up, my eyes red with rage.

"Well now you have crossed a red line," he said taking out a knife "You don't have a choice now, beat that faggot"

"Fuck off " I said and he jabbed the knife in my direction.

"Do it!" He screamed.

"Is this is a sick game to you ?"

"I'll count till 10, either you beat him up or we beat both of you."

He started counting and I just stood there firm as a mountain ready to withstand the tornado of punches and kicks from 5 jocks. The affair was pretty gory,  taking on 3 guys at once while the other 2 is beating up your childhood friend and he can't fight nor can you help him, that's gory, traumatic even.

I had knocked two unconscious, while taking damage to the nose, ribs and collarbone. Baxter was the last man standing and I fought him off with every last bit of strength I had. I pounced on him while evading a punch to my face and kneed him in the chest then grabbed his hair and bashed it in the wall. He fell to the ground, instantly.

When I turned towards joshua he was lying on the ground, blood spewing out of his mouth and nose and temples. Alexander and Dan were ready to face me as they inched closer, ready to fight with their perfectly abled bodies, when suddenly Alexander fell to the ground and I grabbed the opportunity and punched Dan then bashed his head in the wall. He fell to the ground and as soon as I shifted my gaze I saw Joshua sitting on Alex's back.

Joshua had only pretended to be unconscious and when he got the chance he had grabbed Alex's feet and pulled him to the ground. He took his knife and let go of him.

"Hey give it back fag!" He squealed sitting on the ground.

"Not a chance" I said standing behind him with my hands folded. Alex was trapped.

Joshua knelt down and stared right into his eyes, Joshua's eyes were bloodshot and he was mad with rage, he positioned the knife just inches away from his eyes while I limped over to his side.

"Now you have to choose Alex", Joshua said threateningly while he whimpered with fear, his eyes closed, Joshua then ran the tip of the knife up and down his cheeks" Either you leave us the fuck alone or we will ruin that pretty face of yours,"

"Okay okay please . . . Please take the knife away"

"Sure" Joshua said and pushed the knife right into his thigh, he let out a bloodcurling scream. Joshua got up to leave and we walked away when he turned and said,"don't pull it out or you'll bleed out and die"

"Dude that was dark" I said while we walked off into the sunset my hand on Joshua's shoulder as he supported me.

"I've learnt a few tricks, now let us get you to a hospital."

"I am sorry Josh"

"Apology accepted"

★~~• THE END •~~★

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