Drugs Can Kill You Or Worse...

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It was raining hard that night.
In my hurry to get into the house, I didn't notice the black car parked across the road. I realised something was wrong when I saw a tiny red dot apparate just above my head as I stood at my threshold, keys dangling in my hand. The dot lowered until it disappeared, instinctively I ducked. The sniper bullet left a hole as big as my peep hole. I ran for my life across the lawn, more bullets were fired with hardly any interval, either it was a machine gun or a lot of shots were being fired simultaneously by more than one pair of hands, or probably both.

I was just inches away from my cellar door when it hit me, I fell to the ground while blood oozed out of my torso. At that moment I regretted every decision I made in my career that had bought me to this. The rain continued as I lay still, my phone clutched tightly in my hand while I slipped out of consciousness.

Being a journalist is no easy job. You have to do extensive research for the article,get statements from the police and politicians or sometimes investigate the case yourself. I was working on an exposé that included drug-dealers and what I found out during this was more shocking than ever. You see, humans loves a kind of paper more than other humans, money.

The drug-dealers were facing a major crisis since the marijuana and opium plantation were nationalised. However money can do a lot, some politicians and MP's supplied weed illegally. They even had connections with doctors who provided prescription drugs from the hospital pharmacy. It was profitable for all of them, the dealer's business boomed, the politicians became rich by privoding just a few grams if weed while the doctors received their commission by embezzling a few bottles and pills.

One of the doctors there, Samira, helped me a lot. She was one of the seniormost surgeon and she was merely 24 years old. She had eidetic memory, spatial intelligence, perfect recall inshort a recipie for a medical prodigy. She was a brilliant doctor and very intelligent ( her IQ was 195). Samira set up cameras and even provided me with pharmacy records that didn't make sense. With video evidence and records my article wad foolproof. She only had one condition, that her identity remains anonymous.

The article was published on the front page. News channels paid hefty amounts to get their hands on the video, this exposé made headlines and had the entire nation shook. The doctors involved were suspended with their license on the line. CBI investigations were conducted, the politicians were removed from their positions and the trial was moved to a fastrack court. It had been a month since my article and still the news channels played the same story and held debates. The next day was the court's hearing and I was obviously the key witness.

I had become a star reporter since that stint. That fateful night while I was returning home from work the raib began. The sky roared with thunder, a chill ran down my spine as I drove back home. It was colder than usual. In my hurry to get into the house, I did not notice my assailants. Evenafter being locked in prison these politicians had strong connections. To save themselves they decided to kill me.

I lay still in my lawn, my blood mixed with water and dirt stained my clothes. I was motionless, my eyes still open being stabbed with raindrops when a man, all dressed in black kneeled down beside and grabbed my hand, noticing a pulse he quickly got up grabbed his gun and shot another at my chest and left me assuming I was dead. What he didn't know was that my heart was on the right and that the phone clutched in my hand was sending a distress call to Samirah.

I don't know what happened next. I woke up in a dark room. I had gauzes abe bandages on my torso and chest, an IV line attached to my arm. Samirah told me that I was lucky the bullets did not do serious damage, the one in my stomach had exited through my back, without organ damage, it just grazed my liver. The other bullet was complicated as it had damaged my left lung's lower lobe.

When I woke up it was already morning, she asked me what I was going to do next. I shot a video and sent to every major news channel describing last night's event, blaming the politicians for their attempted assassination. "I will take revenge," I had said and that is what I did.

¶•×~ THE END ~ו¶

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