Jess POV

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Thanks for all the reviews and comments, here's the next chapter ♡♥♡


I wouldn't consider myself to belong to any of the clique, typical high school groups that you see in movies. I was just one of the normals who had slightly higher than average grades, wore normal clothes, not particularly good at sports and had only had one boyfriend. I have blonde hair, not a particularly nice shade, just average and brown eyes. Not the chocolaty kind that everyone compliments you on, the type that people just ignore because they are so average. 

So when Annabeth Chase joined school, you can imagine my dismay. She had long blonde locks that cassaded down her back, and tan skin. Her grey eyes, always calculating your next move, always one step ahead of you. She was fast, faster than all the other girls and boys. She was also extremely clever, witty and intimidating all the same time  All in all, she was a perfect girl.

Which was why jess tried to hate her,  but she couldn't.  She wished that Annabeth was one of those slutty girls who wore mini skirts and shirts with their cleavage hanging out, one who caked her face I makeup and wore fake tan, who had a million boyfriends on at once. But she wasn't.  So Jess couldn't help but like Annabeth.

And soon they became friends, growing closer over the months. Which is why, when their History teacher said partner,  they immediately looked at eachother across the room.

Which is why I was stood outside Annabeths house knocking on her door, ready to "work" and sleepover at hers. I had never been to Annabeths house, she always cane to mine, so this was my first time. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, as she had always been very private about her home life, but I knew that she had problems with her dad and stepmum.

A woman, in her late 30s opened the door. She opened her mouth to say something when Annabeth came runing down the stairs, her golden curls streaming behind her. She smiled at me and opened the door wider. 

"Hey Jess" Annabeth said to me.

"Hey" I replied.

"Come on let's go to my room." She said. I stepped in to her house, gingerly smiling at Annabeths stepmum who was still in the doorway. I followed Annabeth up to her room and her room was very,  well, Annabeth. 

It had a huge bookshelf in one corner, with tons of books. I could all sorts of books; books on architecture, history books, Shakespear books, maps, photo albums, all the Harry Potters, The Hunger Games, Divergents, The Mortal Instruments and The Maze Runners. Opposite the book shelf was a desk, full of papers and blueprints. Her bed was pushed up againt the wall and her bed side table had several more books on it, along with a picture frame.

Upon closer inspection,  I realised there were 7 people in the picture, including Annaneth. There was a big guy who looked like a teddy bear, a girl with curly black hair and gold eyes. Next to her was a mischevious looking guy, with pointy ears, but somehow looked quite good looking. On the other side of the huge guy, there was a very pretty girl, with choppy brown hair. I couldn't quite decide what colour her eyes were; from different angles they looked different colours. With his arm wrapped her waist,a handsome blonde guy stood next to her. He had electric blue eyes, which stood out from behind his blonde fringe. He was very musular, and had abs that made girls swoon. Slightly infront of him was Annabeth, her blonde curls blowing in the breeze, her grey eyes lit up with happiness. Next to her was another handsome, muscular  guy, but that's about where the similarities between the two tall boys ended. While the blone had a very broad build, the other guy had a swimmers build. Still muscular, just leaner. He had messy black hair, and sea green eyes. He was looking at Annabeth, a smile on his face.

"They're my friends from camp"  Annabeth said from behind me, smiling contently. "And that's my boyfriend, Percy" She said pointing to the lean, black-haired boy. I now realized that he and Annabeth were holding hands behind their backs. 

"He's cute." I said.

"Yeh. Shall we start working?" Annabeth asked, putting quotation marks around the working. I translated this into "Get out the paper, pens and laptop, so we can mess around and make it look like we're working".

I grinned. "Yeh, let's start "working"." 

We had been "working" for about a 2 hours until we finally gave up on pretending to wrok and just watched movies for a while, ate pizza and sweets and drank coke. Several laughing fits and a lizard later, we finally went to sleep.

I woke up suddenly. I looked around, trying to work out what it was that awoke me, but everything was normal. Annabeth was sleeping peacefully on her bed, the door was closed, like how she always had it, and her lamp was off, like it always was at our sleepovers. Then I heard it.

Tap tap tap. 

I froze. The sound was coming from the window. the other side of the window.

Tap tap tap.

There it was again. My breathing sped up, and became unsteady. What was it that tapping against the window. Or..who was it?

I leaned over to Annabeth and shook her awake. She slowly opened her eyes, looking at me questioningly. I must have looked scared, because she looked around the room and pulled out a...dagger? WHY DOES SHE HAVE A DAGGER?!!

Tap tap tap.

Annabeth cautiously walked towards the window. I followed her, a few paces behind. She reached her hand out. I braced my self.

And outside the window was a dark hooded figure, throwing pebbles at the window.

Definatly male. Tall. Muscular. I glanced at Annabeth, wondering what her plan of attack was. And what she did surprised me.

She swung herself out of the window, and landed gracefully on the ground.  Her blonde hair and grey eyes stood out in the dark, so I could see her easily.  She wrapped her arms around the strangers neck, and they talked in a soft whisper. As my eyes got more used to the darkness, I realized the man wasn't hooded, but it was his hair. Black hair.

And that's when it hit me. That was Percy. Annabeth's boyfriend. The knocking on the window with the pebbles. Something that only someone who knew Annabeth well would know that she found it both romantic and stalkerish, throwing pebbles at her bedroom window in the middle of the night.

I looked down at the couple, who's forheads were leaning against eachother and decided to leave them to it, and give them some privacy. I crept back to bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found not just one person in Annabeths bed, but two. Percy and Annabeth were lying curled around each other, facing each other. Their noses were touching and their lips were centimetres away from each other. I smiled at Annabeth, glad that after all her rocky relationship s with her mum, dad and stepmum,  she had finally found someone who cared about her.


Hope you enjoyed, sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm bloody awful at spelling anyway, but now I'm absolutely shattered, been a long school day. ♡♥♡

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