Fredrick P.O.V (2)

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Holaaa chicas y chicos, aquí está el siguiente capítulo :)

And, wow, that's the longest Spanish sentence that I've ever written without using Google translate..that's really bad considering I've been doing Spanish for 3 years


But it he wasn't angry at Percy. He was angry at himself.

And all of a sudden all Fredrick Chase could see was flashbacks of Annabeth. His little girl.

His baby.

A three year old Annabeth running across the beach, the sea tickling her toes. A four year old Annabeth, getting introduced to Helen. A 6 year old Annabeth, playing with her brothers. A 14 year old Annabeth returning home.

But it wasn't her home. This house was home to many, but not Annabeth. Not because she wasn't welcome, but because she didn't want it to be her home. Because this was the place where the people who hurt her the most lived.

I knew of a saying " the main reason a girl needs a father is to show her that not all guys are out to hurt her" And that's when I realised that I had probably caused the most harm to her, than anyone in the whole world. Sure, there had been monsters who had hurt her but I had hurt her in a way beyond repair; I let her grow up without a father. Every girl needs a father, someone to protect them, not abandon them. Someone to make them laugh, not make them cry. Someone to cherish them, not neglect them. But I wasn't there for her. And that was going to change. Now. I was going to protect her from anyone and everyone. Starting with this boy here.


I looked at "Percy". He was wearing a dark blue hoodie, black skinny jeans, and his hair was a messy black mop on his head. If I saw him on the street, to me he would seem like a typical mainstream player. This was my chance to prove to Annabeth I could be a good father.

"So when did this happen?" I asked, referring to them as a couple. Percy let out a sigh of relief. Coward. My daughter doesn't deserve a coward.

"About 1 month ago" Annabeth replied, glancing at Percy. He smiled at her, and grabbed her hand. Idiot. Doesn't her know that wasn't the right timing? My daughter doesn't deserve an idiot.

"Ah...I see" I said, trying not to sound disaproving...and failing. I decided to drop the act. "Percy can I talk to you for a second?" I asked him.

"Er sure." He replied. Bad manners. My daughter doesn't deserve someone with bad manners.

He followed me into my study where we awkwardly stood about 8 feet apart.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" I suddenly blurtled out. He looked slightly shocked, before reassembling his features and answering my question:

"Well, we've been through a lot together, and i wouldn't even dream of hurting her and-err- well I'll go as far as she wants to go, but I know for a fact that I love her and if I had it my way, then I would marry her, right here, right now, because I can't even begin imagine life without her, 'cause every time I see her face, I let out a sigh of relief, because shes safe and every time she hugs me or holds my hand, I can't get my head round why she would choose me because compared to her, I am nothing. She deserves so much more than me, but I can't tell her that, because she'll just laugh that beautiful laugh of hers tell me to stop being stupid, but I can't 'cause when I'm around her, I can't think straight, I can't do anything around her, because I am in love with your daughter."

I blinked, unsure of what to think of his speech. My head was spinning with questions; Was any of that true? How many other fathers had he said that to? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a yell from the other room. Exchanging glances with Percy, we hurried down the hall and into the lounge.

There, in the lounge, was Helen on one side of the room, screaming at Annabeth, her arms around Bobby and Matthew, and Annbeth, her hair a mess and her lip and arm bleeding, on the other side yelling back. Between them, the table was knocked over, and the window smashed with glass all of the floor.

"-almost killed them" Helen yelled.

"In case you didn't noticed I just saved your life, so you could at least be a little grateful" Annabeth shot back.

"GRATEFUL?! If you weren't here in the first place, then they wouldn't have needed saving!"

Annabeths voice became dangerously low"Do you know how many times I have saved your ungrateful little ass? Despite all that shit that you put me through, I could have let you die, and believe me when I say I wanted to. You made my childhood a living hell. I hated you with a passion that most people never feel in their whole lives, and I felt it when I was only seven years old." And then she turned to me. "And you, your just pathetic" she spat at me. And marched out of the house.

The house was silent for a moment, until Percy spoke up. "You know you should be glad that she even looks at either of you. Your sick. The pair of you."

"Don't talk to me like that! Fuck you-" I started.

"Nah. I'd rather fuck your daughter." And with that he walked out of the house.


Meh, I don't really like this chapter much, any suggestions for the next one?

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