Chapter 4

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"Dane, I need to use the restroom." I kept my head down and tried to move out of Eric's line of sight.

"Okay, we'll go after I check ou-"

"Now!" I hissed, I had to get out of here.

Dane raised an eyebrow, then he saw him. I could see his jaw clench. He smirked wickedly, "There's a warrant for that fucker's arrest." He looked down at me. "Follow me sweet boy."

He led me over to the counter and looked at the employee in the eyes, smiling sweetly. "Excuse me sir, I need to have a word with you manager please?" The employee nodded and got the manager.

The manager was a middle aged lady who smelt like cat urine and peppermint, she smiled and looked at Dane. "How may I help you sir?"

He moved his jacket to reveal his badge, "There is a man over there who is on the most wanted list. I'm sending this store into full lockdown immediately."

Her small eyes widened, she nodded and went off to do and told.

Dane took out his phone and dialed some number I didn't know. "Hey, it's Micheals. Eric Rum is here. I have the manager locking it down. I'll send you my location. Alright. Okay. Yes."

He hung up and I looked up at him, I was so scared I went into little space. "Daddy? I scawed..."

He looked down at me and his face softened. He ushered me to the employee room and looked at the manager.

"Oh sir, I just locked it down!" She smiled nervously.

"Good, he's staying in here. If he gets hurt I will shut down this store." And with that he went back out.

I could hear people freaking out about the lock down. I sighed and plopped down in a chair. The manager left so I was alone in the room.

I rubbed the scar on my chest from the bullet, Eric never loved me. I was just something for him to fuck when he was bored.

I heard shouts and sunk back into the chair. Dane knew what he was doing, he was the best. I waited for what seemed like forever. I was extremely bored. Stupid Dane was taking too damn long.

Finally Dane came in, "Hey buddy!"

I squealed and jumped up, I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Daddy took too lon! I thought yew was betters den dat!" I nuzzled my face into his chest.

I felt his chest move as he laughed, he rubbed my back softly. "Sorry little one."

He rubbed my back and led me out of the room. Everyone was gone except the employees. Dane grabbed our bags and I followed him.

"Did yew pay fo those?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He laughed, "Yes I did silly. C'mon, we got alot more shopping to do."

We bought me some big clothes as well, pajamas, and a few necessities. I felt drained from all the walking and seeing Eric, I never thought I would see him again.

I was lost in thought, but stopped suddenly as we passed a toy store. There was a giant stuffed shark, and I needed it. I decided to play it sweet.

"What's wrong little one?" Dane looked down at me, his hands full of bags.

"Daaaddyyy, lookie!" I pointed at the stuffie, it looked so soft. "Pwetty Pwease?? I take good care him!"

He smiled and handed me his card. "Go," I squealed with joy and ran in. I took the stuffie off the shelf and hugged him. He was so fucking soft! I checked out and hurried back to Dane.

It was hard to walk because the stuffie was bigger than me. Dane smiled, "Let's get home, it's lunch and then nap time."

I nodded, smiling wide. I followed Dane out to the car, waddling with my new Stuffie.

We made our way home, I snuggled with my stuffie the whole time. He was so soft! I loved him!

When we got home Dane and I put all my new clothes in the wash and then steam cleaned my new sippy cups and pacifiers.

I sat on the couch with Chip, my new shark stuffie, and watched cartoons while Dane made lunch. He seemed unaffected by today's events. Eric had been arrested, but I had no idea where the rest of the Rum gang was.

"Little one, you ready for lunch?" Dane shut off the TV and I pouted. I wasn't hungry.

I got up and drug my feet to the table, Dane set down a plate of chicken nuggets and French fries. I stared at the plate, then shook my head and got up. "Not hungy."

"Sweet boy, you need to eat." Dane put his hands on his hips.

I shook my head again. "Please no?" I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

He sighed and picked me up, "Fine, but you will have a snack after your nap. Okay little one?"

I nodded, "I wan take nap in daddy's bed pwease?"

He smiled and nodded. He took me to his bedroom and laid me on the bed. He climbed in next to me held me close.

"Sweet dreams baby boy."

"Sweet dreams daddy."

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