Chapter 11

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I woke up to my phone ringing, damn thing was so loud. I was taking a nap in my crib, so my phone was across the room.

I groaned and slowly got up. I took out a small pocket knife from under my mattress and picked the lock on the crib.

Dane should no better, i'm always good with locks.

I slid the crib open and climbed out. I looked at my phone and saw I had a missed call from Nathan.

I smiled and called him back. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey Evvo," Nathan sounded a bit weird, what was going on?

"Hey, what's up?"

"Can I come over?"

I looked over at the clock, Dane was still at work.

"Sure, I'll text you my address." I hung up and sent him the text.

Hopefully nothing was wrong, I changed into an old black, bleach stained shirt and some long black overalls. I padded out into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar.

Since Eric was put to death, the Rum gang had moved all the way across the country. Nathan had been texting me everything. He didn't go with them.

I'm glad he left the gang, he deserved more in life than that.

I sat and waited, I jumped up when I heard a knock at the door.

I ran to it and flung it open, smiling wide.

But my smile quickly faded when I saw him. He had blood dripping from his nose, his eyes were both black, he had cuts and bruises all over.

"Get your ass in here and explain." I moved aside to let him in and he slowly shuffled in.

"Damn Ev, not even a hi?" He smiled weakly and rubbed some blood from his mouth.

"Sit down and take off your shirt, and exlplain." I went over to the medicine cabinet and took out the first aide kit.

He sighed and slowly peeled off his bloody shirt. "I ran into Alexander, Eric's right hand man. Apparently he was back in town to visit his grandma. He said it was my fault Eric got caught and he was pissed at me that Eric couldn't see his 'Honey bee' one last time. I let him beat on me, he wasn't worth fighting."

He tensed up as I began cleaning his wounds with rubbing alcohol, his jaw tightened. I worked on him silently, dressing all of his wounds.

"There, all done. Go lay on the couch and I'll bring you an icepack." I put up all of the stuff and threw away the bloody alcohol pads. I washed my hands and got a frozen bag of peas from the freezer.

I turned and Nathan was laying on the couch, I placed the bag over his eyes and sat where his legs were. My butt was on the couch with my legs going over his.

"Nate, i'm sorry... If I had just manned up and went to see Eric then you wouldn't have gotten hurt..." I looked down and sniffled.

He suddenly sat up and looked at me. "Ev, if you had gone then he would probably be free. You might be dead. I would rather get beaten up a thousand times than see you get hurt again. You've been through too much." He hugged me close and I sighed.

I leaned into him and closed my eyes. I hated being the reason he was hurt, but i'm glad he was okay.

"Evan. Who is this?"

I looked up at saw Dane, I smiled, but he looked mad.

"Dane!" I jumped up and threw my arms around him. "This is Nathan!"

He hugged me back and relaxed, I had told him all about Nathan. "Oh, hello Nathan. I'm Dane."

Nate slowly rose up and looked Dane up and down. "So you're the boyfriend?"

"Yep," Dane glared right back at Nate. He gripped my ass firmly and I fought to stay silent.

"Ya know, if you ever hurt him I will hang you from ya damn toes and slowly skin you with a potato peeler." Nate stood up straight so he was more defined.

They were having a damn dominance stand-off. Dumbass boys.

"Both of you quit your shit. Both of you have big balls, blab blah blah. I'm going out for a cigarette." I went out to the backyard and sat on the porch swing.

I grabbed my pack and took a cigarette out. I pulled my lighter from my pocket and lit up.

I slowly took in a long drag and slowly let it out. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I felt the swing move, these idiots were sitting on either side of me.

"Ev, no smoking." Dane pulled the cigarette from my hand and put it out. "You know you're trying to quit."

"Yeah Ev, those things will make ya lungs black. Like your little soul." Nate messed up my hair and smiled.

I groaned and layed across their laps.


I looked over my scarred torso. I stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. I wanted to get something to cover all this shit up.

I pulled on some boxers and went to my room. Dane had just left for work, he had a full 12 hour shift.

I put on a hoodie and some ripped black Jeans. I put my hood up and grabbed my wallet and keys.

I got in my car and started it up. I started driving, actually obeying the speed limit for once just in case Dane was out on this route.

He had been giving me an allowance these past few months, but I never spent it. I had about 500 in savings and 400 for spending.

I made my way to the next town over and drove around until I found what I was looking for. I parked my car and got out, smiling.

I took a deep breath and walked into the tattoo shop.

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