Chapter 6: Visitors (I'm Yours)

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Warning!: Little swearing. Today's chapter song is I'm Yours by Jason Mraz.

     "C'mon, maybe we can get some fruit or something." Jarom said. "Whatever you say weirdo." Aaron shrugged, putting the wood down. We walked into to town and a couple girls came running out their homes. "AARON!!!" They yell. "And this is why I hate people." Aaron muttered. Jarom chuckled. "You distract, I'll collect." Jarom smiled and took off. "Damn him." Aaron grumbled. The girls crowded him. My chest burned as they all smiled and flirted with him. Marry patted my back. I smiled, trying to ignore it. "Aaron! Oh my god your actually here!" One of them smiled. Aaron gave a fake smile. "So?" He asked. One of them fanned themselves. "What brings you here?" Another asked, a sweet smile on her lips. "Just searching." Aaron answered. "For what?" Another asked. "Jarom.... he ran off on me." Aaron answered in a grumble. "Well... I'm sure he'll come around this area soon. Why don't you come sit down?" Another asked patting on a bench. I bit my lip, trying not to growl. Blood drawing as I try and keep in my discussed expression from the iron taste. "I think I'm good. Why don't you go do what you were doing. I don't want to intrude." Aaron forced another smile. "Intrude? Please it's an honor. I do have to ask though... have you facing your mate yet?" One of the girls whispered. "I have." Aaron answered. "Aw..... She must be cute." One of them grumbled sadly. "Is she here?" Another asked. Aaron smiled at me, grabbing my hand and making me walk in front of him. They all stared at me. "Why?" I asked. "If I have to do this so do you." Aaron smirked. "Your a jerk." I mumble. Aaron chuckled. "Whatever you say." Aaron wrapped his arms around me. "What's your name?" One of the girls asked, glaring daggers at me. "L-Lilly." I stuttered. "Uh Huh." Another said. Ones eyes widened. "Oh my god what happened to you!?" She asked, grabbing my arms and pulling it to her. I quickly pulled it back, covering it shyly. Aaron hugged me slightly tighter. "Are those scars?" Another asked noticing the cut, whip, and burn marks on my arm. "I don't know what your talking about." I mumble. "What happened?" A nother girl walked up to me. "She don't like to talk about it." Aaron said, stepping in. "C'mon, I can get you healed up." The woman smiled. Aaron shook his head, holding me closer. The woman gave him a confused look. "Surely you want your mate properly taken care of." She said. "She's not a wolf. That's as far as their going to heal." Aaron explained. "Oh.... I see." The woman looked at me with sad eyes. They all did. "Hey Aaron!" Jarom came back with Mary. Aaron glared daggers at Jarom. "Excuse us ladies, we have somewhere to be." Jarom smiled st them as Mary waved shyly at them. They all kept their eyes on me as Aaron and I walked away. "Your so dead later." Aaron growled at Jarom. "Please, you handled it before." Jarom shrugged off. "That was when I didn't know who my  mate was remember?" Aaron growled. Jarom stopped in his tracks. "Oh yeah..... uh.... sorry about that Alpha." Jarom rubbed his neck. "AARON!!!! I HEARD YOU WERE IN TOWN AND WANTED TO SEE IF IT WAS TRUE! ARE YOU STILL HERE!?" We head a female voice ask. "See what you've got me into?" Aaron growled. "I'll take care of this." Jarom chuckled nervously. A girl with tall high heels, trying to be careful of where she stepped. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, a crop top that was probably 5 sizes to small. Her skirt was no more than 5 inches long and barely covered her. Aaron rolled his eyes before turning to her. "Word get's around fast huh?" He asked. She smiled at him sweetly. "Yeah, I'm glad I was able to catch you. I never thought I wouldn't be able to see you!" She smiled. "Who's these?" She asked, smiling at us. Aaron took a silent deep breath. "This is Jarom, his mate Mary, and-." Aaron said. "Oh my! What happened to you!? Your skins so scared up!" She said, interrupting Aaron. "Sorry, My curiousity get's the best of me." She apologized. "And my mate, Lilly." Aaron finished, ignoring her apology. "Mate?" She asked, looking at me. "Here we go again." I mumble. "Look... um we have some things to do, so if you could maybe hurry up with this or just get to the point." Jarom said. The girl glared at me. I hid behind Aaron, trying to get away from her gaze. "I just wanted to say hi. But... you still didn't answer my question sweetheart. What happened." The girl said. "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told everyone else. She don't like to talk about it." Aaron sighed. Aaron grabbed my hand comfortably as I stared at the girl. The girl kept staring at me and it was starting to me me uncomfortable. "Well.... maybe I could tag along? I could help. Just let me go get my working shoes! I'll be back!" She smiled, took off her hight heels and ran back to the camp. "I don't like her." I say. "Me neither." Mary agreed. "Let's get going before she comes back." Aaron turned his head and started to walk away. We all followed quickly. It was about lunch time and all we did was walk. "You guys didn't wait!" We all head the female again. I hid behind Aaron as she came up. "I'm going to start grabbing wood." Aaron said. "We have-." Jarom started but before we know it the wood was gone. I nodded in agreement and followed Aaron. We were at least 50 feet away by the time the girl got to Jarom. "Where are they going?" The girl asked. "We need wood." Jarom answered, sighing. He started building up the shelters, three instead of two. One for me and Mary, one for the two guys, and one for the female. "This is going to be the worse." I sigh. "For you and me both Lilly." Aaron agreed. Aaron got wood the normal way, breaking off branches and so forth. I collected sticks and bark to start the fire.  We get back and the girls sitting on a rock. I shivered as the cold wind breezes against me. I put the sticks and grass down and found a good sun spot. I put some rocks in a sickle and grabbed a piece of bark. "Hey Mary! I need that glass again!" I say. Mary handed it to me, luckily clean. I focused the light on the piece of bark. "What are you-." I hear the female say. I jump, startled, and the glass fell and cut my finger, causing me to yelp. Aaron looked over at me, worriedly. The blood came out quickly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The girl said, grabbing my hand and looking at the cut. "I'll clean the glass off. I shack my head. "There's no time, the suns going down soon." I say, pulling my hand away and trying again. After a couple of hours. I finally got the fire up and the sun was going down. If the fire failed then we wouldn't have a fire. I put the grass in and once it was ready for wood, Aaron put it in. After that Aaron rubbed off the wood that was on his hands and held out his hand. I knew he would want to see my hand. So I put my hand in his. He examined my hand, it was still bleeding. Aaron whipped the blood away, causing a red streak. I flinched at the small pain thaw was caused when he glided his finger across the cut. "Sorry." Aaron said. I nodded, telling him it was okay. He continued to examine my cut. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. "Jarom! Can you get some water?" Aaron asked. "Sure." Jarom got up, formed, and ran off. "Is she okay?" Mary asked. Aaron nodded. "Yeah... it's just a small cut." I shrug. "That's a small cut?" The girl asked. "I believe we never got your name." Aaron sighed. "Oh! Haley!" She smiled. Aaron nodded. "So how is this just a cut?" Haley asked. Aaron sighed, "I rather not talk about it." Aaron said. "Huh?" Haley asked. "Here Alpha." Jarom got some water. "Thanks Jarom." Aaron said as he took the cloth, soked in water. He cleaned the cut, getting all the blood off of it. Aaron the grabbed my hand and that glow started up again. I pulled my hand away, Aaron giving a disapproving look. "No!" I point at him like he was a dog. Aaron then glared at me as I glared back. "Your not a werewolf are you?" Haley asked. Aaron looked at her, and so did I. "No... I'm not." I answer. Haley then gave a look of hatred. Aaron pulled me close and growled. "She's human?" Haley snapped. Aaron growled again, not exactly answering her question. The girl formed, bones cracking behind me as well. Aaron's black wolf stood in front of me protectively. Jarom formed too gaining up on Haley. Her wolf looked at Mary and snarled at both of us. Jarom and Aaron both growed. After a while of Haley being cornered, she gave up, turning her back to us. Jarom formed back, along with Aaron. "Nice chat." Aaron said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Chat?" I ask. "It's nothing you need to worry about." Aaron said with a smile. I hummed questionably. "Fine...." I say, looking at the fire and adding a log to it. Haley formed back, now not in any clothes. I see a bright red tint to her sheels as Aaron glances at her. I look at him. "What did you say?" I asked, now curious. "I thought I told you it was nothing you had to worry about." Aaron looked at me. "Her face is red. What did you tell her?" I pointed out. Aaron looked at Haley, he face becoming more red. "It's called blushing." Aaron said. "Exactly. So what did you say!?" I asked, becoming irritated. Aaron smiled, "You care... touching. Very touching." Aaron leaned towards me. "I don't care! I'm just curious!" I lie. Aaron watched me, studying me. "What did you say?" I asked once again, my voice becoming dangerously deep. "And what are you gonna do to make me?" Aaron smirk grew. I smirked, Aaron giving a questionable look. "Fine. I guess I'm leaving then. After all my dad probably has a bunch of punishments planned for me." I wave and start to walk away. He froze, along with Jarom as Mary watched me shocked. "Alright Fine!" Aaron boomed when I was almost out of view. I smirked to myself, turning on my heel. I waited for him to tell me. "Just come back." Aaron whined. I hummed, deciding. "Please." Aaron added. I shrug and walk back. Aaron wrapped his arms around my waist. "What's wrong with her dad?" Haley asked. "None of your business." Mary answered sassily. "Alright fine! Easy." Haley put her hands up. "So???" I ask. Aaron looked at me. Aaron sighed before taking my hand. Leading me out of view of anyone else. I gave him a questioning look. He looked back at everyone at the fire, or in their dirrection. "What?" I asked. "Do I have to?" Aaron asked. "I'm just gonna start walking if you won't tell." I say, pointing in the dirrection I was walking. Aaron shook his head. "It it really that bad?" I asked. "No but it's embarrassing." Aaron answered. "Alright.... until your comfortable telling me... why is she blushing?" I asked, pointing in the same dirrection he had recently looked. "I said something about her having to many guys after her, along the lines of if I hadn't found my mate already I probably would have been amused by her trying to sway me. She didn't think I noticed." Aaron shrugged. "Oh.... okay. So.... I need to ask.... how many girlfriends have you had?" I asked. "None, Your my first. If you agree that is." Aaron said. "How many times have you woken up with someone?" I continued. "None... when your in my position you have to be careful no one's trying to pry money out of you." Aaron answered as well. "Who was your first kiss?" I asked. Aaron stayed silent. "That's the part I don't want to talk about." Aaron stated. I narrowed my eyes. "Why?" I asked. "Because I donmt have an excuse for it." Aaron answered. "Who was it? How many girls have you kissed!?" I asked. I've only kissed one." Aaron mumbled. "One other or one total?" I pried. Aaron was silent again. "Aaron." I warned. "You said until I was ready to tell." Aaron pointed out. "Well I lied now answer the question!" I ordered. Aaron sighed with a blush staining his cheeks. "I've only ever kissed one total." Aaron mumbled. "Why is that something to be embarrassed about?" I asked. "Because when it comes to people like me you assume that the guys already kissed someone for the sake of it. But you don't expect someone like me to say that I was going to have my first kiss with someone special like a girl would." Aaron answered. "I see... well I won't tell. C'mon! We got to get going." I smile, walking back to the fire. Aaron soon followed and returned. I sat down at the seat I was at. "Can I ask how you figured it out?" Haley asked. "When you have things like that going all your life you pick up a thing or two." Aaron shrugged. Haley nodded in response. "Dinner." James smiled, pulling out a rabbit. "No!!!" I screamed. They all looked at me. "Why do you have to kill such an adorible creature!?" I say, getting up. "Uh... it's not dead." Jarom said. The rabbits ear twitched. "It's just playing dead thinking I'll leave it alone." Jarom said. "Can I see it?" I ask. "Your not going to let it free are you?" Jarom asked. I shook my head. "I'm just going to give it a Easy, painless, unterriffying death." I say. They all looked at me like I was crazy. I grabbed the rabbit and petted it. Loving it. "It deserves all the love it wants for being here." I smile, sitting back down. The bunny was confused, it slowly opened it's eye, looking at me as I pet it. It then opened the other and got up, sitting in my lap. "I think she has a animal power or something." Mary said. Jarom and Haley nodded in agreement, watching the bunny lay in my lap. I pet it's ear softly, the bunny leaning into my hand. I giggled as I pet it more. Giving it a kiss on the forehead. Aaron looked away, probably jealous. And soon, I started rubbing it's neck. The bunny leaning into it before I snapped it's neck, breaking it and letting it die without fear, pain, and letting it die with love. "You guys need some lessons." I say, lifting up the bunny. "It's a good way to lure the animal to you and have it go with no pain or fear." I say. "How long have you been doing that and how did you come up with an idea like that!?" Haley asked. "My Dad liked to starve me a lot, so I started killing animals for food when I was.... so think 6? Maybe 7. And I didn't want to have to run after them so I was gentle. It didn't work for a while so my first kill was when I was 8 and a half. And I just kept doing it." I answer both questions in one explanation. "Your Dad liked to starve you?" Haley asked. I nodded. "So He was abusive huh?" Haley added. Aaron growled lowly as I put the bunny over the fire. The sun was setting and slowly, the moon came up. We finished eating about 2 hours later and we were all talking at the fire. It was getting cold so Aaron kept me warm, me on his lap. Haley, Jarom, and Mary were all on one side. Haley barley talked, probably because Aaron was here. And Jarom wouldn't shut up. Mary added some stories as he paused, but me and Aaron just commented on a few stuff. We eventually came across truth or dare and started playing. Haley was more active during this game. "Okay... MY TURN!" Mary yelled, making Jarom smile. "Lilly!!! Truth or Dare!?" She asked excitedly. "Uh....." I mumble. "Dare?" I ask. This was my first time being asked, let alone playing this game. Jarom whispered something to her and Aaron froze. Jarom smirking as stars shown in Mary's eyes. "Okay!" She yelled excitedly. "I dare you to kiss Aaron's neck!" Mary screamed. "Jarom you-..." Aaron paused as I took the dare and kissed Aaron's neck. It was a peck, but, still a kiss. Aaron's face became a slight shade of pink as he looked down at me. "I'm gonna kill you." Aaron mumbled. Forming into his wolf before attacking Jarom. Jarom laughed and ran off, running from Aaron. "Uh... the pants?" Mary asked pointing at the pair Aaron was in. "There not the pair I sewed so I don't care." I shrug. Mary nodded with a shrug. "Aaron! Stop trying to kill Jarom and get over here!" I yell. Aaron didn't listen. "Aaron!" I scream getting up and walking over. Aaron pushed me out of the way, still ignoring me. "Aaron stop!" I yell, still didn't listen. So I spotted the glass. Yep... I did. I was going to get in so much trouble. I cut my wrist, it didn't hurt much, just a little pain as the blood dropped down my wrist. Haley and Mary staring. Aaron growled deeply before turning to me. Jarom shocked and frozen. "Now will you listen?" I ask, putting my wrist down like the cut wasn't even there. Aaron formed back, staring at me. "Alright. C'mon." I say. Aaron's grabbed my wrist, pullinnme back and examining the cut. Aaron's eye's turned to the gorgeous gold. "Lilly." Aaron growled. "You wouldn't listen." I say. "Lilly..." Aaron growled deeper and more dangerously. He took the glass, looking at it. "WHAT THE F*CKING HELL!?" Aaron boomed. I watched him as he stared at me. "I don't like being ignored Aaron." I say bluntly. "So you had to cut yourself!?" Aaron yelled. "How else was I supposed to get your attention!?" I yell back, pulling my arm away. "Plus." I smirk. "It's April 1st." I say as I take off the fake make up. Aaron looked at the fake cut, then back at the glass. "I found it in the village and decided to prank you." I smile inoccently. "Listen will you!? I don't wanna have to get your attention by doing things like that, accept for real!" I snarl back. Aaron was in complete shock. "So this is fake blood then?" Aaron looked at the glass. I shook my head. "No, you would have smelt it. I'm suprized you didn't smell the make up. It's paint, but sense even I could smell it. I put in a chemical that I thought in science class. He told me that a dog couldn't even smell it, so I was thinking that maybe you wouldn't either. And I was right!" I smile cleverly. "I didn't see you actually put the make up on." Haley stated. "That's because it was already on. But as you can see." I say pickin up the real glass shard. "It wasn't real glass and a fake one at that." I say. "Now stop trying to kill Jarom! I'm cold!" I complain, streatching my arms out for him to come hold me like a toddler wanting to be picked up. Aaron just looked at the fake make up that I had set down to the glass, then to the fake glass. "Aaron." I whined, waiting for him to come to me. Aaron looked at me after a couple minutes. Walking to me but grabbing my wrist instead of my waist. He examined my wrist, both of them at that. I frowned. "Never.... NEVER do that again!" Aaron pointed at me, making me frown. I looked down for a second before nodding. "Okay." I say. He said never to do that again. Didn't say I couldn't do anything like that ever again. Aaron brought me into a hug and I smile, from one, my thoughts, and two, Aaron was finally holding me. "Promise?" Aaron murmured. I nodded in response. "I promise" I said as I notice Aaron wasn't pleased with that answer. Aaron nodded, pleased with that answer. I held him close, nuzzling into his neck. Aaron held me tighter, not wanting to let go. "I think that's enough of playing Truth or Dare." Aaron mumbled. "What!? But we just started!" Mary complained. "Well I'm getting Lilly to bed. Then I'm going to bed so stay up as long as you want. But donmt wake us." Aaron pulled me to a tree, a little ways away from the fire. Aaron kissed the top of my head. "I'm never going to look at pranks the same way ever again." Aaron murmured. "Oh please. I'm sure you'll get me good one day." I shrug. Aaron looked at me and shook his head. "Get some sleep. I might wake you up earlier. I wanna talk to you in the morning." Aaron says. "You wanna prank them?" I ask, referring to the other three. Aaron smirked. "Maybe some other time. But right now. You need sleep." Aaron kissed my head before unwrapping his arms around me. "So your going to let me get cold?" I ask frowning. Aaron stopped, then rewrapped his arms around me. "Sorry... I wasn't thinking about that." Aaron apologized. I smiled and rested on Aaron's chest. "I stretch out in my sleep." I warned. "I'm aware." Aaron chuckled. I shrugged and wrapped my arms around Aaron before drifting off to sleep.

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