Chapter 4: Your Not The Only One (Unwell)

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Hello my reader's! Welcome to chapter 4. Hope you enjoy. This chapter's song is Unwell by Matchbox Twenty. Warning!: A little bit of a one shot will be in this chapter. Enjoy!

"So if I don't know, why don't you tell me?" I ask. Aaron smiled. "Depends, are you going to run off?" Aaron asked. "I won't run, why would you think I would run?" I asked. "Because I am so tempted to show you rather than tell you." Aaron stated. "Show me?" I ask. Aaron nodded in response. I thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay, I won't run away. BUT!!! You can't do anything while anyone's around who knows what it its and if it's that bad than it's got to be personal." I say. Aaron looked at me surprised. "Wait, seriously?" Aaron asked. I smiled and nodded. "Why would you do that?" Aaron asked. "Because I'm hypnotized. That's what you do to me." I shrug. "Wait, is that normal?" I asked. Aaron smiled and nodded. "If it's not than we're both crazy." Aaron said before leaning in, his lips crashing onto mine. I instantly kissed back, making sure my mouth was closed. Aaron growled in disapproval, causing me to smirk. I feel him lick my bottom lip, assuming that's asking for entrance, I pull away. Aaron frowned as I smirked at him. I shake my head. Aaron narrowed his eyes at me as his eyes turned golden. He then smirked at me and my smirk faulted, knowing that's never a good sign. He leaned over me, causing me to back away. I gave a sly smile as he was now ontop of me. "I should get clothes on." I said quickly, then trying to get out from under him. He grabbed onto my waist and pulled me back, kissing me passionately. I couldn't hold back, but I still had to get clothes on. Aaron licked my bottom lip again and I refused. Aaron growl d before I feel him rub against me, causing me to gasp at the strong sparks. Aaron's tongue invaded my mouth as he deepened the kiss. After a while I couldn't breath anymore and had to try and pull him off. Luckily he pulled away. I breathed heavily as he smirked down at me, also breathing heavily. "That was unfair!" I scream, loosing my breath. He chuckled. "Life isn't fair." Aaron came closer. "No! I seriously need to get clothes on! This is the weirdest thing I've done give me a break!" I begged. Aaron hummed in response, not letting go. I whined. "But you look better without those fabrics on you." Aaron smirked. I looked at him to see if he was serious. He was staring at me, his eyes wandering.

"Hold still!" My Dad yells as my cloths were ripped off. I started to panic, and I struggled so much. He was able to pin me down but sense his hands were occupied, he slapped me. The loud sound echoed through the bacement. I was shocked by that. My dad... actually slapped me. He's never hit me. He's yelled at me, but never hit me. Tears rimmed my eyes as he tore the clothing off. I look back at him, fearful. His eyes roamed whereever they pleaded before he grabbed the whip next to him. And that was the first time I've ever seen pleasure in his eyes.

Taking that as him not joking, I covered myself, now self-couscous. Aaron frowned at me as his eyes came back to my face. My blush probably made my ears red at this point. "Why do you hide yourself?" Aaron asked unamused. I hit his head, a loud bonk filled my ears as Aaron grabbed his head, I took that opportunity to get from underneath him and quickly putting my clothes on. He growled. "What the hell was that for!?" Aaron snapped. I glared at him, my blush still covering my face. Aaron sighed, "I may have deserved that." Aaron said. "May have!?" I growled. "Alright! Fine! I admit it... I deserved that." Aaron sighed. Aaron stood up, looking at me. A smile playing on his lips. "Your still cute when you blush." Aaron stated. I turned my back to him, walking in the dirrection Jarom went. "Where are you going!?" Aaron called. He caught up to me, putting his arms around me. I stopped angerly. Aaron's grip faulted. "Are you mad at me?" Aaron asked worriedly. I hugged myself tightly in response. Aaron let go, backing up a little. I didn't expect him to do that so I looked at him. One eye a dark brown, the other a gold. He was in that mix faze. I looked away. "I'm sorry Lilly.... I'll control myself better." Aaron looked to the floor shamefully. My heart ached, knowing he was blaming himself. I am mad at him yes, but.... I didn't think he would react so shameful. I looked at him and he was avoiding even looking at me. I took a couple deep breaths. He doesn't know.... it wasn't his fault. I looked at him before turning to him and hugging him.  He didn't hug me back, I felt like I did something wrong. That he wouldn't love me anymore just like my dad did. I didn't want to lose another person I loved and cared for today. Hell, I wouldn't blame him. I'm weak, he's the strongest werewolf probably alive. 2nd in history. He probably wanted someone strong, trained, someone who isn't afraid to love back but tends to forget everything just by his touch. He probably wanted someone who could help him, who he didn't need to be so careful around. Someone who wasn't fragile. The exact opposite of me. Aaron wrapped his arms around me. "Shhh..... it's okay." Aaron whispered. I looked at him, not realizing I was crying until I couldn't see his face clearly. I feel his hand rub a tear off of my cheek. The exact opposite is probably what he would want in a life partner. I rethought, the tears forming more. I'm such a crybaby. I add to myself. I sob quietly as Aaron rubs my back. "Your okay... I'm sorry Lilly." Aaron's voice cracks. I hug him tighter as I cry into his chest. "I-I'm sorry." I sob out. "For what? You did nothing wrong." Aaron asked. "For everything." I answer. "Again, You did nothing wrong so what are you oppologizing for?" Aaron asked, trying to get me to clarify. "I'm..." I paused, trying to calm down before I continue. Aaron looked at me confused. "You probably wanted someone a little more serious than a childish fire year old." I mumbled, the tears bigginging to pile up as I felt my heart ache. "You probably wanted someone a little taller too sense your like a foot taller than me." I added. "Or maybe someone who is probably a werewolf." I continue, not hearing anything from Aaron. "Probably someone strong and thought rather than weak and fragile." A tears ran down my cheeks. "Someone beautiful." I finished. "Lilly." Aaron growled. I didn't know what to do, he growled at me, a literal wolf growl rather than the normal somewhat inhuman growl he usually does. I thought the inhuman-ish growl was a real wolf growl but now that I've heard that. I doubt it. That's probably not the scariest one he could do. I refused to look at him as I just leaned against him. "You are not weak, your not even fragile. And as you may be childish, I would rather have someone as childish as a five year old. If you ever.... ever call yourself ugly or not beautiful ever again....... I don't know what I'll do. But you are sure as hell are more than beautiful, your gorgeous. And whatever negative thoughts you have you need to get rid of them because their not true. You are perfect in every way." Aaron growled, somewhat in between the normal inhuman and the wolf one I just heard not that long ago. "No ones perfect." I mumble. "Maybe not in others eyes. But you are in mine." Aaron lifted my head to look at him. "Besides, I wanted someone I could protect and take care of, rather than be sitting down somewhere and letting her take care of herself." Aaron leaned down. "You are perfect. And you are one of the strongest people I know." Aaron finished. "Y-You mean it?" I stuttered, the tears calming down slowly. "Every word." Aaron said. I looked for any sign of hesitation in his voice, or any lies through his eyes. They were brighter than anything, the gold and dark eye starring at me. My heart was then fulfilled. Several pieces that I lost a long time ago. The love I once felt, the worry anyone had for me. Every piece was brought back. Kayla had been trying to do this for years, and he did it in just a day. "So I see you found your mate then." I hear a unfamiliar voice say. I look over to see a brown haired, green eyed, tan male, no clothes, just skin. I covered my eyes. "AH! WHY DO GUYS NEVER HAVE CLOTHES ON!?" I scream. I hear Jarom and Aaron laugh at me. "So what if I did." Aaron said. "Were you planning on telling anyone?" The guy asked. "No. Why does it matter to you?" Aaron asked, holding me closer. "Can you guys please get some clothes on?" I asked as I felt like I was shrinking. I hear thousands of wolves growl. I flinched as I heard one right near me. "You know I could take you all down easily." Aaron said, amusement in his voice. "I'm dead." I say. Aaron growled. "Why would you think that?" The new male asked. "I'm surrounded by a bunch of werewolves, who knows how many, not to mention that I don't have anything on me to defend myself with..... aaaand my eye's are covered." I answered. "Why don't you uncover your eyes?" The new male asked. "Because my innocence is a lot more important in my opinion." I answer. "I have to disagree." I hear Aaron state. "Your with Aaron, you sure Your still inoccent?" The male asked, no joking matter in his voice. I growl, well there's a first time for everything. "Repeat that.... I dare you." I dare, my voice dangerously low for my normal voice. Aaron seemed shocked by this as well. I uncover my eyes and glared at him. He smirked at me. "Your with Aaron.... you sure Your still inoccent?" He repeated. I grab a rock and throw it at him, hitting him in the head. Suprizingly.... I thought he would move but no.... he let it hit him. And he fell back, knocked out. "Baka." I mumble irritated. "Well.... she's a fighter!" Jarom smiled. "That she is." Aaron nodded in agreement. "Am not!" I say. They both raise a brow at me. "Than what do you all that?" Aaron asked pointing at the male. "He just got scared and knocked out." I lie, crossing my arms. "Got scared? And knocked out?" Jason. "Or he knocked out for no absolute reason." I shrug. At this point even the wolves shook their head, not all of them, but a good number. "Your funny." Jarom smiled. "I'm childish." I say thankfully. The male groaned. "Or did I not knock him out?" I question. "So now you admit it?" Aaron asked. "I mean he didn't fully knock out for no reason at all!" I quickly correct, smiling teasingly. "It's starting to get dark. Let's get to the shelter." Jason smiled. "You built a shelter?" I asked. "Yeah, while you two were playing in the water, I decided to make a shelter." Jason nodded. "Ooo! I wanna see!" I scream as I run in the dirrection Jarom was in. "Wrong way!" Jarom called. I stopped and turned back. Jarom was pointing infront of us. I ran in that direction to go find the shelter he had built.

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