Chapter 10 Part 2: All hell breaks loose & with that I lose everything.

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AN: I have tried to write in different character speeches....


It was weekend and there was a bonfire as per the normal routine. This is the only the whole pack gets together and mingles with each other. The bonfire was at night where everyone eats and mingles. I and Marcus were very excited because us being the Beta's children we have to train with the Alpha's son, Darien Mathews. He, by the way is very nice, in spite of being the soon-to-be Alpha he very rooted and down to earth kind of guy. We both had thought that mom and dad wouldn't have noticed the tension but boy, were we wrong. Our parents called us to the Alpha's office. We rushed thinking that there was some problem going on.

Unfortunately, little did we know that we both are the ones that are going to be in problem. We reached office.

"Alpha may we enter?" said we in unison

"Yes you may." Came the reply of Alpha Joshua Mathews father to Darien.

As soon as we entered we saw that our parents, Drake and Rubella Ramirez with them there was Darien and his mother, Elsa Mathews. Dad was the first one to break the silence which was very tense and uncomfortable.

"Marcus and Daphne, I sensed some tension between the two of you. I noticed that you two had a fight two days back. I have a feeling that it was nothing like the normal small bro-sis fights. So out with it, we need to know what the problem was or is. If it is anything major then I and Alpha can't take care of it." said our dad.

Marcus mind linked me only, 'I will tell dad because after the explanation you have to give a lot of explanation.'

"Well, dad you remember when we went to but the school supplies?" said Marcus

"Yeah, I remember."dad replied.

"Something happened?" dad asked.

"Yes and no." said our dad with confused yet I-want-to know-more look.

I could hear my rapid heartbeat which was a result of the nervousness because, I was scared because I did not know how my parents, Alpha and Alpha female were going to react at what has happened.

"Well, dad, we were shopping for the school supplies and during that time a bunch of jocks who mind you, human, came and called Daphne a nerdface. I confronted them but their leader did not seem fazed by my anger or the authority in my voice. I do not know what more she is called by those jocks who were my friends now after what they have to my little sister they are no longer my friends. The thing was that they bullied her while was nowhere near her. She did not even tell us that she was going through so much. I was and am disappointed at her about this. She thinks that it is not required that she tells us about this. She thinks that we already have enough on our plate with the rogue problems. I had a long talk with her regarding this. She thinks that what happened and is happening to her is petty. Can you believe it, dad?" Marcus tooks a deep calming breath before continuing

"She feels that the problems she faces are so very moot that she does not feel the need to talk to us about this. This bullying problem has been going on since a very long time. We had no idea about all this. After she told me all of this, she felt that I was going to stop talking to her after what happened. Had I known anything, anything at all I would have put an end to this at the early stage."

After hearing what Marcus said to dad, I was shocked that he partially blaming himself for not knowing. I said, "Marcus, bro please don't blame yourself. I should have told all of you about this. The school itself has taken a lot of steps against bullying. You are right I am called more than that. You all might have noticed that I don't eat that much or nothing at all sometimes. The reason behind that is that the jocks that bully and have been bullying me have convinced me that I am overweight. I was on the verge of resorting to cutting but then I thought of you, mom and dad." I said with a thick voice because I didn't want to cry in front my parents and Alpha.

Rejected but I am loving it. (Unedited But Completed)Where stories live. Discover now