There's a First Time for Everything

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Well hey! This chapter's all about firsts! Enjoy!

"You know what, Mummy?" I snarled, glaring in loathing at the woman who'd ruined my 21st Birthday. "I don't ever want to see you again!"

There was a cracking sound as my mother slapped my cheek. I raised one eyebrow, my face tingling as the sharp pain spread through my skin.

"You'd better clear up this mess" she said dryly.

The hall was dark and covered in paper, deflated balloons and food. The buffet table was knocked over from when my mother had stormed in to the party. I knew that my party had only been small, with just a few relatives but it had been mine. And Shigure was supposed to come up later.

I began scrubbing at the floor, blinking away the tears that were stinging my eyes: I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

It had been an hour since my mother had left and the hall was looking slightly cleaner. My eyes were blotchy and and I was sniffling, my shoulders shaking as I scrubbed the floor. I still couldn't believe what had happened, that the night I'd been excited about for weeks now was ruined. I collapsed on the floor with anger and misery, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Kito?" asked a deep voice behind me. I turned and saw Shigure at the door, holding a gift and a bottle of wine. "What happened?"

"M-my mother" I shuddered, my lips wobbling. "S-she came in and started yelling and she threw things and everyone left"

In a heartbeat, Shigure was knelt beside me, rubbing soothing circles into my back. "I'm so sorry Kito" he whispered. "Do you need me to kill her for you?"

I smiled weakly. "I'll do it myself later"

He offered me a handkerchief and I took it with trembling fingers, dabbing at my eyes. "Sorry" I apologised. "I should have called you or something. You've come all this way-"

"It's fine Kito" he told me. "I've abandoned you long enough don't you think?"

"You didn't-" I began but was cut off.

"Yes I did Kito. I knew exactly what you were going through and I did nothing at all to help. I-" his voice shook as if about to crack and I clung to him, wiping my tear stained face on his chest. "I'm sorry"

"It's ok" I squeaked, my voice an octave higher than usual despite my efforts to control it.

Shigure buried his face in my hair, kissing the top of my head gently. "Do you want alcohol?"

"I think that would be an excellent idea" I laughed with a frog in my throat.

He helped me to my room and opened the wine he was carrying, pouring us each a glass. I drank mine in one before sitting on the bed and beckoning him to do the same.

"Here" he said, handing my the parcel. "I got you something"

I opened it up to reveal a tiny silver ornament shaped like a dog. It reminded me of his zodiac form and I smiled as I placed it carefully on the dresser.

"Thank you"

"It was only small" Shigure said nervously.

"I'm not talking about the dog"


I gulped, trying to restrain from allowing a random sob which was building up in my chest from coming out. Shigure put his arms around my neck and held me there for a second, studying my face.

And then he kissed me.

For a moment after his lips hit mine, I just froze in shock, unable to do anything. Then I put my arms around his waist and followed his movement, attempting futilely to kiss back as this was my first kiss and I had no idea what to do. Shigure's hand was on my thigh, the other rubbing circles into my back and his heart must have been pounding even faster than mine.

Suddenly, he broke off, blushing like a lobster.

"Uhh, sorry" he mumbled. "Urm" he shifted awkwardly in his position. "I might go and take a shower"

"Shigure?" I whimpered, tears beginning to spill out of my eyes.

"I'm so sorry" he said, looking directly at a space around 4 cm above my head. "I don't know what I was-"

He was cut off by my lips on his as I pushed him back against the headboard. He seemed shocked but held tightly onto my waist, making noises like a hungry puppy as I pulled him closer to me.

Shigure began to fumble with the top button of my shirt, still not letting his lips leave mine and I tensed.

"Shigure" I said, my voice barely audible as I finally broke off the kiss. "I've never-"

His face fell and he sighed and untangled himself from me, a pained look in his eyes. "It's ok Kito, I understand."

I rested my head against his shoulder and played with his hair, fascinated by the way it would spring back to place even if I messed it up.

"You know" I said carefully. "We could still..."

Shigure raised one eyebrow, checking my face to see if I was serious and, upon realising that I was, grabbed my shoulders roughly. I smirked and pulled him by the collar wrapping my arms around my neck as he attacked my lips.

Later that night, I lay awake, disgusted with myself. I'd slipped out the moment Shigure had fallen asleep. I was still terrified that he would tell everyone in the morning and I would be humiliated. Never again. That was what I told myself. And, of course, what I forgot 21 hours later as soon as I felt lonely.

I twirled around in my spinny chair, glancing at the clock. Shigure should be here by now. The New Years celebrations were underway, I could hear Momiji's high giggle from downstairs above the music.

There was a tentative knock and I leapt to my feet. Shigure poked his head through the door, his eyebrows furrowed and I could tell that something was wrong.

"Where are Yuki and Kyo?" I asked, a dangerous edge straining at my voice.

"Uhh" he stammered apologetically. "How can I say this? Yuki and Kyo... they decided to skip out"

It was the first New Year that a Sohma had ever missed.

I took a moment to let this sink in, Shigure getting more and more nervy with each second I was silent.

"It's her, isn't it?" I demanded. "It's that- that GIRL!"

Shigure said nothing but the look on his face alone was enough to give me my answer.

"You'll see" my mother had sneered, just a few months ago. "They'll all desert you if you let them interact with outsiders! You'll be on your own!"

My mother was right. It was happening already. Yuki and Kyo had never missed a New Years before she came and now they couldn't even show up for the most important day in the Zodiac calendar.

Shigure was staring into my face as if trying to understand what was going on but it was futile and I had no intention to tell him about the bet I had made with my mother.

"Very well." I said darkly. "I suppose you'd better go to the celebration now then."

He nodded, looking relieved to get away, and ducked out of my office, leaving me all alone once again.

Thanks for reading, please vote and especially PLEASE comment or I'll get all sorts of insecure and think y'all hate me!

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