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What's up guys? Thank you so much for volunteering to judge in your category!

And now, the chapter you've all been waiting for– the criteria for judging each genre 🎉🎊

Okay, so let's get down to business. Though this is more of a generalization, you should be referring to these guidelines when making your final decisions. The five main things to look for when judging each novel are:

1. Plot- Is the plot of the story unique and entertaining?

2. Intro- Is the summary eye-catching? Does the first chapter grab your attention?

3. Paragraph spacing and dialogue- Is the paragraphing at least somewhat professional and the dialogue believable?

4. Overall- How well did the author execute their plot, character development, and writing style?

5. Is the user following your account as well as my own?

As I said before, this is not extremely strict criteria, but you must consider all of the above factors when judging the stories in your categories. Judges must PM me with their top three winners by an extended and final due date of April 20, 2018. This date will not be changed from here on out, so please be sure to get everything in on time!

Thanks, and I hope everything is having a great day! 💕

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