[ Poetry RESULTS ]

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Welcome back to the Shine Awards 2018! After much time and effort put in by classicoverthinker, the top three competitors for the poetry category are (drumroll please)...

In 1st place: Lost Stars by tearfullytainted!

In 2nd place: In the Gaslight by @JJRothschild!

And in 3rd place: Poems of Hardship and Pain by @Insanelycrazy321!

Congrats to all our poetry winners, and a huge thank you to classicoverthinker, who judged this category and did an amazing job!

As previously stated, prizes are available for the top three and will be administered accordingly. Stickers can be found in a previous chapter of the awards book. THE THREE USERS WHO ARE MENTIONED IN THIS CHAPTER ARE THE ONLY ONES ALLOWED TO USE THE WINNER'S STICKER. All participants in any category may use the participants' sticker.

Winners, please PM me your email if you would like to be emailed a sticker that is previewed in this book.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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