The Day My Life Ended.

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The way this story starts is alot happier than the end, so I think I will start there...

As I was walking home one afternoon I stumbled over somthing, it looked like a monkeys paw. So I picked it up and decided to take it home. When I got home I looked online and found that I could grant three wishes opon it. When I read that my eyes widened with joy. Since it was late I decided to go to bed and sort it out in the morning when I was a little less tired.

When I woke up the next morning I went downstairs, got some breakfast and I almost forgot about the Monkeys paw. When I did remember it I walked up to it, held it in my hand and wished. This is what I wished: "I wish that my life would be exciting yet peaceful." How I came to forget those few words. Eventhough my life for the next week was peaceful the excitement was yet to come.

When I was sitting in my living room one evening I heard ticking sound coming from my bedroom. So I went in and I couldn't find anything unusuall, until I looked under my bed, 5...4...3...2...1...BOOM!!! And thats how my life ended.

You see I didn't die in my house on that day, alough I was in the same room as the explosion, I survived with only wounds and scars. From then on I could not feel pain nor fear. The only fear I still have is of that paw, and to this day I still wonder if it burnt down in the fire, and if it didn't I feel sorry for the fool who picked it up.

That was 2014. The year today is 2064, it was 60 years ago today that the incident happened. I havn't aged. Yet somehow I look more like a vampire than a human now, blood red lips, sharp fangs, pure white skin, raven black, long; straight hair that I put ice blue and blood red highlights in. But the weirdest thing is that I have huge, black angel wings. I can't die so I help other people by hunting down criminals.

And like I said: Thats the day my life ended, but my new one started.

A/N: Sorry this one is really long but I wrote it in English when we were doing a gothic story called The Monkeys Paw. Its a great story. Hope you like it!!!!!!!

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