•Chapter 2•

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Mowgli: Hi Cry

Cry: Oh, hi there

War: We watch your videos and just wanted to say hi

Cry: sweet! What ya think of them??

War: There really good!

Mowgli: Sorry, I don't watch you that much, the only ones I've seen were the ones where you read a fanfiction with Pewdiepie and Ken

Cry: Oh yeah? Those ones were pretty good, but I'm glad you still like those videos with me in it

Mowgli: Weeeee don't really, sorry, but we do have a question; why do you wear a mask?

Cry: Oh ok no worries, as for the mask...hmmm... Well that's for you guys to find out, I can't tell you sorry

War: Oh that's ok, maybe we will find out some day

Cry: Maybe so, good luck with that then

Mowgli: Thank you so much

Cry: No problem guys, have a good one!

*they take a picture with cry and go off* Mowgli: Ok, so how much time do we have for the panel?

War: Let's see...*looks at phone* uh-

Announcer: Hello fellow youtubers, the panels is about to start so please find a seat, relax, and enjoy the panel

War: -Now

Mowgli: Ok, let's go

*they finds seats towards the front, everyone cheers as they see Mark and Jack*

Mark: Hello everyone!!!

Jack: Top of the morning to ya laddies!!!

Mowgli: I can't believe we are right in front of Mark and Jack!!

War: I know, I never expected it!!

Mark: How's everyone's day at Vidcon on going?

*everyone cheers*

Mark: Yeah, mine's going pretty good, too

Jack: Same, there's so much more this year don't ya think?

Mark: Ya, like new videos we are working on

Jack: We're not going to spoil them though don't worry, hehehe you'll see them eventually

Mark: But we might give you some hints here and there

Jack: Teeny tiny little hints, Oh!! By the way one of them is who will be in parts of the videos, should we call them up Mark?

Mark: Yeah totally, come on out guys!!

*the crowd goes nuts seeing NateWantsToBattle, Pewdiepie, Wade, Bob, AJ from Random Encounters, and a few other youtubers*

Mowgli: Oh man!! I want to meet them all so bad!!

War: Me too!! OMG!!!

Mark: For this panel we will also be asking questions

Jack: Don't make the questions be anything to do with what the videos are gonna be about, sorry hahah!!

*everyone says aww, then Mowgli starts to feel the strange vibe again when he looks at Nate*

*War looks at Mowgli with concern* War: Hey, you ok?

Mowgli: The strange vibe is back again... but it feels stronger

*War looks at Nate then back at Mowgli* War: I thought you were already over that

Mowgli: I thought I was too....

War: Maybe it will just pass, don't worry

Mowgli: Hopefully.....

*They look back up to the panel and see the boy laughing and making jokes*

War: Hahahaha! These guys make me laugh when they laugh hehehe!!

Mowgli: They make everyone, laugh I mean look at the crowd cheer

War: No joke, hahaha!!!

*They look around and see a hug line of people who wanted to ask questions*

Mark: Alright! Question time!!!

War: Wanna get in line?

Mowgli: I don't know, what if Nate recognizes me?!

War: In a bad way or in a good way?

Mowgli: Well, both!! But you know, we haven't spoken ever since the incident...it's been awkward ever since

War: Well if he remembers just remain cool, ask him anything you want to know, and see how well it goes, ok?

Mowgli: *sighs*...Alright, I will be cool

War: That's the spirit! Alright the lines going a little faster, so be ready

*They both get and line and think about what they are going to ask them*

War: Hmmmm..... I might ask for their honest opinion of Septiplier, heheheh!!

Mowgli: I think I might just say hi, I can't really think of a questions

War: You don't know anything you want to ask them?....oh! What about questions on a possible FNAF the Musical 2, how's that?

Mowgli: Um... ok I will think of a question from that

War: Sweet!!

*For what seemed like forever they were next in line to ask question*

Mark: alright who's next? *looks at War and Mowgli* *acts silly* YOU TOO ARE THE NEXT VIC- I mean fans, heheheh!!

*Everyone that hears it and laughs*

Mowgli: Um, Hi I'm Mowgli, I just wanted to say hi and I also wanted to say I loved you guys in the FNAF musical

Mark: Aww thanks you! Ya, it was a lot of work, but it was also fun

Nate: Yeah it was tons of fun

Matpat: Even being the bad guy, hehehe!

Mowgli: War? Didn't you have a question?

War: Oh yeah, hi I'm War and I want to say you guys are the bosses

Jack: Why thank you

War: And also I have a question, What's your opinion on Septiplier, hehe!

Mark: Oh god! Hehehe, yeah we get that a lot

Jack: Yeah heh, but at the same time it is funny

AJ: Are you sure it's just that, *playfully winks and nudges*huh!?

*Everyone laughs*

Mark: Oh come on!!

Jack: Really!? Hehehe!!

Pewdiepie: I bet they kissed before the got here, hahahaha!

Nate: I sail that ship!

*Everyone laughs again*

Jack: Oh ya Nate? What about the ship NatePat?!

*Everyone shouts ooooooooooh*

Nate: oh please don't!!!

Matpat: yeah come on!!!

*They all start laughing and cheering as Mowgli and War take their seats*


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