•Chapter 7•

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Jynx: Aww come on!!... Why did he have to come now?!

Dark: We thought you'd try to leave...so we thought we'd mess with your heads a little, he he he!

Antiseptic: We always get what we want!

LM: *appears from black swirls* No matter...what! HAHAHAHAH!!

Mowgli: Uhh, anybody got a Plan B?!

LM: *appears from black smoke in front of youtubers* I have an idea, how 'bout ya give up; that always seems to work?!

Mowgli: No, it's a stupid idea!!

Nate: If anyone has any ideas, spill it! 'Cause we need one right now!!!

Jack: Well- uh....we could.....Agh!! I'm out I got nothing!!

Little Monster: How about this, let's show them what effect negative energy has on people

War: Oh no

Mark: Wait, what is that?

LM: I'll show ya *hand starts turning black* you're first Mark, HAHAHAHA!!! *runs at him *

Matpat: Noooooo!!!! *gets in the way, is touches and falls to the floor paralyzed*

Mark: Agh!! What did you do to him?!

LM: HAHAHA! Oh nothing, he's just a little petrified, HAHAHAHA!!!

Mark: Someone get Mat, we need to get out of here!!!

*Jack and Ken pick up Matpat and run as the Darksides come at them faster*

Mowgli: You guys they're gaining on us!!

Mark: Guys, quickly in here!!!

*They make a left in to another panel room and block the door*

Ken: Mat doesn't look so good!!

*Once they get a good look at Mat, they notice he's pale with black veins up the side of his neck*

Jynx: Is he turning evil?!

War: No, God no! He just paralyzed

Jack: Does anyone else thinks it's creepy that his eyes are still open?

Mowgli: I think it's creepy

Nate: Is there a cure to help Mat or will it just ware off

War: It wears off, but it'll take time to though....I...don't know how we can cure him...right now we need a miracle

Mowgli: Just hang in there Mat will think of something!

AJ: Mark, let's face it, we need a better alternative on defeating the Darksides

Mark: I'm not going to give up so easily I've never backed down from Darkiplier

Jynx: There's got to be someone or something that can help us

War: Is there anything, anything that you guys know that can help at this rate?!

Mowgli: Wait....if the fans created your Darksides, then doesn't that mean other things can exist too

Nate: Has to be....but what though

*They all think for a moment but can't think of anything*

Mowgli: All I can think of is Sam and tiny box Tim

Mark: For like what shield?! Who shields themselves with pillows?!

Mowgli: Actually their stuff animals and I have them in my backpack because well.... I....sometimes just take them with me *he reaches into his backpack and pulls out two stuff animals*

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