Chapter Two

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"Damn it. Tonight doesn't give me much time." I ran down the hallways towards my room. The chief drove me here as fast as he could. Grabbing my keys I opened the front door and found my blades. I got changed into my pure black suit that let my ears show and my tail out. I grabbed as many blades I could find in a short amount of time, and how ever many fit in a duffle bag, before running out the door again.

The chief was still parked out front and didn't see as I ran by him at inhuman speeds. I dodged people walking on the streets as I headed to the jail where they were being kept. It was really guarded with armed men with all the best kinds of guns. I stopped at the front gate to gain entry into the compound. The security stared as they pressed the green button to let me pass. The large metal gate slid open with a loud squeaking.

I decided to let them watch me as I walked onto the grounds and see people's expressions. The concrete road was surrounded by completely mud. A electric fence stood about a hundred yards away. The concrete ground held benches and a few exercise equipment that are non-lethal. A couple people from the jail were outside watching, not able to see what I look like. The guards backed away from me as I reached the metal door that marked the front of the building.

"Who are you?" Turning to the side I saw one of the guard, his expression strong, and kept walking. He followed me intrigued by my ears and tail. I walked down the many hallways and passed through many metal doors before getting to the one cell I wanted to be at. Everyone I passed tried to grab at me, begging for me to let the go free. the cell I stopped in front of was locked up double of the others. Pulling out one of my blades the guard caught my wrist. "Who are you?"

"I am a good guy don't worry." He let go of my wrist letting me open the door to the cell. Inside were three beds. A person lay on each of the beds. One had rusty chains around their ankles, not letting them move around much. The other two could move around as they pleased. Going into the room they backed off. The two guys that tried to get me to kill someone from the café were against the far wall. The chained guy was the murderer. Closing the door I sat inside with my blade across my lap.

The three in the prison cell watched me for the rest of the day. I sat there with my eyes closed listening to their movements. They walked around the room in a circle for what seemed like hours. I heard a bell ring and the door opened to show three guards. One had four food trays and the other two had guns to stop escape attempts. They place one of the trays in front of me. It had fish chips and a jelly sandwich.

Once the guards left I could hear laughing. I looked over to the guy in chains. He ate his meal like it was his last one but didn't stop laughing while eating it. The other two shoved their good in their mouth like they were wild dogs. I ate mine like a somehow civilized person. Being in a jail cell, even on purpose, is really unnerving.

A fork flew by my face making me look up. Everyone was in the same position as before and I didn't hear where it came from. Letting out a sight I stood up leaving my blade behind. I know one of them will try to take it eventually. I walked over to where the chained guy sat on the bench. He still had half his meal left. "Why did you murder her?"

"I don't know what you mean." My heart beat sped up as my anger rose. I tried to keep calm as he kept eating peacefully. One of the others started moving towards my blade. Standing up again I moved to the far wall opposite of the door to look out the bared windows. "Why are you here?"

"I know you don't remember me by much. I am here to keep you in jail. I don't care what happens to you personally, when your in here of course. but if you break out I will have to deal with finding you and so on... So let's stay in here. I don't think you want to touch my blade."

Turning away from the full moon through the bars I found one of the gunners reaching for my blade but frozen in place. The door was still open letting in the light of the cement hallway. I could see the shadow of one of the guards on the floor. He was holding my bag. "Why not?"

Turning my attention back onto the gunner I sat down. He was standing straight now and watching my movements. They have gotten wiser. My tail whipped back and forth along the ground as a smile came onto my face. "Because you will get burned."

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