Chapter 23: He's The Reason Why ||

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23. He’s The Reason Why

[Liam’s POV]

It wasn’t too bad, climbing the beanstalk, but when Louis and I reached the top, we were both speechless. Before us stood an enormous castle, fit for a giant, and I contemplated going back down the beanstalk.

“Okay let’s go,” Louis said as he made his way for the castle. I shook my head before yanking him back to stand next to me.

“Don’t be daft Lou. We need a game plan!” I said, my anxiety beginning to get the best of me. I didn’t like getting anxious too often, but sometimes I couldn’t help it. This, well, it just happened to be one of those times.

“Fine then leader, what’s your plan?” Louis looked at me expectantly and I couldn’t help but feel stupid. Not that I didn’t have a plan, which I didn’t, but Louis doesn’t need to make me feel beneath him. I sighed and gestured for him to go to the door.

“Well would you look at that, you’re as lost as I am!” Louis said, feigning surprise. I glared at him as we made our way to the doors, which were cracked open.

“Do you think he’s here?” I asked Louis as we looked at the giant wooden doors, cracking with age.


“The giant Lou. Are you paying attention?”

“Look, my mind is thinking about- Got it!” Louis said, interrupting himself by having some sort of idea.

“Um, you good bud?”

“I have an idea!”

“I couldn’t tell,” my voice sounded out, dripping with sarcasm. Louis rolled his eyes, but beckoned for me to follow him as we entered the giant’s abode.

Seeing as how everything inside was larger than us by several feet, hiding us sufficiently. We scurried along the floor, hiding behind legs of random chairs and tables, some broken from fits of rage, until we reached a different room.

“Okay, what now?” I asked Louis. Before he could respond, we both jumped when we heard a squawking sound. I looked behind Louis to see a goose sitting there, staring at us as its feathers began to ruffle.

“Oh!” I exclaimed when I stared at the goose. “It’s the story with the goose and the golden egg!”

Louis smacked his forehead and proceeded to smack me on the back of my own head. “It only took you long enough genius. Now come on, we have to get the egg!”

He swung himself up on a broken chair leg, just enough to step onto the table where the goose was honking loudly. I followed en suit as I saw Louis trying to quiet down the creature. Of course, since it was Louis, he wasn’t doing it properly.

“Would you shut up you stupid bird?” Louis hissed, continuing to make the goose madder and louder.

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