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I woke up and streatched my limbs. I rolled over and shivered.

'Why the hell am I shivering? Aren't I still in wolf form?'

I opened my eyes and seen my hands instead of paws. I sat up and looked over myself. 

"I'm human again! Thank you godess!"

I stood up and ran to the bathroom I looked in a mirror and said "Woah! Well I sort of look like the old me."

I studyed my new body in the mirror and spun in circles. Yes I was necked but I didn't mind. I looked at myself and saw the design on my arm. I chuckled and said "Well...look at that interesting piece of body art."

It looked like vines crawling up my arm. At the bottem it looked like the vines were almost tangled together but as the mark went up it was like they became less tangled and they got darker. I smiled and went back to the room. I found an outfit and out it on. It was a one shoulder top with some tight jeans and some shoes. I showered and dressed. I walked out the bathroom to be tacked by two set's of lips.

"We missed you so much!"

I giggled and said "I've been here the whole time boys."

"So?! We missed being able to hold the human you. The wolf you was  fine but...she's not very cuddly when she's cranky."

I kissed each of them and said "Come on. I'm sure the king and queen are waiting for us."


We went to the dinning hall and the doors opened. The queen ran up to me and said "Let me see  your arm!"

I held my arm out to her and she said "Your mark is so beautiful! Lucky you."'

I blushed and said "Thank you."

"After breakfast we'll see how you fair in a fight in your human."

"Yes sir."

I sat back and ate. 

"Sit up straight dear. You're not a troll."

I sat up and heard their son laugh at me. I glared at him and said "Boys?"


"What's with the prince? Did he not hear about what happened to the rouge I got my jaws on?"

All the men tensed up but the prince. He said "What's she talking about?"

"It's not breakfast conversation."

I rolled my eyes and said nothing. We finished eating and I said "Who am I sparing this time?"

"My son."

I smirked and walked up to the prince. I leaned over and said "I shread the rouge's little friend."

I stood up and walked outside.

"Did she really?"


I chuckled and found my way to the trainning room. I ran a couple laps and waited for the prince to come in. The door opened and I turned around. I ducked out the way of his fist. I swiped his feet from under him and used my forarm to pin him to the ground by his throat.

"Tap the ground when your ready to quit."


Before he could kick me off him I trapped his legs with mine and still had him by his throat.

"H-How is this possible?! I-I have trainned for years."

I sighed and said "Do you give? Tap the mat."


No matter how hard he tried to move me he couldn't. I chuckled and heard "Get off the poor guy before you make him knock out."

"He hasn't tapped the mat. It's his falut for being so stubborn. If he taps the mat I'll get off."

I watched as he taped the mat. I fliped off him and he caught his breath. He rolled onto his side and said "We didn't even start! I just thought she would catch my fist! Not choke me into surrender!"

I chuckled and said nothing.

"Son...it started when you threw the fist. She had you down in ten seconds flat."

"My personal best got beat by a girl?!"

"Yeah. She's  special girl if you can tell."

"She's an alpha's daughter."

"That and well...she's the violet wolf we told you about."

He sat up and looked at me. I sat on the mat criss cross and smiled at him.

"This girl is the all powerful violet wolf?"


"She just smiled a me like an innocent little puppy!"

"Get up. Let's go again."

"Oh no! Have one of the guards go up agaisnt her. My ego is bruised enough!"

It took all my enegery to not roll around the ground and laugh my ass off. He started to crawl off the mat and I stood up. I grabbed one of his legs and started dragging him back.

"Come on man. Your being a whimp."

I fliped him over and stepped back.

"Come on man. I'll take an easy on you more then I already did."

I stood him up and dusted his shirt off.

"You took an easy on me?"


I looked at the king and he sighed.

"Son...we need to know the extent of her new human body. We need your help with that."

"Yes father."

He took his fighting stance and I found all his weak points right away. I tapped his knee and he was on the ground. I chuckled and said "Streghten your legs. I just tapped the weak spot on your legs and you fell."

I looked at the king and said "No offense to you sir but...can I please get a real oppneite?"

He chuckled and said "You have an attitude don't you?"

"I know. Hey can I fight your brother in human form? I know his wolves fighting style I just don't know the mans."

"I'll see if he's availible."

He called his brother.

"He'll be here in an hour."

"Great. Until then I can train your son."

"I don't need trainning from a girl."

"Suite yourself."

I sat down and rubbed my shoulder.

"Hey relax."

I smiled and said nothing. An hour later the door opened and I stood up. I heard him say " 私は行かなければならない。私は家に私の兄弟にいる。" (I have to go. I'm at my brothers house.)

I looked at his brother and said "あなたがよりよい私のことを彼に伝えていない。" (You better not tell him about me.)

He looked at me and I said nothing.

"さようなら男。" (Bye dude.)

I chuckled and said nothing. This was going to be a fun day. I could already tell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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