Chapter 17: To The Forest....Again

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We got in the car and drove back to the house. On the way, Hermione told her mom about what I did to Heather. I thought I was gonna be in trouble, but all she said was:"That little prat needed to be taught a lesson." I smiled to myself. ''Oh and thank you, Sierra for lending Hermione your jacket." I smiled again."It was no problem. I didn't need it and I didn't want Hermione to be embarrassed." We rode the rest of the way home in silence.

When we got back to the house, I asked if I could go into the woods. Mrs. Granger said it was fine.I went into the woods and climbed up an apple tree. I took an apple from the top most branch. I sat down on the branch and bit into the apple. Suddenly, I heard shuffling in the woods below. I hung upside-down, hidden in the branches of the trees. I saw Zeke come through the bushes with another person I didn't recognise.

"...honestly, Derek, that girl is a menace!"Zeke was saying."I mean, we come all the way to London to get Sierra, and we had her right in the palm of out hands! Then that girl comes!" I smirked. Well, Hermione, looks like I'm not the only one who ruined someones day,I thought.

"Why don't we just kidnap that girl and use her as bait for Sierra?" Derek asked."Hey, that's pretty smart,"Zeke said, looking surprised. I frowned. Suddenly something sent the tree shaking. I fell out of it. I landed on my feet quietly, but not quietly enough.

Both of the boys turned and looked at me. "We might not need to use that plan after all," Zeke said. I was really happY I had asked abou some spells today."That's so cute, you think you trapped me." Before they knew what was happening, I pulled my wand out and shouted "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Instantly, they froze.I walked off.

I walked back to the house and ate dinner with the Grangers. Me and Hermione went into her room and I told her about what I had heard. "Tomorrow, we begin," I said

"Training? For what?"



hey everyone!!! I have no idea where i'm going with this so plz comment with ideas or thoughts! Thx for reading

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