Maximum Ride: If I Never Come Home Again

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This is a maximum ride story and everything belongs to James Patterson. I own nothing

Chapter 1


                “Ok guys! Let's pack up and get ready to go in 5!" We were currently in a cave somewhere in northern Arizona, on our way to meet up with my mom, Dr. Martinez.

The flock hurried up and scrambled to get all their stuff together. Iggy dumped water onto our tiny campfire to extinguish it. Nudge was struggling trying to fit all her clothes in her backpack. I don't know what I will do with that girl and her crazy obsession with fashion.

Angel was petting Total since she was already packed. She looked up at me and smiled. Her smile could always make my heart melt. She was my baby. I love her.

'I love you too Max' Angel said in my mind.

                Yep. Angel can read minds and communicate in our heads. It was cool, but those combined with her other powers make her one scary girl.


'Sorry Ang!' I thought back, while sending her a crooked grin.

Gazzy was shoving some wires into his backpack. I don't know where he and Iggy get all their supplies to make all the bombs, but somehow they do. I turned and pretended not to notice. I will never admit it out loud (and if you say that I said this I will hunt you down and kill you), but I was secretly glad they made the bombs. They were really useful.

And last but not least was the flock's 'shadow', Fang. He was silently watching the rest of the flock like me. He was my second in command and my best friend. Maybe more...

No Max! Bad thoughts!

As though he was sensing my stare, he turned and smiled at me. He didn't smile much, but when he did, there were mini fireworks in my stomach. Damn Max stop! Bad thoughts!

I smiled briefly at him and looked down, blushing like crazy.

"Ok guys! You ready? Let's go!" I yelled. But before I could turn to face the mouth of the cave, a voice sounded behind me.

"I don't think y'all will be leaving anytime soon." A chill went down my neck and I spun around into a fighting stance. There in front of the cave were a huge crowd of Erasers. And these didn't look like the clumsy ones. These looked like the top of the line, brand new ones...

Just my freakin' luck...

I punched the leader in the face and jumped for a good roundhouse kick to the jaw. But at the last second he grabbed my ankle and slammed me onto the stone floor.

In my peripheral vision, I could see the flock fighting against the others. I sprang back up and punched the Eraser in the stomach. When he hunched over, I grabbed the back of his head and slammed his face into my knee.

I looked up in time to see another Eraser spring at me. I ducked and whipped around. I grabbed his neck from behind and slammed his head into a cave wall, just in time to avoid an attack from another Eraser.

There were too many of them. We put a small dent, but they kept coming. We were getting worn out and beaten. There was no way we could do this anymore.

Suddenly, I heard a click behind me, and everyone froze. The Flock's eyes grew big as they looked at something behind me.

"Don't move Maximum. Ok, slowly turn to face me." It was the same voice as the leader.

"Umm isn’t that a contradiction of what you first told me to do?" I snapped.

"Just do it!" I turned slowly and was met with the image of the leader pointing a gun at me. He was back in his human form, with a busted up face and bruises on his skin. He had a nasty scowl.

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