Chapter 10

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"Oh dearie, don't be shy. Make yourself comfortable"

The succubus smiled nervously at the lady, looking down at the cookies that were fresh served on the plate in front of him. He took the mouth-watering dish that was still steaming hot. He could hear the old woman nagging in the background, predictably to the twins, but Glynis was long gone. The first bite had already taken him to the world of bliss.

That's the power of homemade cookies.

Speaking of which, the lady did an impression on him earlier. Before Alvah could even knock on the wooden door, the lady burst her way through with a squeal, knocking down the twins in shock. Then, she made her way to Glynis and dragged him into the small wooden house. Cooing at him, she led him to the living room and plopped him on the couch.

What an introduction.

"You two haven't visited me for years, my, such gratitude" the woman nagged. "And here you showed up, looking all tired and slumped. Is that how you show your face as lords? Oh, fates grant me strength."

The twins smiled fondly at the woman, who continued her ranting. It was just like her to do so. Never laid off the habit of over-worrying, which in Alyn's opinions, was worse than Alvah. Even after all the years they've moved out and became independent, as always, a mother will always care for their children, related or not.

"Greetings to you too, mama"

The twins each took turns to embrace the old lady, which took her by surprise. Her face softened, as her voice faded away. She held her arms up, returning the twins hugs. A simple embrace, yet so many emotions.

Pulling back, the old woman looked at the twins with adoration. She took each of the twins hands in hers.

"Don't let your mother worry. I'm already old enough, I can't take of you troublemakers anymore" she chuckled. "Goodness, look at you two. You should have some rest, now shoo, off you go and sit down"

The twins let out a chuckle before walking to the small living room, each taking a seat beside Glynis. The succubus was too busy with his little meal, letting out moans whenever he took a bite. Poor Alvah and Alyn, having to suppress their dragon's needs to avoid scaring their mother.

"Now, how about you introduce me the succubus?"The lady asked as she sat opposite the three.

"Mama, this is our beloved mate, Glynis" Alyn announced, grabbing the succubus and placing him on his lap. Glynis gave a little wave to the lady feeling a little embarrassed.

"Oh, aren't you adorable. I'm Elena, but you can call me mama" She cooed. "You're such a precious darling, you must be very special to the twins, aren't you."

The twins laughed nervously at the glare that was directed by Elena. Before she could add on further, she noticed that the plate of cookies only had crumbs left behind. She looked at Glynis who was enjoying the last cookie, munching away. She could only laugh and went away to the kitchen to grab more.

"Oh dear, you really love the cookies don't you." Elena teased, coming out from the kitchen with another batch of fresh baked cookies.

Glynis nodded his head, eyeing at the plate that Elena was holding. Licking his lips, he held out his hands and pouted, which almost made the old woman fainted from the cuteness.

"Goodness, it's like you never feed him." Elena sighed, placing the plate in front of him. "Does he have a sweet tooth?"

Alvah chuckled, looking at the succubus while his brother fed him cookies. "Hmm, I never noticed. I only took note that his favourite food was pancakes" The mentioning of pancakes made Glynis sat up.

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