Chapter 11

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Glynis's POV


I scooted further into the corner. The chains that were tightly bounded to my wrist clinked with my movement. My sore body felt limp from the drug they injected into my system. It wasn't strong enough to make me pass out, but it weakened me.

In the dimly lit room, the man sat there with a hideous smile on his face. A hideous face that I hoped that I never see after being taken by the twins. Apparently, the fates never listened, because here I am again looking at the man that caused most of my trauma.

I glared at the man as I hunched smaller in fear. I just wanted to disappear from this unknown place. I could hear moans and scream echoing from outside the room. There was a person laying on beside the man, heavily breathing with a dazed expression.

"Oh don't worry about him, darling" The man suddenly spoke, grabbing the person by the neck. "You're going to be like him soon, my own cock sleeve." He laughed as the throw the limp body across the room, a crack was heard.

I wanted to make a remark, to talk back, but I was too scared. The past memories are becoming clearer. It was so surreal, until the fact I couldn't differentiate which was real. I clutched my head, closing my eyes tightly, but I still could still feel it.

"Aww, someone's having a little flashback?"

I whipped my head, looking at the man who was now standing in front of me. Baisel. Oh how I hated him so much, yet the fear in me was like a monster, consuming my sanity. As if it was pinning me down, replaying memories like a broken record. I whimpered, hovering my arms over my head in reflex.

Instead of a punch or a kick, I felt him grabbing my arm gently and pulling them down, I looked at Baisel, who was now crouching. He then pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"Don't be afraid, darling. I would never hurt you again." He said, patting my hair. His touch disgusted me, but I was too scared to even flinch. "You should know that I never hurt what is mine unless they make me angry"

"And thinking about your so-called mates makes me more than angry"

I whimpered at his statement as another flashback replayed in my mind.

"So, dearie. Would you like to try 'Dorayaki'? Elena said as we walked through the market. It was already noon so merchants were already packing up and leaving. We already brought most the things we wanted so we didn't rush.

"What's that?" I asked, eating the cookie that she made before our little trip.

"It's a delicious snack from the eastern side. Very similar to pancakes, but it has sweet fillings inside."

I licked my lips at the mentioning of pancakes. I can't wait to go back and enjoy them. I nodded my head, wanting to try the dish. It sounded like an upgrade of pancakes. I swear the eastern side were always futuristic than us, even though they seemed traditional, with their silly yet useful inventions. What kind of black magic is that???

While walking, I could sense a very negative atmosphere. I looked around and realized we're in the isolated section of the town. It was empty, with some houses completely broken down.

"Oh, this reminds me when I met those troublemakers. They were sitting in the alleyway, eating some stolen buns in their cardboard house. Oh my, I'm getting teary" Elena chuckled before continuing to walk.

Before I could say anything, a bunch of men came out from the broken houses. One of the men body slammed Elena and pinned her down. Another man came behind me and grabbed me by the throat. My vision was getting blurry. I clawed the man's arm but it was futile.

Instead, he threw me to the ground harshly. I could hear a scream from Elena, but I was too weak to do anything. I laid there limp as darkness consumes me.

"What have you done to her?" My voice was shaky. Elena scream was still fresh on my mind as I replayed again and again." Please fates, I beg you. Don't let anything happened to Elena' I thought.

"Hm, you mean that old lady?" He said, looking unamused. "I told some of my men to dump her body into some forest. She's probably dead, considering they kick her for quite an amount of times. Hah, it's like playing football."

Tears that were gathered in my eyes began to roll down my cheeks. My body shook as I sobbed. I could hear Baisel sigh before rubbing my back, cooing.

"Shhh, don't cry darling. It's not like she was a good person anyway"

"Wha-at d-d-o you m-mean?" I stuttered as sobs torn from my throat. "Y-You're the b-b-bad pe-rson h-here."

"She raised two vicious children that became the lords of the dragon race. They're killers, Glynis, killers that murdered my innocent little brother."

"Y-You're lying-"

"See, they even brainwash you thinking they're kind and sweet. Don't you remember that day when you saw them torturing a man? That man was my brother!" He shouted, his grip on my arms tighten, making me wince.

"Have you not notice all the workers stray far away from them? Can't you see, they purposely send you back to the room early so you wouldn't know what kind of indecent things they're doing?"

I sat there still on his lap, shock. 'He's lying' I thought. 'They would never hurt me, they promised'

"You must be thinking that they will be protecting you, correct?" He suddenly whispered, his hand were caressing my back gently as he pulled me closer to his embrace. "Oh, how foolish you are, Glynis. Why should they protect someone who's not even their mate?"

I gasped but was quickly quiet down by Baisel's coos "Shh, I know it's shocking. You think they're your mate because you feel happy with them. You never feel happy before so that why your body thought that way"

"They already have a mate, which is my little sister. But they made her into a maid instead because she didn't want to have sexual intercourse with them." He rattled on "That's why they brought you, a succubus. The kind that's made for sex, that could fulfil their sexual desires "

"B-but they didn't even touch me s-sexually or anything" I denied. I wanted to think that his words were lies, yet something in my mind keeps telling me to believe him.

"Well because they're busy" His voice was hinting that he was getting annoyed. "But don't worry, darling. I won't be like them."

"I'll cherish you. I make full use of your potential of a succubus."He chuckled, embracing me again. "I'll be the mate you wanted. I'll be the one you love. I'll get rid of those nightmares and replace them with dreams"

He sighed "But that couldn't happen if you still think of them" He brought his fingers to my chin and lifted them up so my puffy eyes were staring into his. He gave a little peck on my lips, before cupping my cheeks.

"So forget them okay? From now on I'll be your mate."

And for some reason, I began to trust his sweet words.


This will be the last chapter before I go on a hiatus for about 2 weeks. I have an examination coming and I wish to pass it so I hope you understand. 

Thank you for the encouraging comments on the previous chapter. School is truly stressful. I also want to thank you for voting on chapters. Hell, some of you vote on every chapter, like wow sometimes I even forgot to vote stories myself.

Anyway, I'll be leaving you guys with a cliffhanger. Yes, yes I'm an evil author. Fight me (:<

 Also, comment if you're team waffle or team pancakes. 

The truth is always bittersweet, but it's always worth the pain c:

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