Chapter one

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  Jason's brother and him usually didn't start their day underground, running for their life whilst being pursued by authorities, but of course they no longer had normal days or for that matter, a normal life and it was all due to their curses.
   Now the curse Jason was dealing with is much different than the witch curses your family for all of Eternity type of curse. The curse he had is something that had just recently settled on the country Azeran, in which he called home. People lately had been gaining magic like abilities, such as controlling water or fire, shape shifting or in his case healing others.
   It had all started two days ago when his brother, Merrick, had cut himself while preparing some bread for their families bakery. They had been in the kitchen together when Merricks finger had slipped while cutting a loaf of bread. Jason had asked to see his wound, so Merrick had given him his hand and as soon as Jason had touched it a sort of feeling had overcome Jason and suddenly the cut was healed and a small white scar replaced it leaving Jason quite tired. It was a major surprise and after a few tests to see if what he had done was a real it had sadly passed. Jason had the ability to heal injuries, and was there on known as a cursed one.
As soon as Merrick and him had confirmed it Merrick told Jason he had something similarly surprising to tell him. As Jason could have guessed from the current situation they were in, Merrick revealed he had also obtained a curse. Though Merrick's curse was something much more supernatural and strange. He had the ability to form these balls of energy out of shadows, able to destroy one of their water glasses with ease. Of course after the test of Merrick's curse they hid the remains of the glass, so that their mother wouldn't nag at them about it later although that would probably be the least of their problems.
   Jason had asked him when his curse had developed and he told him that it happened only a few days prior to the New Year's festival, otherwise known as the Lyvia festival, which had only been three days ago. Jason was disappointed he hadn't told him about it earlier but he had been glad he wasn't alone in this. That night they had told their parents and they took the news pretty well. They were still a bit fearful of Merrick's curse but they had decided they would protect the both of them as long as they could. Cursed ones in the kingdom were hunted every first Sunday of the month, so their parents decided they would leave on Thursday for a "business trip" to Veritas, a town up near a series of canyons and rivers, far from Onryx, where the search for cursed ones hadn't yet reached.
   Of course on the very next day, that's when the royal family had discovered a spy in their mists and announced the curse search would take place earlier, specifically Wednesday, so they could snuff out anymore rebellious rats. Jason and Merrick's parents had decided to scour the city that day to find anyway to get Merrick and Jason out of town in time and safely. Luckily they had met some fellow cursed ones who had known about a secret emergency tunnel that had been created a few months ago. Their parents were told the where and how to enter it after they were thoroughly investigated. This morning Jason's brother and him had left with some supplies to last them until they got to the nearest town.
   As to how they had gotten in their current predicament of running from the authorities Jason was not quite sure how they had found out about the escapees tunnels. From what he had heard the only people who knew about the tunnels had been the undiscovered cursed ones and their families. So for now Jason's brother and him would run from the guards pursuing them. As they were running they would take a turn into different tunnels every now and then. They had gotten lost as soon as the guards had started chasing them so it didn't really matter anymore. At some point Jason couldn't hear any footsteps behind them anymore so he slowed down to a stop, letting his brother and him catch a breath. He had been running with all the supplies in his satchel after all.
   "You know we can't run forever." merrick said quietly and breathlessly, looking around for any signs of the guards.
   "Come on Merrick, we can't give up yet. We'll find somewhere to settle down, far from the stupid royal family. Maybe in Caelfall, somewhere in Tangeria or even Vanegar for the goddess's sakes, just anywhere to keep us safe." Jason insisted, putting a smile on, hoping to convince Merrick, and himself to, to stay positive.
   "Come on Jason! Do you really think we can get away from them? No matter what, they'll find us. I'm sure they'll search the entire country until they have every cursed one under their damn control. The best thing we can do is just give ourselves up now and join her army. We'd both be useful to them, what with your healing and my shadows," Merrick retorted, crossing his arms, while trying to make his point.
  Jason would have shot a reply back but Merrick was making sense. Jason knew deep down the empress would never rest until she had everything in this world in the palm of her hand. Every cursed one to her was a threat, even beyond that, every person was. The proof being that even her husband had been.
   Jason remembered  still hearing the rumors to this day, that nine years ago the king had suddenly started acting strangely, closing himself off from the kingdom and not ever showing his face. Before he had started acting strangely he was a kind and inspiring man. He would always support the armies of Azeran, their home, and he had fought with them in many battles. He was a kind man who always kept the country positive, no matter what sorrows they had gone through. That was why it had rocked the country so terribly when they had found out that he had so suddenly and mysteriously died.
   After that there many theories as to what had happened to their beloved ruler. Some had said that he had been the first to develop a curse, and he must of somehow upset the goddesses in some way, others accused empress Morgana of influencing him into hiding away, manipulating him into a crazed sense of paranoia and that he was still locked up somewhere in the dungeons. Some even heard that Morgana had actually killed the king to gain even more power over everything and that she had never loved him in the first place. What the empress had told the kingdom herself was that he was ill and had unfortunately passed. Many were doubtful but didn't speak of their suspicions, as it would result in criminal punishment if anyone were to berate the the royal family.
   All of this had happened so long ago and yet it still affected all of Azeran to this day. No matter where anyone went in the country Morgana kept everyone under her control. Her armies were everywhere, keeping everyone in line, while the corrupt government stirred up trouble in its own ways. That couldn't stop Jason now though, he had to get away from them, he had to get his family away from her and keep them safe.
   "Merrick I know Morgana will never let anyone be free as long as she reigns, but that's why we have to leave. We need to get both of us and mom and dad to safety. I think what we need to do ..... is- is to try to assist the rebellion somehow," Jason told him, looking into Merricks eyes, finally realizing what they needed to do. The rebellion against Empress Morgana had recently risen alongside with the powers that people had begun to develop. Many people all over Azeran had been leaving their homes to either support Morgana's army or the rebellion. Jason knew that if he could support the rebellion, and if somehow they won against Morgana, Jason and his family could finally be free and at peace.
   Merrick sighed looking away and them back at Jason. "Jason... I know there's no stopping you, but I know there's at least some way I can help you." Merrick whispered, finally giving in to his argument, "I have a way that can get you out of here, and get me back into Onryx to help mom and dad out."
   "What are you thinking of? I hope you're not planning anything that can get you hurt," Jason asked skeptically, narrowing his eyes at Merrick. He didn't want his brother putting himself in danger just to keep them safe.
   Merrick only rolled his eyes at his brother's obvious worrying. "Here's what I'm thinking, it's both a way for you to get to Veritas and the rebellion, and me to get mom and dad to safety. We'll have you continue on until you get to the rebel camp and find a way to help them, meanwhile I'll go back to the city and "join" with the royal guard, which will make me a pretty good candidate as a spy, and while I'm still in the capital I can make sure mom and dad get to safety," Merrick answered, explaining his plan in a few short details.
Jason took a moment to think and then answered, "Merrick the only thing I'm not sure of is how I'm going to get out of this tunnel in one piece. I mean we only got away from those guards by an inch. Not to mention the royal guard will be more than likely be very suspicious of you after you ran away from them with me," Jason said, hoping they could refine the plan to make it work a bit smoother.
  "I know exactly what I have to do. I could run back into the guards and tell them that you had dragged me down here yourself, pulled me aside, rambling about this craziness of joining the rebellion, and then decided to create a new tunnel out of stone, using your quote on quote curse, of controlling the earth. I could tell them that I didn't believe a word that came out of your mouth, and since the Empress is the only one worthy enough to be loyal to, when you made your way into the tunnel, I collapsed it on top of you with my curse. All you have to do is go down that way." Merrick said, pointing to the tunnel to the left of them, "While once you get a good distance away I can collapse the tunnel."
Jason looked at his brother, amazed that he had came up with this plan so quickly, but then paused for a moment. "Merrick the plan is really good and all... but are you sure you wanna give yourself up like this?" Jason asked, lying his hand on his brother's shoulder. He was worried for what could happen to his brother while he was gone.
   "Really Jason, I'll be fine. I'm not as weak as you seem to think I am." Merrick mumbled, moving away from Jason, with a hint of coldness in his tone. Jason brushed it off though. He knew his brother was probably just stressed because of their present situation.
   "Alright Merrick... I guess this is goodbye. Please stay safe for mom's, dad's and my sake, ok?" Jason told him, lingering for a few seconds. Jason then quickly pulled Merrick into a loose hug. Merrick slowly nodded his head and then Jason let him go and turned his back to him, running down the tunnel. After a few seconds Jason heard the crumble of rocks and turned around to see Merrick using his curse to destroy the tunnel. And just like that, in a matter of seconds, Merrick had disappeared into the darkness.
   Jason turned around and continued to run but he couldn't help but get distracted. What if Merrick's story didn't convince the guards? What if they decided to imprison him? Or worse, execute him. Jason couldn't imagine life without his younger brother or how it would affect their parents. Jason the. noticed that finally there was a three way fork in the tunnels and decided to take the middle path, hoping that he would finally get out this stupid dark and cramped place. There was the occasional candle burning from an indent in the wall but that was the only source of light that he had seen so far. It didn't help either that tunnels were pretty small , only a few inches taller than him, and were jagged in many areas. He was sure at some point he had torn up his satchel but he had kept moving forward.
   He had bumped his head against the wall for what seemed like the fiftieth time when he heard shouting from far behind him. It seemed like a pair guards had once again discovered him. Just his luck. So he did the only sensible thing and starting running for his life, again. He had been running for what seemed like forever and his lag were burning at this point. It looked like he had lost guards but as he rounded another corner as quickly as he could just in case. Of course that's when he smacked right into a blond headed blur.
   "Holycrapthathurtlikehell!" slurred the blond haired boy, who looked up at him from the floor of the tunnel.
   Jason look at him, quite perplexed by the sudden appearance of this strange and energetic boy. "Um excuse me for asking, but who exactly are you?" He asked, extending his hand to help him up.
   The boy took his hand and wiped off his clothes. "The names, Oliver. Oliver Grey." Oliver panted, shaking Jason's hand.
   "Oh well, I'm Jason Baker, nice to meet you." Jason said, introducing himself.
  "Anyway we should probably head out of here, ya know with the royal grumps following me and, soon to be you." Oliver huffed, trying to catching his breath.
  "Seriously! I've practically been running from guards for hours now, can I please just get one break," Jason moaned, annoyed with how his situation seemed to keep getting worse and worse.
   "Hey don't worry big guy we'll get out of here, anyway, the way the air is flowing over here, there should be an exit pretty close to us." Oliver said patting jason's back. Jason did a double take for a second realizing how much shorter Oliver was than him. With how Oliver spoke and sounded he seemed to be Jason's age but how he looked confused Jason. Jason was an entire half a foot taller than him. Oliver was short with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes, with a splay of freckles across his face.
   "Wait how can you tell where the air is flowing? And how old are you exactly?" Jason asked, curious about this energetic kid.
   "Okay first of all I'm fourteen and yes I knew I'm very short, no need to make it that apparent. Secondly that's my curse, aerokinesis, or in other words, I can control the air and wind, and I have pretty acute senses when it comes to stuff like that." Oliver explained in a slightly annoyed tone.
  "Oh, um alright then, so why don't you lead the way then, Oliver" Jason said, surprised by his blatant honesty and use of big words.
   "Don't mind if I do." He said as he lead Jason through many twists and turns throughout the tunnels. At one point Jason finally thought that maybe this kid was just crazy but suddenly he felt a slight breeze up ahead. Oliver and him began to run at full pace towards the breeze and soon moonlight filled the entire tunnel until they finally made there way out of the tunnels into a wide grassy meadow under a cloudless starry night. They were surrounded by woods on all sides and behind the exit of the tunnel Jason could see the outline of the far away royal city behind the outline of the forest.
   "Welp looks like we made it out didn't we. Now I don't know about you but I'm off to Veritas to go support a rebellion! What about you, wanna head out with me?" Oliver looked over to jason and asked. Jason simply nodded his head, amazed that he had already found another rebellion supporter. He had just hoped the rest of rebellions members were a tad bit calmer. He a had a feeling though that he was probably going to be wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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