Chapter 2

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Frank woke up the next morning a little earlier than usual, slightly tired but nervous to meet Gerard. He made his way to the coffee shop, clean scarf tightly in hand.

Once inside he greeted Brendon with a smile and asked for his usual order, this time for sit down.

“You’re earlier than usual. Sit down, huh?” Brendon asked, confused by the change. “And why do you look so energetic this morning?”

Frank quickly debated whether or not to tell him about the changes. Might as well, if he didn’t right now the man would constantly pester him about it later.

With a small smile Frank explained yesterday’s incident and why he was at the café earlier than usual.

Brendon listened attentively while making Frank’s order and they both finished their tasks at the same time. “Ooh Gerard? He comes in here like every other day. He’s hot, hot, hot, as a tater tot,” said he said as he handed Frank his cup.  

“Haha, yeah he is pretty attractive,” said Frank with a small blush forming on his cheeks. Frank paid the barista and went to find a table facing the door.

He was glad he didn’t have any morning classes today, so he could take some time to wait for Gerard before leaving to go to get ready for his afternoon classes, and then work.

Every time the doorbell would chime, Frank would look up expectedly, hoping it was the man from yesterday. Thirty minutes and one coffee later, Gerard still hadn’t shown up. Frank sighed; Brendon did say that he came in every other day, so today must be the day that he wouldn’t show. 

Frank stood up and made his way over to the big plastic tub that contained the customer’s dishes. He placed his mug and saucer carefully in the tub, and napkin in the trash when he heard the door chime. He ignored it, and turned to leave when he heard the familiar voice greet Brendon at the counter.

“Oh god he’s finally here,” Frank thought nervously, and slowly made his way up to the raven-haired man.

Brendon glanced at Frank and mouthed, “Good luck!” as Gerard was looking down and counting change for his coffee.

Gerard turned away from the counter with his cup, and made his way to a table and sat down. Frank walked up to him and cleared his throat.

“Um, excuse me?” He said and Gerard looked up at him, a confused expression on his face.

“Hi, I’m Frank, the guy who spilled coffee on you yesterday morning,” Frank said shyly, biting at his lip ring when he was finished.

At those words Gerard smiled and waved at Frank for him to sit down,

“So um, yesterday I noticed that you had dropped your scarf on the ground, so I picked it up and washed it when I got home. And uh, here it is.” rambled Frank as he put the red scarf on the table.

“Thanks man, I was wondering if I had lost it yesterday. And thanks for cleaning it too,” said Gerard, taking the scarf.

“Not a problem,” said Frank, smiling and brushing his bangs out of his eyes.

An hour later, and the two had talked about bands, themselves, what they were studying in college and other random topics. 

Frank pulled out his phone to check the time, “Oh man, I gotta run to get my stuff for my afternoon classes. It was nice meeting you Gerard!”

“Wait, Frank!” said Gerard, pulling a pen out of somewhere then grabbing Frank’s hand. Frank could have sworn that he felt sparks when they were holding hands. He felt the pen gliding lightly on his palm and Gerard let go when he was done and capped the pen. “It was nice meeting you, text me?” Gerard asked shyly, while brushing his hair out of his eyes and looking up at Frank.

“Yeah, will do,” replied Frank, smiling. He walked to the door near the counter, where Brendon was leaning across the counter, and asked impatiently, “Well? You guys were talking for forever.”

“He gave me his number!” said Frank proudly. Brendon could barely contain the squeal that came out of his mouth.

“Yes! Score for Frank!” he said.

Frank laughed and said goodbye to his ecstatic friend and walked out of the shop. Today was a good day, Frank could tell.  


AN: So chapter two is done, phew! If I made any grammar errors, please tell me. Expect chapter three in a day or two.


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