Chapter 1 ~ Crystal

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Crystal stared at the cafeteria. There were so many different places to sit. There were a group of people on their phones, a group of boys tossing a crumpled napkin between themselves, their were girls sharing different lipgloss's, then at the way back there was a table with two people talking. They looked nice enough. She walked over to the small table in the back. Crystal sat at the end of the table and picked quietly at her food.

         "Oh hey your that new girl right?'' Someone asked. Crystal looked up and found a boy and a girl staring at her. Crystal nodded slowly. "Well just so you know, im the most popular person at scho-" The girl elbowed the guy before he could finish. "Garret shut up. Sorry my friend is just a little... Hyper. Anyway, I'm Camry and this is Garret. Your Crystal right?" Camry asked. "Yeah." Crystal replied. Camry had fair skin and blue green eyes. She had long blonde hair that fell perfectly over her shoulders.Camry wore a dark purple hoodie and plain blue jeans. Garret had straight black hair that just reached the tops of his shoulders. He had bright green grey eyes. Garret wore a band shirt and worn jeans with multiple rips and tears. Garret saw her looking at his band shirt. "You like My Chemical Romance?" Garret asked. Crystal nodded and pointed to her own band shirt. "Sweet." He answered.

         Just then Alec, Crystals older brother walked up. "Hey little sis. Oh Camry. Nice to see you again." Alec said. "Hopefully this time we wont drop anything." Camry smiled. "You know her?" Crystal asked quietly. Alec nodded absently looking at Camry. Crystal rolled her eyes, Garret glared at Alec rudely. Crystal tilted her head. Garret looked at her and shook his head. "Nothing." Was all he said. "Anyway, where you guys from?" Camry asked. "Germany." Alec and Crystal said at the same time. "You?" Alec asked. "New Jersey." Camry replied. "Baltimore." Garret said. "Oh, so that's why you have that slight accent." Crystal smiled. Camry looked irritated. "New Jersey does not have accents. Everyone believes that now because of that stupid show." Camry said. Crystal shrunk in her seat. Camry put her face in her hands. "Agh, I'm sorry. I just hate it when people say that." Crystal sat up a little. "Its o-okay." She stuttered. "I know exactly what your talking about. I legitimately think people actually thought that that was an educational show because people would quote that show like it was fucking Shake spear." Camry proceeded to crack up.

          Crystal and Garret shared exasperated sighs. This made them both smile. "Maybe this wont be so bad. " Crystal thought. Alec and Camry carried on, briefly asking questions directed towards Garret or Crystal. Crystal couldn't pretend to be interested in her food any longer. "Im going to go check out the library."

        With out waiting for a response she got up and emptied her tray, walking out of the cafeteria. "Room 302, 308, 316... Ah, here." She pushed open a thick blue door. Shelves upon shelves of books lined the walls, all categorized by genre and author. A large wooden desk sat by the door. A sign on it said; "Lunch Break Sign name and Book here." with a little notepad to log which books everyone had. She walked towards the horror section.

       Crystal browsed through them until she found one by her favorite author that she hadn't read. She logged it on the notepad and sat in one of the overstuffed chairs. She liked to finish lunch early and come in the library to read. Crystal was just getting into the 5th chapter when a voice startled her. "Hey new girl right?" Came a harsh voice.

      She jumped and turned around. A guy with short blond hair stared at her with an almost menacing glare. "Y-yes. Am I not aloud to be here or something?" She asked quietly. The boy laughed. "Babe if your with me we can go anywhere." His hand crept towards her chest. Crystal jumped away from him. "I d-dont know you." She stuttered. Before she could do anything he slammed her against the wall pressing himself against her so she couldnt move. His hand moved under her shirt. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He snarled. "I dont want to do this anyway!" Crystal cried and punched him the face. He backed up a little. "Hard way it is." He picked up a large textbook and slammed it against her head. Causing her to black out.

Crystal woke up an hour later, the sun glaring in her eyes. "Where am I..." She tried to stand up but her legs ached. Even though she didnt remember anything she could already tell what happened. Looking around she saw she was underneath the bleachers out by the feild. She proceeded to vomit in the grass disgusted by what had happened. She cried profusely.

      "Crystal Mathison please report to the front office. Crystal Mathison please report to the front office." The loudspeakers blared. Wiping her mouth and eyes she stood up. She cried out and fell back down. She sobbed into the grass. Finally she dragged herself out and sat on the bleachers trying to regain her energy. After a few minutes she was able to get up and walk to the office.

       The boy who..Who.. Who did things to her sat in a chair next to the principle with a paper towel on his nose. "Do you know Mr. Andrews.?" Principal Hartfeild asked in a low voice. "Y-yes." Crystal replied staring at the boy horrifiedly. "Dont you say anything." The boy mouthed. Crystal fought back a cry. "Is it true you punched Jacob here?'' Crystal looked between Jacob and Mr. Hartfeild. Giving a last glance at Jacob she nodded. Mr. Hartfeild sighed deeply. "Mrs. Mathison, youve onlyy been here one day and you already have 3 weeks worth of detention! Because not only did you assualt this young man, but I heard you also skipped 4th period!" Mr. Hartfeild looked at her bewildered. "Im sorry to say this but Im going to have to give you at least a month of detention. Saturday and Sunday. 3:00 to 6:00. Every time you are late to detention you get two more hours of detention. I hope you learned your lesson." With that Mr. Hartfeild dissmissed her.

       Blinking back tears, Crystal left the office and walked down the halls which were filled with people rushing to and from classes. She opened up her locker and shrieked as someone came up behind her. The same menacing voice whispered in her ear. "You are mine.Do you understand me? Mine. Tomorrow your going to introduce me to your friends and were going to sit with each other in classes like a good little girl, do you get me?" Crystal cried and nodded. Jacob left her standing there shivering.

          "Hey little sis." Crystal quickly wiped her tears and turned around and hugged Alec. ''Whoa, whats up?" Crystal shook her head and released him. "Nothing. I just needed that." Crystal whispered. Alec looked at her supsiously. "You dont look like your oka-" Crystal cut him off. "Im fine." She grabbed her books from her locker and left her brother awkwardly standing there.

        She stood in front of the classroom as her teacher introduced her to the class. Crystal glanced around and sighed in relief as she realized Jacob wasnt in her English class but suprisingly Garret was. Finally the teacher finished her introduction and she sat down in front of Garret. She started taking notes from on the board when Garret leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "What is with boys and whispering to me.." She thought.

            "So a months worth of detention eh? Pretty impressive for a new girl." Crystal grimaced. "How do you know?" She asked. "The whole school knows! Bad news travels pretty fast. Next time maybe you wont punch the principles son in the face idiot." Crystals small smile drooped. "Im s-sorry I didnt know.." Garret looked at her sympathetically. "Wait, no, Im sorry. That was really mean." Crystal smiled sadly. "Its okay." Garret shook his head. "No that was un-called for." Crystal looked at him. "No really. Im used to it." Just then, the lights went out.


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