Chapter IX: Merii's Revenge

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Water comes crashing down at Drayk, but he manages to block it using a strong blast of Wind Magic. He flicks his wrist and snaps his fingers, making the air around Merii explode. Once the smoke clears, Drayk realizes it was unsuccessful. Her body had instantly turned into water, absorbing the blast. Merii's body solidifies back to normal and she smiles a crooked smile.

"A Fire Mage has no hope of defeating me, remember? You might be a Ragnarok Mage, but your instinct is fire," Merii laughs, "You do not stand a chance against me!"

"Fire is who I always was, and I defeated many opponents you'd think I wouldn't be able to," Drayk tells her, "You're forgetting something Merii. I am an Ultimate Mage."

"I'm sure I can handle myself against you. You might have the power potential of a god, but you cannot control it fully yet. Besides, I won't die till I've gotten my revenge and slain my sister!"

Drayk concentrates on his visions of the cosmos, focusing on a power he has yet to explore. His body lights up with a pure white aura. He points the palm of his right hand right at the Water Mage. A beam of light shoots at her, much faster than she can even realize what's happening. Merii drops to her knees and sits on legs, her body steaming. Pain is felt all over her body, not a spot was untouched by the attack. She groans in pain as she absorbs water in through her fingertips from a nearby puddle. Her body glows light blue for a split second and the pain subsides.

"Impressive. Why didn't you strike me down while you had the chance?" Merii asks.

"I'm just getting warmed up. Allow me to practice my magic on you," Drayk replies with a snicker.

"Don't get cocky now."

Meanwhile ~

Atop a tall skyscraper, Roku is standing with her ears to the wind. Her eyes widen as she hears what's being carried from afar.

"Merii," Roku says under her breath, "Sammi.... Drayk.... I feel sorry for you."

Roku leaps off of the building and dives straight toward the ground. Several feet before she would make impact, she uses a blast of wind to glide along above the ground. Roku figures coming in low will offset Merii, almost knowing she'd expect an aerial strike. She flies through the valley, riding the winds beneath her feet. She is keeping her ears to the wind, trying to make sure Drayk is still alright.

Meanwhile ~

Holes in space open around Merii and meteorites shoot out of them at her. She moves her arms in an arch motion, making a wall of water rise up over her. The meteorites burst through the water and slam into the ground. Merii dodges out of the way, not allowing any to make contact with her. As soon as the meteorites stop falling, she stomps her foot down against the ground. The ground beneath Drayk's feet cracks open and rock spikes shoot up from below. Quickly, Drayk moves out of the way, narrowly avoiding the spikes.

Drayk leaps into the air and extends his arms outward with his hands opened wide. The palms of his hands spark fiercely. He pushes his arms together, pointing his hands at Merii. A big lightning bolt shoots from his hands and zigzags toward the Water Mage. Merii attempts to dodge the attack, but is unable to. The bolt follows her and strikes, electrocuting her.

"Damn you Bringer of Hope!" Merii snarls, "You're starting to tick me off!"

Merii raises up into the air, glowing with a bright ocean blue aura. Water from all around lifts up and gathers into a giant ball before her. She moves her hands toward the Bringer and the water ball shoots down at him. Drayk scribbles an alchemic circle into the ground below him and touches it. A metallic wall encloses all around him. The water envelops the metal casing. Merii slowly closes her fists causing the pressure to build around Drayk. The metal starts to dent in on itself. Inside, Drayk watches the metal close in. At this rate, it will crush him to death.

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