Chapter Two

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Juniper was going through every way possible to kill this guy who had her taken to his room. She was mad at herself, and kept cursing herself as she walked down the small hallways of the Pack House, two large male guards leading her there. She didn't know how she got captured, everything was just one huge blur that she couldn't separate. She cast her bright gold eyes downwards to the chains encircling her wrists, and were being held by the guards. She would of made some snarky comment by now, but her mouth was too occupied with the rag gagging her mouth. She desperately wanted to be with Roan, so she knew he was okay, and it would calm his anxiety about her.

Eventually they reached a huge wooden oak door, which she presumed would be Jason's room. The guard on her left roughly shoved her towards it, as the other guard opened it. She went sprawling inside, tucking her arms to her chest so the fall wouldn't effect them.

"Such a graceful entrance for such a disgusting creature" Jason's smooth voice could be heard from near the large glass window, overlooking most of the village. "You know, my ancestors spent decades building the system we have running here. I won't let Mizu ruin that" he growled, turning on his heel and moving swiftly towards her.

Juni just wanted to claw his face off. She knew Aiden was here, but she hadn't seen him yet. She was half scared Jason had caught him, but she trusted Aiden to look after himself. Jason looked down at her, clicking his tongue in disappointment. "Cat got your tongue?" He teased, leaning down and removing the gag in one swift movement. Juni spat and moved her legs, kicking him in the back of his shins, causing Jason to fall to his knees.

"I don't think she'll have a chance if I do it first" Juni snarled, as Jason grabbed her arms, pulling her up into a sitting position, her face and his barely a hair width apart. He bared his teeth in a savage way, bloodlust evident in his eyes.

"Listen here brat. I am the Alpha, and you will listen to me, or else your dear brother, he'll end up pinned and stuffed on the wall as my new trophy" he threatened, and Juni could tell he was dead serious. She whimpered and tried to back away, but he held her strong.

"I don't care if your Alpha, you're not MY Alpha!" She managed to growl at him, even though internally all she wanted was to be back at Mizu's pack with Armani and Roan. Jason though wouldn't have any of her attitude. He laughed crazily to himself before pulling back slightly, loosening the grip on her arms. "That's okay...Aiden! Move Roanoke's execution date to three hours from now!"

Juniper stiffened as her lover entered the room. She desperately wanted to be near him, so he could comfort her like he usually did. But she knew that if Jason knew of their relationship, he'd use it against her. She could tell that Aiden was struggling to not show any emotion, she could hear it in his answer from behind her. "Yes Alpha" that snapped Juni back into reality as she jerked and yelled, which was unnecessary, "Wait! No, please!"

Jason smirked, knowing he'd won. "Nevermind Aiden, go double the patrols, I expect a visit from a dear friend anytime now"

Aiden nodded and somehow turned his back on Juniper, his fists clenched as he walked away from her. Jason didn't notice the tension until it faded from the room, though he brushed it off, focusing his gaze back on Juni as he stood up, towering over her "Okay, great, let's talk business. I heard you're an alpha-in-training, correct?" He turned his back on her and strode to the large window near his bed, and he looked out as he saw Aiden and his Gamma, Cameron, conversing on what he assumed was patrols. He didn't wait for Juni's answer as he continued "I need a mate, someone strong enough to bear my children. And who better than you, an alpha-in-training? An Alpha would be better, but they're mostly males"

Juni paled, absolutely disgusted by his offer "What?! No, never, not in a million years years buddy" she spat, shaking her head in disbelief. Jason laughed, leaning against the edge of the window "I thought that'd be your answer, so I made preparations for Roan to have a visit to our little torture room" Juni hated the fact that he could use her brother against her. But before she could even say anything, Jason growled and punched the wall. "Riley..." he hissed, watching the commotion outside. Juniper frowned but stayed quiet and Jason forgot about her and disappeared from the room, slamming the oak door shut behind him

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