Chapter Seven

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Juniper tugged at the bonds around her wrist, causing them to dig harshly into her delicate skin, drawing a bright red mixed with dark red blood out. After Jason stormed out because of the Riley, a new werewolf strode in, dark hair, almost black like his eyes and most likely his soul. He had roughly grabbed her, yanking her upright and dragging her out of that stupid bedroom. That's how she ended up here, in a small circular room with a small, worn out cot sitting in the middle. She had of course protested, but the man had harshly slapped her, immediately shutting her up. She was close to tears, but she swallowed them back. A true leader, a true Alpha doesn't simply cry and give up. Not until their pack and family were safe and sound.

"Let me out you damn demons!!" she yelled for the fifth time, her voice hoarse. She heard laughter as usual, and she rolled her striking eyes. How dare they think that they could keep her locked up like some animal? Just as she was going to yell for the sixth time, the door knob turned, the door swinging open.

"About bloody tim---" she was cut off as she realised who was standing before her. Aiden Celeste, her boyfriend. He looked slightly different from last time she saw him. He now had a grey streak, obviously dyed, through his night black hair. His eyes were harder, the green one still looking like a green meadow, and his grey one still looking like a stormy cloud. But he was wearing one of the guards uniforms, which are what she was confused about. Aiden wasnt a guard. He was the Beta of blood rose. Not a simple guard.

He closed the door behind him with a small click, before sighing and running a hand through his already roughed up hair. It was a sign that he was annoyed with her.

"Firecracker, really?? Getting captured was your great idea?" he scolded, his eyes meeting hers. If there was something Juni was great at, it was being stubborn. Which is why she didn't say anything, she just carelessly shrugged her shoulders, breaking eye contact. It wasn't her idea. It wasn't anyone's idea. It just happened, not that Aiden would believe her.

"What can I say? I'm just full of great ideas" she muttered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. She hated this; she hated him scolding her like she was some pup.

"Juni, come on. I cant help you on this you're on your own with this one" he whispered, hating every word. He wanted to help her, but he couldn't compromise his position. That would be the last thing Mizu needed, as much as he hated her, he still helped her.

'Its for Juni' he keeps telling himself. But he knows its a lie. He opened his mouth to say something else, but there was a bang on the door.

"Dammit.." Aiden muttered under his breath. Juni was seemingly transfixed with the floor, but Aiden knew better. She was giving him the silent treatment. He sighed and opened the door slowly. He'd come back for her. No matter what, screw Mizu. His firecracker was more important. He slipped out the door, locking it once again, leaving Juni alone to her wild thoughts. She took a shaky breath, and regained her composure. She wouldn't be saved this time. Once again, she would have to man up and save herself, instead of waiting for a man to save her.


When Roan woke up, the first thing he noticed was someone touching his chest? And the massive headache that wouldn't go away. 

"W-what?" he grunted, blinking to try and clear his blurry vision. The hand stopped for a second, the he heard a thump and groan, the hand retreating from him. His fast reflexes came into play as his hand whipped up and gripped the retreating hand by the wrist. His vision and head ache cleared as she sat up, his eyes trailing up the arm to the face that owned the arm.

Riley. And in her hand was a small silver chain, with a glowing purple pendant hanging on it. Riley's eyes widened and she shrieked her other hand flying through the bars and gripping his wrist, digging her surprisingly long nails into his wrist. He flinched and his grip loosened on her wrist, causing her to yank it back and fall back onto her back, the necklace disappearing from sight.

"What the hell little wolf?!" Roan growled, turning his eyes to her, his gold one glowing. Riley continued staring up at the stone ceiling, panting. It was then he noticed the burns on her arms from the bars. Her eyes were wide and frightened, yet there was relief there in her eyes.

"Sorry I just didn't need to drag you into my mess" she panted, pushing herself slowly into a sitting position. Her hair was rather messy and hanging in her face, annoying her as she continued to brush it back. Roan didnt pay attention to that; he was too focused on that necklace. It was obvious she didnt want him seeing it, so he decided to momentarily drop the subject.

"What happened?" he asked, his tone soft, yet demanding. He wanted to know why he passed out. And Riley must have known why.

"It was Azrael. The Delta. He has the power to find his way into peoples minds and use stuff against them" The way she said it, made Roan think that she had been through it.

"You saved me." Not a question, a statement. If this Az guy got into his mind, he would know about him and Riley meeting up at the Alphas meetings. He didn't need that. The nod that cam from Riley was all it took to confirm it.

"You've been through his torture?" he asked softly, not wanting to upset her. Riley let out a bitter laugh. She shook her head and licked her teeth.

"Yeah I have it was Hell" her tone had dead humour in it, which scared Roan slightly, not that'd he admit it.

"Care to indulge me?" He would never make another mistake when he asked someone that. Ever. Cause the story that followed was enough to send shivers down his spine, something that was rather hard to do these days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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