Fuck morning people!

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Chapter 1 : Fuck morning people!

" Gabe, please don't start this i feel bad beating you non stop" I told Gabe as we played on the xbox in his room. " Harlie, I've been practicing and, I've looked up codes, I'm positive i can win this time! " he whined, " tell you what ill even give you ten dollars if you beat me! Thats how confident i am!" he said getting out his wallet and sitting it on the bed we were sitting on. He ran his hands through his brown hair, i knew how bad he wanted to win but, i was just to competitive. He wanted to beat me more than anything, and I could tell he wanted it and wasn't lying since his dimples sounded when he lied. It was adorable. " okay, if you really feel like giving away money" I told him laughing as we played this oldschool fighting game that had such bad pixels it belonged on an Atari.  

We created a new match and within seconds of the fight I had killed him and died once. " God damnit Harlie! " Gabe shouted, tossing his controller harshly into the wall and digging in his wallet. " I warned you" i said smiling like a kid on christmas morning. He laid the ten dollars in my hand. " can you just tell me how to do that? Plleeaaasssee " he asked me getting close to my face to show off his adorable puppy dog face and batting his eyelashes. " all I do is push random buttons Gabe, I don't know how to play " i laughed. He just shoved me, making me fall onto the floor onto the soft blue carpet. " well someones a sore loser" i joked, sitting up.  

Gabe was my best friend and my neighbor. He had these amazing green eyes that could make you melt, not to mention his godlike features. His hair was the most important thing to him besides his perfectly white smile. We hadn't hung out in a while since he's turned seventeen, got a car, and been chased by girls which always made me question why he wasteAgd his time on me.  

I was this tall girl who was damaged goods. I had blue eyes, no special blue just blue, and my hair was brown, not carmel or mocha. Just brown, and my body. Don't get me started. Gabe had been with me through my darkest moments and he had caused all of my brightest moments. I was thankful for him, without him i would never be able to live.  

" hey Gabe , could I ask you something?" I asked softly peeking over the side of the bed slowly.


Harlie peeked over the bedside her beautiful eyes questioning me to why we were friends. I didn't really know how to respond. Maybe we were friends because of her beauty, her humor or how much of an amazingly gorgeous person she was. But, i didn't say anything like that because that might have scared her away. That would be the worst thing in my life that could happen.  

" Because, how could we not be friends, I've know you since before either of us could walk and your so amazing I couldn't pass up time wit you" i told her giving out one of my whitest smiles, telling her I was sincere. I pulled her up to my bed and gave her a hug. " thanks Gabe" she smiled, looking perfect as always. It kills me to know a girl as beautiful as her had low self esteem, and thats the way it always had been. No matter how many times I told her she was beautiful, she never believes me.  

" okay, I'm going to go over to the house, i need some sleep" Harlie told me giving me a kiss on the cheek. I loved when she does that. " cant you just stay here, ill wake you up so you can get dressed ... Please stay over" i begged holding her arm, giving her the pouty face again. " i don't have anything to sleep in for one and i know your a morning person and I'm not, if I see you all happy go lucky in the morning Im gonna wanna kill you" she laughed, playfully trying to tug her arm away. " ill loan you some clothes, and ill be pessimistic tomorrow just for you" i smiled. " please" i begged. " okay" she laughed sitting on the bed.  

I got some clothes out, a long tshirt and a pair of my boxers, and i through them out to her. " Gabe! I'm not wearing your boxers!" Harlie's amzing voice shouted into my room from the bathroom. " stop being a pansy and just wear them over your panties as shorts" I chuckled leaning against the door. " dont say that word" she mumbled through the door. " what panties ?" i laughed. " yes that one" she groaned cutely. She walke out of the bathroom, her clothes in one hand and mine on. That's one of the sexiest sites is her wearing my clothes. God damn. " close your mouth Gabe youll catch flies " she laughed pushing my chin up as she walke by. If she had that attitude in public guys woul be all over her. " i wasbt thinking about your i was thinkin about megan fox" i lyed rubbin the back of my neck with my hand, i could feel my dimples showing so i knew she knew i was lying. " your dimples are showing Gabe" she laughed, touching the crevice of my cheek. " fuck " i mumbled under my breathe turning my head and walking into my closet.


Gabe walked over to his closet pouting since I caught him in a lie. He walked out shirtless in boxers. " Gabe what the hell, put some clothes on" I said covering my eyes with both hands. " you know you dont want me to, and besides this is the way i sleep every night" He laughed putting his hands on his hips like he was posing for me. " i just have a problem with paperthin material being the only thing seperateing us" i told him letting my eyes linger on him a bit to long. " Harlie, my eyes are up here" Gabe mocked, in a girly voice. " i was looking at your face i swear" i giggled letting my cheeks redden. " funny thing that my face isnt on my boxers" he laughed touchin the band of them. " lets go to sleep" i told him turning away and pulling back the covers climbing in. Gabe followed. I kept my distance and she did he, he learnt that i while back. We set the alarm and welcomed sleep.

**** MORNING***** 

i woke up cold, feeling a draft i looked down to see no covers where on me, and Gabes boxers that i wore as shirts were no longer on me. Gabe shut of the alarm, and rolled over to talk to me. He saw what I did, his cheeks getting pink. " Gabe what the hell" i yelled smacking him hard in the arm. " Ow, god damn it Harlie I didnt do it maybe you took them off yourself!" he whined rubbing his arm. I looked around for the blue boxers making sure to stretch Gabes shirt down to my knees so Gabe couldnt see my underwear. " i cant walk to my house like this!" i mumbled, " my would like it to much" . I had to laugh, " here take mine" i heard Gabe mumble then as i looked up he stripped his boxers off. " Gabe" i yelled turning around and covering my eyes. " i didnt see anything i swear" i spoke fast my words almost blurred. " your panties say free spirit" he laughed, " stop looking at my underwear" i yelled, forgeting i was suppose to be holding them down. " im decent" he told me pushing a pair of boxers into my hands. " i cant wear these, theyve touched your stuff" i told him blushing so hard my face celt like it was on fire. " then start walking" he smiled knowing i wouldnt do it " i fucking hate you" i mumbled slipping themk on and running out the door to prepare for school. " love you too" he chuckled closing his door. I hope all morning people die.  

I got to school early as usual so i could miss the rus of the hallway. Parking in my normal spot by the huge birc tree and grabbing my bag from the back seat. I waljed in the side ddor closest to my locker, careful to stear clear of human contact. I put the combination into my locker slowly, whispering the numbers to myself so i couldnt mess up. I grabbed the books for the first few classes and let the day begin.  

Me and Gabe made a pact to not talk to eachother in school, so i couldnt ruin his reputation. If we passed eachother we dont even make eye contact because thats risky, he was known for his looks and player side while i was the quiet girl in the corner that got good grades.  


i always got a bottle of water and sat outside on the swing and sang until Gabe got home from school. He didnt know i could sing and i was keeping it that way. I was trying to learn the song " give your heart a break " by Demi Lovato. So i sang. By myself . Not knowing tomorrow was going to be the most excitin dau to even happen to me.


Hey guys let me know how the story is and please vote :) give this one a chance:)

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