Cindrella fell asleep

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Chapter 5: Cindrella fell asleep

I woke up, and showered quickly letting the warm water rush over my body in a rush. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. Then putting on mascara and nothing else. When I wore make-up I felt like everyone looked at me like I was fake, so I just wore mascara.

Today was going to be a chill back day, to do unfinished homework and maybe some chores around the house. I had just started working on my Honors Chemistry homework when a random number texted my iphone. I didn't recognize it.

( to make this easier to read the random number texting her will be represented as a hash tag and Harlies number will be represented as an H)

#: hey :)

H: um... Hi? Who is this?

#: someone :)

H: someone like who?

#: your favorite person ever :)

H: wow, Taylor Launter is texting mine phone!! Jk.. But really who is it?

#: ill give you a hint :) its someone with the same rocking body as him;)

In my mind I knew who it was, it was Jason trying to be mysterious, and it was not working. He didnt realize that he was one of the only people to text me.

H: hmm.. Jason? No couldnt be him you said you had a rockin bod :)

#: wow! Way to spread the love! I see how it works! :)

H: haha :) well no offense but one, why are you texting me? And two, how did you get my number?

#: because, i want to and i know people:)

H: well okay then :) what are we suppose to talk about?

#: how about we ask questions back and forth and I can get to know you better ;)

H: alrighty:) i' ll start then, whats your favorite color? Mines green :)

#: mines green too :) whats your favorite type of food?

H: probably mexican lol and I hate chinese :/

#: mines italian, i hate chinese too, I hear its made of cats?! xD

H: haha xD how about whats something you look for in a girl?

I couldnt help but ask, i really wanted to know. Hey, you cant blame a girl for asking, maybe deep down I really wanted to know if he was my type. Naw, it couldnt be. It was taking him nearly forever to respond, i thought I scared him off, so I set my phone down. Minutes later my phone buzzed, so I grabbed it with anxious hands.

#: hmm.. Beileve it or not, i loo for a girl who doesnt need everyones attention all the time, someone who I can be myself around and is really trustworthy. Someone who doesnt strive to be perfect and a girl that could stay in and relax with me. I would love to have a girl that doesnt have to like the same things as me, someone who can respect our differences. A family girl who loes when family visits since I am in love with spending time with my family. Whats your perfect guy like? :)

Wow, he knew exactly what he wanted and had amazing values. He was looking for someone who sounded great, even perfect. I wanted my response to be as deep as his, but I just wasnt like that. It took me a long time to think of what my type really was since Ive never really thought of it. Here goes nothing.

**********JASONS POV*********

My heart began to race minutes after I sent that text, she must think im werid. Why was it takin her so long to respond? Did I offend her? Did she think less of me? Was she not interested?

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