l o s t .
1: not used, won or claimed
2: no longer possessed or known
3: ruined or destroyed
5: unable to find a way; also HELPLESS
7: not appreciated or understood
8: made obscure; OVERLOOKED
9: FUTILE____________________________________
nine boys, all glass.
w h a t
c o u l d
i t
p o s s i b l y
m e a n ?
there will be some topics that may trigger some individuals, so please do read with c a u t i o n.
lowercase intended.
may or may not be edited always, so there will be some e r r o r s in the spelling so i am sorry with that.
will not guarantee daily updating, but will try, if possible.
l e g e n d s :
i t a l i c i z e d : t h e t h o u g h t s // their povs
b o l d : t h e t a l k s // the dialogue
n o r m a l : t h e p e r s p e c t i v e // the readers and author's pov.
t h i s
s e e m s
v e r y
v e r y
i n t e r e s t i n g .
×LOST× STR∆Y K|DS [discontinued till further planning]
Fanficlost. 1: not used, won or claimed 2: no longer possessed or known 3: ruined or destroyed physically or morally 4: DENIED; /also/; HARDENED 5: unable to find a way; /also/; HELPLESS 6: ABSORBED; RAPT 7: not appreciated or understood 8: made obscure;...